Exercise Science
Exercise Science specialists are knowledgeable in the areas of human performance assessment, fitness, and strength and conditioning. As members of the health care community, they are dedicated to health enhancement and are responsible for the development and coordination of exercise programs as well as the training and education of patients and clients. Using exercise as a preventative measure or a rehabilitative tool, exercise science specialists work in a variety of settings including professional athletics, public schools, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, fitness centers, universities and research institutions.
Lasell College's Exercise Science program is accredited by theCommission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Commission on Accreditation for Exercise Science (CoAES). In addition to being CoAES and CAHHEP accredited, the program is endorsedby the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). The Exercise Science program curriculum provides knowledge, skills and abilities, to prepare students for entry into the exercise science industry in a variety of specialty areas. Upon successful completion of the program, students are eligible to take the NSCA, Certified Strength and Conditioning Exam, National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Certified Personal Trainer Exam, and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), Health Fitness Specialist (HFS) Exam. Additional cost is associated with each certification exam. While enrolled in the program, students are afforded the opportunity to acquire certifications in CPR/AEDfor the Professional Rescuer, first aid and coaching.
Coursework focuses on the study of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, human metabolism, and behavioral sciences. Utilizing our connected learning philosophy, concepts, theories and skills learned in the classroom are reinforced in our various exercise science laboratories, service learning projects and internships.
Students are immediately introduced to discipline specific concepts and skills during the first year in the program. During the final year of the program students are actively engaged in the the capstone course, emphasizing research and two exercise science field experiences that offer students the opportunity to specialize in areas of interest.. The connected-learning experiences allow students to apply their knowledge of exercise science to work settings in universitys, fitness facilities, hospitals, clinics, and research centers. Lasell's affiliation with nationally known organizations in the Boston area provides students the opportunity to gain invaluable experience while working with leaders in the field.
Academic standards for the Exercise Science program include grades of "C" or better in all EXSC, BIO and AT courses.
In order to be admitted initially into the Exercise Science Major, students need to have completed the following coursework with grades of C or better: two years of high school math (preferably algebra and geometry) and one year of lab science (preferably biology). Students may substitute a year of college algebra and biology with grades of C or better in place of the high school coursework.
The Exercise Science curriculum fulfills most of the prerequisites for graduate study in the health professions, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, sports performance and kinesiology. Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science.
Students with associate degrees in allied health and related fields can enter the Exercise Science program and complete their degree in two years (assuming all graduation requirements have been fulfilled).
Transfer applicants may be accepted into the Exercise Science at Lasell College based upon their previous record of academic performance. Transfer students will only be considered on a space-available basis, as admission is competitive in nature, and need to be aware of the possibility of additional time beyond eight academic semesters of college work in order to complete all of the program requirements due to the sequencing of courses and their prerequisites.
Undeclared-Allied Health students wishing to transfer in to the Exercise Science Program will be considered on a space-available basis following their freshmen year. A change of major form should be filed with the Program Director at the end of the spring semester of their freshmen year. The applicants' grades for their freshmen year will then be reviewed. Specifically, a "C" or better is needed for all AT, EXSC and BIO courses. A GPA of 2.0 or better will be required for admission into the Exercise Science Program.
Program Fee
Each Exercise Science student is charged a program fee for each semester. The program fee is used to provide instructional supplies, discipline specific technology, guest speaker honorariums, educational opportunities outside of the classroom and miscellaneous materials/supplies needed to maximize student learning.
The following goals and associated learning outcomes delineate what we strive for students to achieve when they complete the major program of study in Exercise Science:
Goal 1: Communication
Upon completion of the major program of study in Exercise Science, students will be able to:
- Conduct literature reviews, research writing, and formal professional written work
- Engage in disciplinary research
- Understand and create discipline specific written work (i.e., exercise prescriptions)
- Engage in reflective writing for the purpose of self-assessment
- Interact professionally and educate clients, patients, peers, colleagues, and medical/athletic personnel
- Utilize and incorporate technology into discipline specific written and oral work
Goal 2: Ethical Decision Making
Upon completion of the major program of study in Exercise Science, students will be able to:
- Adhere to the ACSM, NSCA and NASM code of ethics
- Identify ethical issues
- Translate ethical issues into responsible actions in the exercise science field
Goal 3: Professional Competence/ Application of KSA learning domains
Upon completion of the major program of study in Exercise Science, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge (cognitive) in core exercise science content areas defined by the Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (CoAES)
- Demonstrate skills (psychomotor) in core exercise science content areas defined by the Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (CoAES)
- Demonstrate abilities (affective) in core exercise science content areas defined by the Committee on Accreditation for the Exercise Sciences (CoAES)
Goal 4: Professional Decision Making/Critical Thinking
Upon completion of the major program of study in Exercise Science, students will be able to:
- Incorporate evidence based practice into discipline specific programming
- Create discipline specific programs to address special patient population and individual needs
- Modify discipline specific programs to address special patient population and individual needs
Goal 5: Professional and Personal Development
Upon completion of the major program of study in Exercise Science, students will be able to:
- Understand the need to engage in continuous education regarding the KSAs
- Model professional conduct and behavior
General Education Core Requirements and remaining Unrestricted Electives: 24 credits
Minimum credits required for graduation: 120
* In order to qualify for Clinical Education, students must obtain and maintain certificates in First Aid/ CPR. Students will receive training in the prevention of transmission of blood-borne pathogens prior to clinical affiliations. Some clinical sites may require a CORI check of students.
** The following courses may require additional coursework depending upon Math placement:
Math 203: Pre-calculus
Math 208: Statistics
*** Courses listed below fulfill Area of Inquiry requirements:
Moral and Ethical/Multicultural
AT 104: Professional Interactions & Ethics
BIO 205 & BIO 205L: Anatomy & Physiology I
MATH 208: Statistics
Psychological and Societal
PSYC 101: Intro to Psychology
Program Course Retake Policy
Students in the program are limited to only one retake of two required AT, BIO or EXSC course during their enrollment in the program. Students will progress through the program on a case by case basis after meeting with the Department Chair to review their transcript if more than one retake of a required course is needed.
Retention Policy
The following requirements exist for progression through the Lasell College Exercise Science Program. The coursework, with associated prerequisites, need to be completed in sequence to successfully fulfill the guidelines for progression through the academic program. In order to advance into the second semester of your first year in the Exercise Science program, you must receive a grade of "C" or better in all AT, BIO and EXSC courses. Failure to do so will necessitate the repetition of this course and the inability to progress in the program.
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
Core Courses | ||
AT103 | Techniques of Emergency Care | 3 |
AT104 | Professional Interactions | 3 |
AT202 | Foundations in Sport Medicine | 4 |
AT301 | Pathophysiology | 3 |
BIO205 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BIO206 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
EXSC101 | Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 2 |
EXSC107 | Lifestyles & Human Behavior | 3 |
EXSC209 | Performance Nutrition | 3 |
EXSC211 | Personal Fitness | 3 |
EXSC222 | Kinesiology | 4 |
EXSC302 | Exercise Physiology | 4 |
EXSC304 | Exercise Testing & Prescription | 4 |
EXSC305 | Strength Training & Conditioning | 4 |
EXSC307 | Advanced Sports Performance | 3 |
EXSC340 | Research Concepts | 3 |
EXSC401 | Exercise Science Seminar II | 1 |
EXSC403 | Exercise for Special Populations | 3 |
EXSC405 | Organization & Healthcare Administration | 3 |
EXSC406 | Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology | 3 |
EXSC410 | Exercise Science Field Experience I | 3 |
EXSC420 | Exercise Science Field Experience II | 6 |
EXSC430 | Exercise Science Capstone | 3 |
MATH203 | Precalculus | 3 |
MATH208 | Statistics | 3 |
PHYS111 | General Physics I | 4 |
PSYC101 | Psychological Perspectives | 3 |
PSYC240 | Sport Psychology | 3 |
Choose 1 from the following: | ||
PSYC221 | Child Development | 3 |
PSYC223 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 |
General Education Core Requirements and remaining Unrestricted Electives: 24 credits
Minimum credits required for graduation: 120
* In order to qualify for Clinical Education, students must obtain and maintain certificates in First Aid/ CPR. Students will receive training in the prevention of transmission of blood-borne pathogens prior to clinical affiliations. Some clinical sites may require a CORI check of students.
** The following courses may require additional coursework depending upon Math placement:
Math 203: Pre-calculus
Math 208: Statistics
*** Courses listed below fulfill Area of Inquiry requirements:
Moral and Ethical/Multicultural
AT 104: Professional Interactions & Ethics
BIO 205 & BIO 205L: Anatomy & Physiology I
MATH 208: Statistics
Psychological and Societal
PSYC 101: Intro to Psychology
Program Course Retake Policy
Students in the program are limited to only one retake of two required AT, BIO or EXSC course during their enrollment in the program. Students will progress through the program on a case by case basis after meeting with the Department Chair to review their transcript if more than one retake of a required course is needed.
Retention Policy
The following requirements exist for progression through the Lasell College Exercise Science Program. The coursework, with associated prerequisites, need to be completed in sequence to successfully fulfill the guidelines for progression through the academic program. In order to advance into the second semester of your first year in the Exercise Science program, you must receive a grade of "C" or better in all AT, BIO and EXSC courses. Failure to do so will necessitate the repetition of this course and the inability to progress in the program.
ANTH103 - Human Origins
This course considers the morphological, behavioral and life history features that distinguish the primates from other mammals, and the hominoids from other primates. We begin with an overview of the primates and their behavioral ecology, and then explore in detail the adaptations of each of the major groups of extant primates. Finally, we apply our knowledge of morphology and behavioral patterns in living primates to the fossil record.
ENG208 - The Structure of the English Language
This course focuses on essential elements of the structure of the English language: its phonology (sound structure), morphology (word structure), and syntax (sentence structure). Students draw on their own knowledge of language as they examine spoken English; they then study the relationship between spoken and written language. As students discuss issues pertinent to teachers and to writers, the relevance of linguistic analysis both to written language development and to writing practice is considered. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG209 - Intro to Literature & Literary Studies
This is a foundations course required for the major and the minor in English. The course provides an introduction to a variety of forms and styles in poetry, drama, short story, fiction and memoir, or essay, including European, African, North, Central and South American, and Asian literature. The focus is on interpreting texts, including an introduction to preferred approaches of various schools of interpretation and standards for supporting one’s interpretation. Students become familiar with the conventional elements of each genre and the terminology of critical interpretation. The course introduces print and database tools for research on literature. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG210 - Survey of American Literature
This course surveys representative periods, authors, or genres in American literature from beginnings in Native American oral literatures through the present day. Individual sections organize study of classic and contemporary texts around particular themes, such as Queering American Literatures, American Migrations, Hemispheric American Literature, or Americans on the Edge: "Frontiers" in the American Imagination. Individual sections also trace twentieth or twenty-first century movements to their roots in or resistance to earlier periods or movements, such as captivity narratives and colonial "Brief and True Relations," American Romanticism and the American Renaissance, escaped slave narratives and the Civil War, Reconstruction and Reform, American Modernism, Harlem Renaissance, Beat Generation, Southern Gothic, or Postmodernism. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG218 - British Literature
This course surveys British writing in poetry, fiction, and drama, with a focus on key periods in the development of British literature. Emphasis is on representative writers in each period. Periods and movements surveyed include Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, Romanticism, Victorian, Modern, and Contemporary or Postmodern. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG304 - Stories of Origin
This course considers both written and oral traditional texts. Texts originating in expressions of faith, devotion, cultural origin or expression, and ethnic identity are examined, with attention to narration, characterization, sacred mystery, moral /ethical content, and interpretation. Readings include selections from Ancient Greek and Roman literature; the Bible and/or the Qur’an, and world myths and folktales. Prerequisite: Any 200 level English course.
ENG312 - Literature of Post-Colonial World
In this course, students consider issues, movements, or traditions in literatures that respond to a history of colonization and/or imperialism. Latin American, African, and Asian cultures or traditions are emphasized in English or in English translations; issues addressed might include matters of publication and criticism, myths about the "third world," nationalism, fundamentalism, human rights, technology, and cultural resistance. Examples include The Novel in India, Caribbean Dub Poetry, Prison Writing, Major South African Writers, Magic Realism. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: Any 200 level English course.
ENG313 - American Multi Ethnic Literature
This course focuses on the history, variety, and aesthetic conventions of one or more racial-ethnic traditions in American writing. Individual courses might focus on key forms or authors; distinct traditions such as African-American, Latino, Asian-American, or Native American literature; or a survey across several traditions. Examples include Barack Obama and the African-American Tradition, Contemporary Latino Literatures, or Haiti and the US in Haitian-American Writing. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: Any 200 level English course.
ENG340 - Classics of World Literature
This course explores representative fiction, poetry, or drama by major figures in world literature, centering on a theme such as love, tragedy, comedy, immortality, madness, wasteland, quest for knowledge, voyages, or exploration. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: Any 200 level English course.
ENV211 - Environmental Science
During this course, students are introduced to the concept of environmental sustainability. Issues such as climate change, biodiversity, food and agriculture, water resources, and energy are explored. Students are challenged to consider the impact of Lasell College on the environment and will complete a greenhouse gas inventory. Students also examine the role of science and technology in the pursuit of environmental sustainability.
ENV220 - World Geography
This course surveys the earth's social, cultural and economic patterns and their relationship to the physical geography of the earth. A regional approach is taken to provide a foundation for more intensive systematic studies of important environmental/political issues.
HIST203 - The History of Women in U.S.
This course explores the social history of women in the United States, beginning in the colonial period and ending with an examination of twentieth century issues. Emphasis is on the image of women held during these periods, in contrast to actual conditions. Contributions of women to social change and the growth of women’s movements are also analyzed. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HIST204 - Recent American History
This course focuses on the presidencies beginning with Kennedy to the present. Work is divided roughly into three areas: foreign affairs; domestic politics; economic, social, and cultural needs. Topics range from the Vietnam War to the Iraq War, the weakening of Congress and the expansion of the presidency, the women's movement, changes in popular culture, and domestic economic developments. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HIST207 - African American History
This course explores the history of African Americans in the United States from their African beginnings to the present. It traces the lives and status of African Americans, enslaved and emancipated, as they confronted the barriers of legal, institutional, and cultural prejudices; examines the socioeconomic and political experiences of blacks in America; and investigates strategies of accommodation, resistance, and protest in the struggle of African Americans to gain human and first-class citizenship rights. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HIST208 - Sub-Saharan Africa after 1800
This survey of sub-Saharan African history explores the ongoing story of African political, social, and economic developments from the post trans-Atlantic slave trade period to the present. The course includes treatment of the impact of European merchants, missionaries, and adventurers on Africa from the time immediately preceding imperialism and colonialism up through the emergence of nationalism and decolonization and liberation movements. The new nation-states, their post-colonial economies, and their developing systems of justice, education, and rule are investigated. Finally, topics such as soil erosion, disease, conservation, famine, and Africa’s relationships with the wider world are discussed. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HIST209 - China from 1600 to Present
This course is a survey of modern Chinese history from the founding of the Qing Dynasty in the seventeenth century to Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms of the 1990s. Special attention will be paid to modernization, Western and Japanese imperialism in China, and the rise of Communism under Mao Zedong. In addition to learning about important milestones in Chinese history, students will also be introduced to aspects of Chinese art, culture, and women's issues through primary sources translated into English. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HIST210 - Latin Amer Colonial Period to Present
This survey looks at Latin American history from pre-Columbian to contemporary times. Emphasis is on native cultures, the “discovery” of the New World, European presence, colonialism, imperialism, the creation of the peasantry, wars of independence, the formation of nation-states, the role of the military, slavery and racism, development and underdevelopment, the Catholic Church, liberation theology, poverty, and revolution. Major emphasis in South America is on Argentina, Columbia, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, and the Portuguese speaking nation of Brazil. The course also includes examination of foreign intervention and inner instability in Mexico, including struggles for democracy, economic rights, and social justice. In the Hispanic Caribbean and Central America, especially, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama, land and labor systems, gender relations, race and ethnicity, and varied forms of rule are discussed. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HIST211 - Middle East & Islamic World Since 1800
This course looks at the Middle East and its relations with the wider world, from the appearance of Napoleon to the present. Topics include attempts at reform and modernization in the Ottoman Empire; the impact of Western imperialism on the region as a whole; and twentieth-century developments in the area, including nationalism, pan-Arabism, pan-Islamism, the cult of the personality, coup, revolution, Zionism, and the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. The economic and social impact of oil, the influence of fundamentalism, and the Great Power rivalry down through the position of the United States toward the area are investigated. The efforts of Iran to gain acceptance in/by the contemporary world is examined, as is the shifting attitude of Egypt toward modernity. Finally, connections between the region and the rest of the Islamic world are explored. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.
HUM420 - Seminar in Humanities
This capstone course focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and problem-solving. The topic will change; however, the course emphasizes extensive research projects related to students' fields of interest. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: HUM419 and Senior standing. Humanities Department and IDS majors only.

Cristina Haverty
Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement
Office: Alexander STC
Email: chaverty@lasell.edu

Ron Laham
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science
Office: Alexander STC
Email: RLaham@lasell.edu