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Business Minor


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The Business Minor curriculum prepares students to be managers and business leaders in a complex and challenging global business environment. Courses provide students with a working knowledge of management practices that promote organizational effectiveness. Students learn skills such as leadership and team building, and they acquire understanding of individual and group behavior in organizations to enhance their effectiveness as business leaders in any industry. Students learn a broad range of transferable skills and gain strong competence in critical thinking and hands on business experience.

 Business Minor - Course Catalog

Sample Courses

This course is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of the business world. Areas covered include: private enterprise; forms of ownership; legal aspects; management practices in a diverse and global business environment; marketing; human resources; global operations management; labor relations; and finance. In addition, students become aware of how business functions are integrated into an organization to achieve specific goals both locally and internationally.

In this course, students study individuals and their interactions within group settings as they affect efficiencies in diverse business organizations. Group dynamics and intergroup dynamics are emphasized in relation to productivity and work satisfaction along with the examination of specific aspects of organizations that influence behavior on a global scale. Areas covered include structure, leadership, and change as they affect a multitude of cultures. 

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