Graduate Assistantships

Lasell offers Graduate Assistantship (GA) positions to its students as an opportunity to work in their field of study while earning their Master's degree and receiving a stipend and a scholarship. 

There are a limited number of GA positions available. Applicants need to be full-time students (carrying a minimum of nine credits per semester) who have been accepted and fully matriculated into a graduate degree program.

GA appointments are competitive and are determined, among other factors, based on the following:

  • Completed application and acceptance into a Master's degree program
  • Completed application for Graduate Assistantship position
  • Minumum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Relevant background and experience

Graduate Assistantship Opportunities

All Graduate Assistantships are currently filled. Please check back later in Spring 2025 for new positions that start September 2025.

GA's are appointed from September through May. All graduate appointments automatically terminate at the end of the specified appointment period. A GA appointment will be renewed automatically annually as long as the position continues to be funded, both academic and job performance have been satisfactory, and the GA has exercised appropriate conduct throughout the course of the year. The Director of Graduate Enrollment will make GAs' appointments after consulting with relevant University departments. Candidates must be accepted into a graduate degree program before interviewing and being hired as a GA.

Graduate Assistantships can encompass the following:

  • Conducting research under the direction of a Lasell University faculty or staff member
  • Assisting departments with programs and projects

Filling an employment need for the University's GA's at Lasell are involved neither informal teaching, nor grading or assessing student work. However, GA's may assist faculty members in other ways. GA's at Lasell are considered professional appointments and the work should advance a graduate student's knowledge and/or understanding of their field of study. GA's should not be primarily involved in office support or clerical work. 

Required Qualifications

  • Must have a Bachelor's degree in an appropriate field with a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must be admitted with a clear admit status into a graduate degree program before being hired as a GA
  • Must have the ability to establish effective work relationships and good communication skills
  • Must meet other specific qualifications relating to the particular assistantship
  • Must meet requirements to be eligible for employment in the U.S.
  • Must not be employed either part or full-time at Lasell during the tenure of the appointment


GA's will receive half tuition remission for up to 36 credits towards their Graduate degree and may receive a stipend as determined by the department in which they work. Appointments cover fall and spring semesters only; some appointments may be for one semester, either fall or spring. GA's work a minimum of 15 hours per week and a maximum of 20 hours/week in assigned departments during fall and spring semesters. GA positions are not benefit-eligible.

Apply for a Graduate Assistantship