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Gender,Sexuality, & Women's studies minor


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The Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies (GSWS) minor provides students with the opportunity to learn and explore the queer, or LGBTQ*, community. From historical accounts and perspectives of queerness to how different countries around the world currently view and treat LGBTQ* people to significant events and people in queer history, this minor will cover such topics and more, from the basics of the community as well as the various barriers and issues they have faced both historically and currently, domestically and abroad.

  • Students will be able to utilize this minor alongside any major, as every field and occupation touches and works with and/or for queer people. To fulfill the requirements, students are able to take courses across various departments such as psychology, history, and criminal justice.
  • The Gender, Sexuality,& Women's Studies minor consists of 6 courses.

 Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies Minor - Course Catalog

Sample Courses

This course is designed to introduce factual information about gender identity and gender role theories, sexual preference and sexual orientation, and psychosexual development. The course examines issues related to research on human sexuality and behavior, as well as sexual education, sexual disorders, and societal impacts on sexuality. Students are challenged to think critically about many issues surrounding human sexuality and all of its manifestations. 

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of the law relating to domestic violence. In addition, the course examines the existence of violence among family members and in relationships in today's society. Topics include child abuse, partner abuse, and elder abuse. 

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