The Center for Community-Based Learning can help you earn credit for service hours spent in the community. The best way to get started is to visit our Center located in Klingbeil House, 142 Woodland Rd. (directly across the street from the Arnow Campus Center), at the beginning of a semester for a consultation on the following:
- Service-Learning Linked Credit
- Leadership in Civic Engagement Minor
- Courses that typically include service-learning projects
- SVL Courses:
- SVL104 - a one-credit seminar for writing tutors in the Academic Achievement Center
- SVL108 - a one-credit course for volunteers in tax assistance
- SVL190 - a one-credit independent study focused on service
- SVL201 - a two-credit service-learning internship (100 hours per semester)
- SVL202 - a two-credit spring seminar focused on social justice issues an community organization field trips
- SVL203 - Environmental Service in Ecuador, the pre-trip fall course associated with the January experience in Ecuador. Course participants must apply and be accepted to the trip in April.
- SVL205 - a four-credit course on the history and culture of Mexico linked with a service learning trip during winter break. Course participants must apply and be accepted to the trip in April.
- SVL206 - a one-credit course for upper level social science majors on student academic counseling.
- SVL209 - a one-credit seminar for math tutors that targets math minors
- SVL301 - a three-credit service-learning internship (150 hours per semester)