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coaching minor


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The coaching minor prepares graduates to coach in a variety of settings, including schools, public agencies, and youth organizations. The coaching minor emphasizes coaching theory, psychology, medical and nutritional concerns, risk management, and skills development. Students enrolled in the coaching minor are provided with the option to acquire ASEP (American Sports Education Program) Coaching Certification, a certification that fulfills the coaching education requirement of most* high schools nation-wide.

  • The coaching minor consists of 6 courses.
  • *Some states require additional licensing

 Coaching Minor - Course Catalog

Sample Courses

This course provides students with an introduction to the profession of coaching. Students develop a base of knowledge through the study of principles and concepts from the areas of coaching philosophy, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology, and sports management. Upon successful completion of the course, students have a thorough understanding and appreciation of possible solutions for those problems that are most frequently encountered in coaching, as well as the ability to apply principles of coaching to individual athletes and/or a team.

The course is designed to help aspiring coaches teach the skills athletes need in order to perform effectively in team and individualized sports. Students will learn how to address the various issues faced by athletic coaches by thoroughly examining such concepts as individual differences exhibited by athletes; technical, tactical, and mental skills athletes need to learn; content and structure of skill practice; the art of providing feedback; and the preparation of athletes for competition. This exploration prepares coaches to work with athletes competently and confidently in most coaching settings.

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