Most schools don't provide any personal finance education till high school and even then it is limited. It is important that teens learn the basics about money at an early age so they understand how to save and not waste money, invest that money and build wealth. Students need to know how to handle managing financial resources to achieve financial well-being when they go out in the world on their own.
What you will learn:
- Basic workings of debit & credit cards, mortgages, banking, investment & insurance products, credit reports & scores, Bitcoin, NFTs and more.
- The finances behind going to college such as financial aid and loans
- How to save and budget to get the cool things you want, set up a checking account and balance it, how to pay bills, establish credit, own stocks, create a rainy day fund, set up a retirement plan, rent an apartment and more
When and Where:
PS104x: Moolah Makers: Financial Literacy
Instructor: Angelina Camacho
College credits: 1.5
There are three format options: online, hybrid on-campus and online or overnight hybrid.
College Credit
- 1.5 credits
Dates offered:
April Break
April 15-19, 2024
Summer 2024 Session Dates:
- Session 1
July 8-12, 2024 - Session 2
August 5-9, 2024
Classes are available 100% online and on-campus
- Students can bring lunch or buy lunch at the cafeteria for approx. $13 per meal
Online Format
Courses will take place online through Zoom.
ONLINE COST: $125 per class
On-campus/Hybrid Option (No Overnight)
Courses will take place on campus for 3 days and online through Zoom for two days.
ON-CAMPUS/HYBRID COST: $125 per class
Overnight hybrid option
- Mon., Tues. & Wed., on-campus from 9AM - 8 PM and online on Thurs. & Fri.
- Included 3 courses, Moolah Makers, Social Justice Writing, & Imazzination. If a student has taken these classes before, they can opt for Connecting History to the present, Lazarro Method of Awareness and Advanced Financial Literacy)
- 3 Meals per day included
- Linens not included. (Students need to bring toiletries, pillow, towels, sleeping and or sheets/blanket)
Ask about our scholarship opportunities. Email profstudies@lasell.edu and let us know you are interested in applying for the YIP Summer Scholarship and the courses you would like to take. You will receive information to apply and deadlines to submit the materials.
What You Will Experience
- Interactive synchronous online lessons that provide students with actionable finance strategies
- Learn in an engaging digital environment using games and tools to get a better financial understanding
- Participate in activities like creating a budget, balancing a checkbook, acting in saving and spending scenarios, simulating investments in stocks and other things like crypto and NFTs.
Students need an internet-enabled device and connection to the Internet to access Zoom and the learning platform.
How to Register
In just 4 steps you can register for the Lasell Youth Innovation Program.
1. Pick the classes you want to take (use scroll on right side)
2. Fill out the Lasell YIP Application
3. If attending classes on-campus or staying overnight, please fill out the Parent Consent Form and Student Health & Emergency Form.
4. Pay for your classes below