In registering as a graduate student at Lasell College, you agree to pay all charges on your account when due. You also acknowledge the billing policies and information stated here. Your financial responsibilities to Lasell College include meeting payment deadlines, fulfilling loan or grant requirements, and addressing outstanding balances.
Tuition and Fees
View the current Graduate Program Tuition and Fees.
Payment Information
Lasell College accepts payments by cash, money order, check, wire transfer, and credit card. Accepted credit cards are MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. To pay with a credit card, visit your self-service account and click "epay". Payment and/or financial aid must be finalized prior to enrollment.
Graduate students who are attending a minimum of 6 credits in a term may apply for the Federal Stafford Loan and/or private student loans.
To apply for the Federal Stafford Loan, students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and provide copies of their most recent tax returns to the Student Financial Planning Office. View more information about student loans.
If some or all of the expected financial aid and loans do not appear on the statement, the student may not have completed the necessary paperwork or the award may have changed. Payment in full is still expected in the event additional paperwork is due to or in process with Student Financial Planning.
In extreme cases, a decision may be made to place a student on financial suspension. In the case of financial suspension, the student will receive a letter from the Office of Student Accounts. The notification will inform the student that his/her financial obligations must be settled immediately or he/she will be suspended from the College as of the date specified in the letter. Financial suspension means that the student will no longer be able to attend classes. Financial suspension will continue until the student has met his/her financial obligations to the College. The Office of Student Accounts will notify the appropriate faculty members that the student has been suspended, and should not be admitted into their classes; simultaneously, the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office, the Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies and the Registrar's Office will be notified of this action.
The College reserves the right to withhold all of its services to students who have not met their financial obligations to the College. Such services include issuing of transcripts, grades, diplomas, etc. A late charge of 18% per annum (year) will be assessed to accounts not paid by the due date. Late payments will also jeopardize the student's enrollment status. Any check returned unpaid will result in a $25 fine. In the case of delinquent accounts, if an outside collection agency is utilized, the student's account will be assessed collection fees.
Student Account with a Credit Balance
Credit balances for enrolled students will remain on the account unless requested by the student. Refunds will be issued within three weeks of the request and will only be made payable to the student. Refunds occurring as a result of excess loans or financial aid will not be issued until all of the loan and/or aid funds have been received by Lasell College. Students who request refunds prior to the end of the academic year understand that, if additional charges are assessed and/or financial aid is adjusted following the issuance of a refund check, a balance may be due to the College.
Course Drop/Withdrawal
Graduate students who drop or withdraw from a 14-week course follow the Withdrawal Schedule that appears in the Undergraduate Fees and Expenses section of this catalog. This schedule applies to students who have completed the appropriate steps to cancel enrollment at Lasell College. Non-attendance does not relieve the student of financial obligation or imply entitlement to a refund. Please contact the Registrar's Office at 617.243.2133 for proper procedures. For purposes of recalculating charges and fees, no differentiation is made between voluntary withdrawal, administrative withdrawal, or academic suspension.
Lasell College accepts payments by cash, money order, check, wire transfer, and credit card. Accepted credit cards are MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. To pay with a credit card, visit your self-service account and click "epay". Payment and/or financial aid must be finalized prior to enrollment.