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public relations minor


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The Public Relations program prepares media literate, digitally adept graduates for exciting PR careers in areas such as corporate communications, public affairs, and promotions in a wide range of public and private sectors. By blending theoretical perspectives with hands-on learning, the program immerses students in the study of PR principles and practices including strategic communication, media relations, campaign planning, and evaluation.

 Public Relations Minor - Course Catalog

Sample Courses

This course surveys the theories, history, economics, audience, and regulations of the major forms of mass media, including newspapers, magazines, motion pictures, radio, television, and new electronic communication. Students develop a basic understanding of the roles of mass media and their effects on society and the individual. The course focuses on the relationship between mass media and society, so students can identify current trends that are changing the nature and function of traditional mass communication. Students examine and debate many current controversial issues concerning the mass media and their effects on our society and culture. 

Managing media relations for public relations professionals is the focus of this course. The course is intended to increase students? knowledge of the principles and methods of generating publicity and to introduce the basics of planning and writing media relations campaigns. The rapidly changing nature of global companies and the convergence of new information technologies are influencing the ways that communication professionals achieve their goals.

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