Fall 2020 Issue
Fall 2020 Issue
A note from President Michael B. Alexander
Updates from campus and the greater community
Kemley Joseph '23, Lasell Works and Commuter Student
The impact of COVID-19 on the Class of 2020
Congratulations to our 2020 graduates: view degree recipients list
Op-ed from Nicole A. Simmonds-Jordan G'20
The goal: Reach all 17K Lasell alumni
Read the latest updates from faculty and staff
Alumni across the decades share personal and professional updates. Submit yours today!
Bibliophile Extraordinaire: Mary Anne Conboy '69 G'15
To Give and To Get: Linda Peters P'21
Follow Her Lead: Betty Hood '61 and Heritage Society Members
In Memoriam: Lasell remembers community members including Kuol Acuek '09
Donor Honor Roll: Thank you to our consistent supporters!
Intergenerational Excellence: Lasell Village celebrates 20 years of innovative learning
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