Invest in yourself

Our Professional Studies programs are designed to help you achieve your goals. Whether you want to advance your career or just try something new, take individual classes or noncredit professional development programs that will provide you with real-world experience, knowledge, and skills. 

New classes are offered throughout the year. 

Self-Paced Online Courses

Lasell University has partnered with MindEdge to offer a large variety of self-paced online courses and certificate programs.  These courses do not have an instructor but deliver high-level learning engagement through video, games, narratives, and interactive assessments. From career-building to cybersecurity to Six Sigma & Lean, you can find the courses you need to bring your career to the next level. 

Pick a course from the large selection available.

Get Started. Choose a Self-Paced Course >>

Instructor-Led Courses

Lasell's Instructor-Led online courses will have an instructor guide you through the course work and provide feedback and answers to questions you have along the way. The course work in this format is required to be completed within a specified timeline. 


Creative Thinking

Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement





Project Management


What our students have to say

headshot of Monica Barudin

Monica Barudin '18,
MS in Integrated Marketing Communications

Content Strategist, Aetna

“The advanced strategies and techniques that I learned while earning a master’s degree truly make me an expert in my field. I use insights I learned at Lasell every day."