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2013 - 2014 Academic Catalog

Hospitality Management

The hospitality industry is a growing and dynamic field offering a plethora of opportunities for graduates. The Hospitality programs are designed to prepare students for management positions and leadership roles within this complex and challenging global environment. Through a multidisciplinary approach, students majoring in Event Management, Hospitality Management or Resort and Casino Management, will gain the expertise, commitment, and skills for management positions in the expanding industry that provides food, accommodations, tourism and resort/casino experiences to people around the world. Students learn about the operations and management of diverse assembly facilities such as stadiums, arenas, performing arts centers, athletic venues, convention centers, hotels, resorts and casinos. The program has a global perspective and encompasses both public and private sectors. Emphasis is placed on customer service, a major component in the Hospitality industry.

Students are directed to gain valuable connected learning experience at various sites available on campus: the Yamawaki Art & Cultural Center, Lasell Village, and Sodexo, Lasell's food service provider. In addition, off-campus Internships provide valuable on-the-job experience. The Advisory Board and the Hospitality Club connect students with industry professionals, providing them with networking opportunities, field trip experiences, and participation in community service. Double majoring is not allowable among these three majors. Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree in one of the following: Event Management, Hospitality Management or Resort and Casino Management.

The following goals and associated learning outcomes delineate what we strive for students to achieve when they complete the major programs of study in the Hospitality Department.

Goal 1: Application of Principles of Hospitality Management
Upon completion of the Hospitality programs of study, students will be able to

  1. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of organizational behavior
  2. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of human resource management
  3. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of information technology
  4. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of the global economy
  5. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of strategy within the hospitality industry

Goal 2: Application of Business Information
Upon completion of the Hospitality programs of study, students will be able to

  1. apply quantitative research methods to various propositions relating to Hospitality Management organizations
  2. apply qualitative research methods to various propositions relating to Hospitality Management organizations
  3. integrate business information into effective decision making

Goal 3: Ethical Decision-making
Upon completion of the Hospitality programs of study, students will be able to

  1. identify ethical issues implicit in the hospitality industry
  2. evaluate and decide among alternative solutions to ethical problems

Goal 4: Professional skills
Upon completion of the Hospitality programs of study, students will be able to

  1. communicate effectively in writing for the discipline
  2. communicate effectively orally for the discipline
  3. work effectively in teams

General Education Core Requirements and remaining Unrestricted Electives: 44 credits

Minimum credits required for graduation: 120

Courses listed below fulfill Area of Inquiry requirements:

Moral and Ethical
HEM 303: Law and Ethics in Hospitality
HEM 312: Global Issues in Hospitality

Course Code Course Title Credits
Core Courses
BUSS201 Financial Accounting 4
BUSS220 Marketing 3
BUSS224 Organizational Behavior 3
BUSS336 Human Resource Management 3
ECON101 Principles of Econ-Micro 3
HEM101 Hospitality Management 3
HEM103 Economic Development & Mgmt in Tourism 3
HEM206 Lodging Management 3
HEM210 Food & Beverage 3
HEM299 Field Experience I 3
HEM303 Law & Ethics in Hospitality 3
HEM312 Global Issues in Hospitality 3
HEM321 Revenue Management & Technology 3
HEM399 Field Experience II 3
HEM401 Managing Quality in Hospitality 3
HEM406 Strategic Operations in Hospitality 3
HEM498 Hospitality/Event Management Seminar 3
HEM499 Internship 6
MATH208 Statistics 3
Choose 1 from the following:
PSYC101 Psychological Perspectives 3
SOC101 Sociological Imagination 3
Choose 4 from the following:
BUSS202 Managerial Accounting 4
BUSS231 Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation 3
BUSS236 Career Development & Planning 3
BUSS315 Emerging Global Markets 3
BUSS324 E-Business 3
BUSS332 Cross Cultural Management 3
BUSS422 Global Marketing 3
HEM102 Fundamentals of Special Events 3
HEM201 Strategies for Meeting Planning 3
HEM202 Convention Sales & Group Planning 3
HEM205 Club Management 3
HEM207 Resort & Casino Management 3
HEM214 Ecotourism 3
HEM301 Advanced Special Events Management 3
HEM310 Event Sponsorship 3
HEM330 International Event Planning 3
HEM402 Advanced Resort & Casino Management 3
SMGT301 Sport Facility & Event Management 3
SPAN101 Elementary Spanish I 3
SPAN102 Elementary Spanish II 3

General Education Core Requirements and remaining Unrestricted Electives: 44 credits

Minimum credits required for graduation: 120

Courses listed below fulfill Area of Inquiry requirements:

Moral and Ethical
HEM 303: Law and Ethics in Hospitality
HEM 312: Global Issues in Hospitality

ANTH103 - Human Origins

This course considers the morphological, behavioral and life history features that distinguish the primates from other mammals, and the hominoids from other primates. We begin with an overview of the primates and their behavioral ecology, and then explore in detail the adaptations of each of the major groups of extant primates. Finally, we apply our knowledge of morphology and behavioral patterns in living primates to the fossil record.

BIO101 - Principles of Biology

This is an introductory lecture and laboratory course in biology to develop an appreciation for the patterns and functions that characterize living organisms. Emphasis is placed on cellular biology. Topics include: the chemistry of life, cell structure, and cell metabolism (respiration, photosynthesis, protein synthesis.) Corequisite: BIO 101L.

BIO102 - Diversity of Living Organisms

This course emphasizes the evolutionary history of life on earth. Topics include: Darwinian evolution, genetics, a survey of the five kingdoms of life, principles of ecology, and human ecology. The laboratory introduces the student to the diversity of living organisms. Corequisite: BIO 102L.

BIO110 - Nutrition

This course focuses on the function of nutrients and their requirements throughout the life cycle. The course reviews current nutrition issues as they relate to personal health. Topics include disease prevention, weight and fitness management, fad diets and nutritional trends.

BIO112 - Human Biology

This is a one semester lab course focusing on the functions of the human body in health and disease. The structure and function of the major body systems are emphasized. Systems discussed include: skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive, nervous and endocrine. Corequisite: BIO 112L.

BIO205 - Anatomy & Physiology I

This is a comprehensive course focusing on the structure and function of the human body. The course introduces students to aspects of human biology ranging from the chemical basis of life and cell biology to the anatomy and physiology of the major organ systems. Topics covered include: cell biology, major body tissues, and the structure and function of the following systems: skin, skeletal, muscular, and nervous. The laboratory component includes dissection. Students should have successfully completed one year of at least secondary (high school) level Biology before electing this course. Corequisite: BIO 205L.

CHEM203 - General Chemistry I

The course begins with a study of measurement and matter. An introduction to atomic theory follows. Mass relationships in chemical reactions are introduced, followed by the study of chemical reactions in aqueous solutions. The gas laws are then covered, followed by an introduction to thermodynamics. Concepts of chemical bonding are studied along with periodic relationships among the elements. Quantum theory is used to explain the electronic structure of atoms. Laboratory experiments complement the material covered in lecture. The laboratory experiments are designed to introduce methods, materials, and equipment of chemistry as well as to illustrate important chemical principles. Prerequisite: MATH 104. Corequisite: CHEM 203L.

CJ205 - Forensics

This course provides an introduction to the modern methods used in the detection, investigation, and solution of crimes. Practical analysis of evidence such as: fingerprints and other impressions, ballistics, glass, hair, handwriting and document examination, and drug analysis are studied. Prerequisite: CJ 101 or LS 101.

HIST103 - World Civilization I

Beginning with prehistory, this course explores early civilizations and then follows developments in a global context, showing interconnections between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Emphasis is placed on cultural, social, economic, religious, and political developments.

HIST104 - World Civilization II

This course emphasizes themes of interrelatedness and mutuality of influence between East and West. Internal as well as external developments are explored. Questions of exclusiveness, intolerance, and cooperation are examined.

HIST123 - American Civilization I

This course examines the chief political, social, and cultural features of American society as they have developed through the period of Reconstruction. Emphasis is on Colonial America, the War of Independence, the Constitution, and the emergence of the Republic through the Civil War.

HIST124 - American Civilization II

This course is a continuation of HIST 123 from the period of Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis is on reconstruction, industrializa­tion, immigration, constitutional issues, and the emergence of American foreign policy. There is some examination of American political life in the nuclear age.

HIST203 - The History of Women in U.S.

This course explores the social history of women in the United States, beginning in the colonial period and ending with an examination of twen­tieth century issues. Emphasis is on the image of women held during these periods, in contrast to actual conditions. Contributions of women to social change and the growth of women’s move­ments are also analyzed. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST204 - Recent American History

This course focuses on the presidencies beginning with Kennedy to the present. Work is divided roughly into three areas: foreign affairs; domestic politics; economic, social, and cultural needs. Topics range from the Vietnam War to the Iraq War, the weakening of Congress and the expansion of the presidency, the women's movement, changes in popular culture, and domestic economic developments. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST207 - African American History

This course explores the history of African Americans in the United States from their African beginnings to the present. It traces the lives and status of African Americans, enslaved and emancipated, as they confronted the barriers of legal, institutional, and cultural prejudices; examines the socioeconomic and political experiences of blacks in America; and investigates strategies of accommodation, resistance, and protest in the struggle of African Americans to gain human and first-class citizenship rights. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST208 - Sub-Saharan Africa after 1800

This survey of sub-Saharan African history explores the ongoing story of African political, social, and economic developments from the post trans-Atlantic slave trade period to the present. The course includes treatment of the impact of European merchants, missionaries, and adventurers on Africa from the time immediately preceding imperialism and colonialism up through the emergence of nationalism and decolonization and liberation movements. The new nation-states, their post-colonial economies, and their developing systems of justice, education, and rule are investigated. Finally, topics such as soil erosion, disease, conservation, famine, and Africa’s relationships with the wider world are discussed. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST209 - China from 1600 to Present

This course is a survey of modern Chinese history from the founding of the Qing Dynasty in the seventeenth century to Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms of the 1990s. Special attention will be paid to modernization, Western and Japanese imperialism in China, and the rise of Communism under Mao Zedong. In addition to learning about important milestones in Chinese history, students will also be introduced to aspects of Chinese art, culture, and women's issues through primary sources translated into English. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST210 - Latin Amer Colonial Period to Present

This survey looks at Latin American history from pre-Columbian to contemporary times. Emphasis is on native cultures, the “discovery” of the New World, European presence, colonialism, imperialism, the creation of the peasantry, wars of independence, the formation of nation-states, the role of the military, slavery and racism, development and underdevelopment, the Catholic Church, liberation theology, poverty, and revolution. Major emphasis in South America is on Argentina, Columbia, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, and the Portuguese speaking nation of Brazil. The course also includes examination of foreign intervention and inner instability in Mexico, including struggles for democracy, economic rights, and social justice. In the Hispanic Caribbean and Central America, especially, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama, land and labor systems, gender relations, race and ethnicity, and varied forms of rule are discussed. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST211 - Middle East & Islamic World Since 1800

This course looks at the Middle East and its relations with the wider world, from the appearance of Napoleon to the present. Topics include attempts at reform and modernization in the Ottoman Empire; the impact of Western imperialism on the region as a whole; and twentieth-century developments in the area, including nationalism, pan-Arabism, pan-Islamism, the cult of the personality, coup, revolution, Zionism, and the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. The economic and social impact of oil, the influence of fundamentalism, and the Great Power rivalry down through the position of the United States toward the area are investigated. The efforts of Iran to gain acceptance in/by the contemporary world is examined, as is the shifting attitude of Egypt toward modernity. Finally, connections between the region and the rest of the Islamic world are explored. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST212 - Mod Japan: Culture & History

This course is a survey of Japan's modernization from the fall of the "warring states" period to the economic bubble of the 1980s. Special attention will be paid to the contributions of the "early modern" Tokugawa Shogunate, the Meiji period of cultural borrowing from the West, and the cultural nationalism of the Japanese empire until 1945. In addition to learning about important milestones in Japanese history, students will be introduced to aspects of Japanese art and culture through a variety of primary and secondary sources and film clips. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100 level history course or ENG 102.

HIST330 - Europe & The World/ Age of Expansion

This course examines political, economic, social, scientific, and religious developments that contributed to European desire for land and power, and also to fantasies and phobias directed by European conquerors toward those whom they subdued and subjected to Western rule. The reaction toward the white Westerners on the part of those exploited is also explored. The period covered is from the mid-fifteenth century through the eighteenth century. Prerequisite: a 200 level history course or permission of instructor.

HIST352 - Nature & Meaning of History

The first half of this course examines selective theories of history from Herodotus through Braudel. The second part investigates the historiography of a single topic according to student interest. Readings are selected to introduce the student to interpretive issues surrounding the selected topic. The perspectives of several practicing historians are considered. Students write a research paper. This course is intended for history majors and as a capstone course for history minors; it is open to others who have successfully completed at least three history courses and have the permission of the instructor. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 200 level history course and permission of instructor.

HIST401 - Tutorial in History

This capstone course focuses on research methodology and practice in history. The student must gain the written agreement of the faculty member who oversees the project. Each student defines a topic by the end of the first week of the semester. Subsequent weekly meetings address progress and problems enountered in research of the topic. The finished product is a substantial paper (ca. 30 pages) with full scholarly apparatus Prerequisite: Senior standing, History 352, History major.

HUM103 - Invitation to the Humanities

This course invites students to consider what it means to be human from manifold scholarly perspectives. As such, students are introduced to the many disciplines included in the Humanities. Arguably, there are eight: art, communication, history, language, literature, music, philosophy, and religion. Taking a thoroughly interdisciplinary approach, this course investigates how humanists employ these varied disciplines in studying and expressing humanness.

HUM399 - Humanities Internship Seminar

This seminar helps students to develop objectives and identify potential sites for the senior internship. Topics include the application of humanities course work to a professional career and the development of skills necessary to locate an internship. The final goal of this course is to locate an appropriate internship. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, Humanities Department majors only.

HUM400 - Humanities Field Experience

This course provides individually arranged participation in a work setting related to students' majors. Students spend 150 hours at the internship site over the course of the semester. Primary area of responsibility rests with students in identifying and pursuing an area of interest in consultation with the instructor. Students participate in a one-hour seminar each week that focuses on reflective activities that enhance the internship experience. Students complete written exercises about and evaluations of the experience. Evaluation of the field experience is based on student performance as reviewed by the employer and instructor at the internship site as well as participation in the seminar and written assignments. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, approval of instructor, HUM 399. Humanities Department majors only.

PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy

This course is an introduction to the basic problems of philosophy, such as the sources of knowledge, the relationship between mind and body, freedom as opposed to determinism, and the nature of values.

PHIL110 - Ethics

This course is an introduction to analysis of conduct, moral reasoning, and foundation of ethical values in a search for the ultimate meanings of human experience. The following specific problems are examined: life and death issues; human experimentation; sexuality; truth-telling in medicine; honesty in business; cheating and lying; stealing and reparation; egoism, obligation; and capital punishment.

PHYS111 - General Physics I

This is the first semester of a one-year course that surveys the field of physics at a non-calcu­lus level. Topics include motion in one and two dimensions, force, uniform circular motion, work and energy, and statics of rigid bodies. The laws of thermodynamics are introduced. Laboratory experiments are conducted to com­plement the material covered in lecture. Prerequisite: MATH 203 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. Corequisite: PHYS 111L.

SCI103 - Science for Educators I

This course provides education students with an introduction to the scientific principles governing the contemporary technological world. Topics include scientific methodologies, gravity, energy, electricity, magnetism, light, and introductory chemistry. Laboratory experiments are conducted to complement the material covered in lecture.

SCI104 - Science for Educators II

This course provides education students with an introduction to earth science, astronomy, and environmental science. Topics include the weather, solar system, stars, the universe, and global pollution. Laboratory experiments are conducted to complement the material covered in lectures.

SCI105 - Principles of Astronomy

This course is an introduction to descriptive astronomy. The course covers general physical principles that lead to an understanding of how the universe was formed, the laws of planetary motion, how stars shine, and the creation of black holes. Other special topics in astronomy are covered. Special evening sessions for observing the stars and planets may be offered.

SOC101 - Sociological Imagination

This course is designed to help students develop their ability to think critically about the world around them using the framework of sociology. Students explore the relationship between individual and society – how personal experience is shaped by social forces, but also how society is created and changed through individual interaction. The focus is on the interrelationships of groups, social organization, and social institutions such as education, religion, family, and the economic and political order.

Jeffrey Corcoran

Associate Professor, Marketing and Management

Office: DeArment House

Janet Huetteman

Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing

Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Bruce McKinnon

Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship

Office: 26 Maple

Siddharth Mobar

Associate Professor-Hospitality & Event Management

Office: DeArment

Donna Scipione

Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance

Office: DeArment

Dina Tanvuia

Chair of Hospitality; Associate Professor of Marketing and Management

Office: DeArment

Anh Le Tran

Professor of Economics and Management

Office: DeArment

Nancy Waldron

Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management

Office: DeArment

Robert Zuar

Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance

Office: DeArment

BUSS201 - Financial Accounting

This course provides students with an applied knowledge of the fundamental accounting process and procedures used in business. Students learn how to identify and record business transactions. In addition, students learn how to create financial statements, as well as how to become intelligent users of financial information.

BUSS220 - Marketing

In this course, fundamentals of the nature of marketing are presented and evaluated for specific functions and institutions. Policies and practices as applied generally to marketing research involve product development, selection, channels of distribution buying and physical distribution selling. Pricing under competitive conditions, social benefits of competition and government regulations are included. Prerequisites: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT 102; ECON 101.

BUSS224 - Organizational Behavior

In this course, students study individuals within the context of the organization using a behavioral approach. Group dynamics and intergroup dynamics are emphasized in relation to productivity and work satisfaction along with the examination of specific aspects of organizations that influence behavior. Areas covered include: structure, leadership, and change. Teaching modalities include case studies and role-playing. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.

BUSS336 - Human Resource Management

This course examines the staffing function of management including planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, compensation, labor laws, and organizational development. The course also addresses current issues affecting the human resource manager, including the changing work force and need to increase productivity, as well as changes in the area of unions and affirmative action. Both class discussions and case studies are used to prepare students for the personnel and related tasks involved in a management position. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.

ECON101 - Principles of Econ-Micro

This course is an introduction to the principles of the economic behavior of individuals, firms, and industries in the mixed economic system. Topics include consumer demand; elasticity; supply and costs of production; the allocation of economic resources; international trade; and the role of government in promoting economic welfare. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in MATH 103 or placement in any math course above MATH 103.

HEM101 - Hospitality Management

This course examines the Hospitality and Tourism industry with emphasis on its business functions and how they integrate into the organizational goals of this industry. The infrastructure and interrelationships of lodging, travel, tourism, and food service organizations are examined. Career opportunities, current operational issues, and emerging trends in hospitality and tourism are explored.

HEM103 - Economic Development & Mgmt in Tourism

This course offers a survey of trends and developments in the hospitality and tourism industry,including a total approach to lodging operations, global travel, tourism business and foodserviceestablishments. It offers an introduction to the broad fields of travel and tourism. Among thetopics covered are cultural tourism, eco-tourism, sociology of tourism, tourism components andsupply, tourism development, the economic role of tourism demand and the marketing of tourism.

HEM206 - Lodging Management

This course concentrates on providing an in depth view of the various aspects and departments that fall under what is commonly known as Lodging Management or Lodging Operations. Some of the specific departments this course explores are - Front Office, Housekeeping, Human Resources, Security, Engineering, Maintenance, Food and Beverage, Recreation, and Accounting and Finance. Aside from the various operational procedures utilized, the course also addresses Legal issues within the industry including Employment and Hospitality Law, Service Philosophies, Best Practices, and Technology. Prerequisite: HEM 101.

HEM210 - Food & Beverage

This course examines the details of food and beverage management, with an emphasis on running a profitable operation. It examines the impact of menu planning, purchasing, receiving, inventory control, production, and service to the guest. This course also focuses on the manager’s ability to control operational costs. Students apply commonly-used formulas and strategies for calculating appropriate selling prices and evaluating actual cost percentages. Special attention is paid to the use of management systems and tools to help minimize food, beverage and labor costs, to ensure collection of revenue, and ultimately to maximize profits Topics include purchasing, receiving, storage, production, and cost control. Case studies are incorporated into class discussions. Prerequisites: HEM 101, HEM 102.

HEM299 - Field Experience I

This course provides a supervised work experience in the hospitality or event management industry as a complement to academic coursework. Students earn 150 hours in the field, gain practical skills in a business environment, and begin to view the workplace from a management perspective. During the course of the field experience, students keep a personal reflective journal of critical incidents. In addition, they complete a detailed profile of the management systems and policies at their workplace for submission at the end of the field experience. Students participate in monthly discussion groups during the course of the semester to evaluate and compare their experiences. Prerequisites: HEM 101, HEM 102 and Permission of the Department Chair

HEM303 - Law & Ethics in Hospitality

This course provides a study of the nature and function of both legal and ethical issues as applied to the hospitality industry. Topics include operator relationships, contract law, torts, civil rights, wage and labor laws, gaming laws, property law, and insurable risks. This course also examines ethical issues in the hospitality industry.

HEM312 - Global Issues in Hospitality

In this course, students examine the position of hospitality in the global market place. The course explores “factors influencing the global environment and the contemporary struggle for economic/political power between world regions and the impact on the hospitality industry. The role and significance of hospitality multinationals in light of the current trend of sustainability is analyzed. In addition, the global drivers and industry strategies affecting multinationals are explored. Finally, students analyze the role of culture and its impact on different management styles in an international industry.

HEM321 - Revenue Management & Technology

This course provides an advanced overview of the revenue management function in the hospitality industry. Revenue management is a method for managing capacity profitably. This course offers an integrated approach to maximizing revenue that includes capacity analysis, demand forecasting, variable pricing, and distribution technology. The objective of this course is to help students learn how to apply the principles of revenue management to maximize profitability in the hospitality industry. Topics to be covered include forecasting, overbooking, reservations systems, information technology, process design, pricing, and management and marketing issues.

HEM399 - Field Experience II

This course provides an additional supervised work experience in the hospitality or event management industry as a complement to academic coursework. Students earn 150 hours in the field, gain practical skills in a business environment, and begin to view the workplace from a management perspective. During the course of the field experience, students keep a personal reflective journal of critical incidents. In addition, students complete a detailed profile of the management systems and policies at their workplace for submission at the end of the field experience. Students participate in monthly discussion groups during the course of the semester to evaluate and compare their experiences. Students must have permission of the department chair. Prerequisites: Junior standing, HEM 299.

HEM401 - Managing Quality in Hospitality

This course explores the application of quality management theories and techniques in hotel, travel and tourism operations with a focus on organizational effectiveness. Case studies and real-life examples facilitate students’ synthesis of previous knowledge with the principles of service quality, and excellence. Prerequisites: BUSS 224 & MATH 208.

HEM406 - Strategic Operations in Hospitality

This course examines how operations excellence can be used as source of competitive advantage in the Hospitality Industry. Contemporary case studies focus on formulating an operational strategy (long-term plan) and strategic decision-making. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: HEM 401Formerly HEM 203

HEM498 - Hospitality/Event Management Seminar

This course is a capstone course in Hospitality and Event Management that focuses on current trends and issues in the service industry. Operational and theoretical topics are explored through a variety of readings, case studies and class discussions. Students complete an applied thesis or practicum project in an area related to their special hospitality and tourism interests. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

HEM499 - Internship

Hospitality and Event Management students are involved in practical on-the-job experience (250 contact hours) in a professional environment. Each student develops a learning contract with the site supervisor and faculty member that includes an internship-related project. Evaluation of the internship experience is based on performance of the student as reviewed with the employer and faculty member. Prerequisites: Senior standing and approval of faculty advisor.

MATH208 - Statistics

This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics with an emphasis on applications in business and the social and biological sciences. Topics include: data analysis, and graphical methods of describing data, measures of central tendency and variability, probability, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 104, MATH 109, or MATH 204 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing and ENG 102.

PSYC101 - Psychological Perspectives

In this course, students learn to think like psychologists as they study classic and contemporary topics in human behavior, feeling, and thought. Students learn to apply psychological perspectives of thought, including biological, cognitive, sociocultural, humanistic, psychodynamic, and behaviorist, to better understand the human experience. Students will learn to use these perspectives to explore how individual behavior is influenced by and influences one’s biology, family, community and society. Topics may include human development, personality, psychopathology, human relationships, language, memory, perceptual processes, and intelligence, among others.

SOC101 - Sociological Imagination

This course is designed to help students develop their ability to think critically about the world around them using the framework of sociology. Students explore the relationship between individual and society – how personal experience is shaped by social forces, but also how society is created and changed through individual interaction. The focus is on the interrelationships of groups, social organization, and social institutions such as education, religion, family, and the economic and political order.

BUSS202 - Managerial Accounting

In this course, students gain experience in the development and use of information within an organization. Course topics include: cost terms; production costing; cost allocation for planning and control; cost behavior patterns; cost-volume-profit relationships; budgeting; inventory planning and control; pricing decisions; and aspects of investment decisions. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a grade C or better.

BUSS231 - Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation

Entrepreneurship drives global innovation and economic growth. This course exposes business students to the study of entrepreneurship and the venture creation process. Topics include analyzing new business opportunities, developing business propositions, new venture planning and financing, marketing activities, financial controls, and other topics relevant to the entrepreneurial process. Students interact with faculty, local entrepreneurs, and small business owners/managers. As a culmination activity of this course, students are responsible for the development and presentation of a business plan. Prerequisite: BUSS 101.

BUSS236 - Career Development & Planning

This course introduces students to career planning and highlights how students can be more entrepreneurial as they look to the future. This course is also designed to prepare students for the process of acquiring an internship and developing their long-term career goals. Students assess their personal background; practice finding career opportunities through the job search process; develop a cover letter, resume, thank you letter, and complete a job application; participate in a mock interview; and demonstrate how to deal with interpersonal situations found in the workplace. This course also focuses on workplace interactions including employee communication, management and leadership, the art of self-marketing, team building, conflict management, problem solving in the workplace, portfolio development, planning for successful meetings, and strategies for effective negotiation. Visits to employment locations and participation in networking sessions are a vital component of this course. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing

BUSS315 - Emerging Global Markets

This course focuses on developing skills, strategies and insights crucial to conducting successful business operations in the emerging markets of Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa including the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Globalization offers these countries the opportunity for unprecedented economic development. By participating in the international marketplace, emerging countries increase their chances of raising wages and incomes, accumulating wealth, and reducing poverty. These countries also provide opportunities for companies, mostly from developed countries, to extend their markets. In this course, students study the institutions of emerging markets that are relevant for managers; explore the differences in the contexts and roles of various actors (such as the government and NGOs); analyze opportunities and risks presented by emerging markets; and analyze the strategies of firms dealing with emerging markets.

BUSS324 - E-Business

This course provides students with a broad overview of the concepts and principles of e-business. This knowledge is increasingly important for all students, regardless of their area of concentration, because traditional businesses and arts organizations are becoming hybrids by adding an online presence to their existing structure. Topics discussed include a definition of e-business, online management strategies, distribution channels, privacy and security issues, and cyberlaw, among others. Students develop an e-business plan and webpage.

BUSS332 - Cross Cultural Management

This course explores the process of cross-cultural man­agement and the challenges of working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in global organizations. The course is divided into three parts. The first focuses on understanding the cultural roots of behavior in organizations, the second on the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management issues that are relevant to international managers, and the third seeks to prepare students for international assignments. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.

BUSS422 - Global Marketing

The complexity of operating in the global marketplace makes many demands on the marketer. The globalization of marketing takes place after the company has international experience in multiple markets. The three fundamental areas of corporate globalization are covered in this course: (1) integrate sourcing, production, and marketing; (2) allocate resources to achieve a balanced portfolio and growth; and (3) coordinate marketing activities across countries and regions. Importing, exporting, and licensing considerations are explored. Prerequisite: BUSS 220 with a C or better.

HEM102 - Fundamentals of Special Events

This course focuses on components of organizing and executing an event. Components such as: Request For Proposals (RFPs), Banquet Orders (BOs), and contract negotiations, are introduced. This course is hands-on, allowing the student to apply basic skills and techniques for negotiating with suppliers and service contractors. This is a project driven course.

HEM201 - Strategies for Meeting Planning

This course provides an overview of conference planning and group coordination as it relates to the sale and final contract. Students become familiar with Meetings, Expositions, Events, and Conventions (MEEC), destination specialists, travel planners, and their place of importance within the industry. Site evaluations are analyzed as they relate to group needs. Emphasis is placed on the development of a group resume agenda, illustrating the interdependence of hotel departments and the role of communication in the service sector of the hotel industry. Prerequsites: HEM 101, HEM 102.

HEM202 - Convention Sales & Group Planning

This course is an examination of the basic skills and techniques needed to develop accurate meeting budgets. Students are provided with instruction and practice on negotiating with suppliers and service contractors, i.e., hotels, airlines, car rentals, design companies, entertainment, security, signage, ground transportation companies, and sponsors. Analysis of service options, contractual and legal liability issues, cancellation clauses and penalties are covered. Prerequisite: HEM 201, or permission of the Department Chair.

HEM205 - Club Management

This course explores many areas vital to the success of club management including business, finance, food, beverage, facilities, sales, operations, and multiple recreational activities while stressing the supreme importance of customer service quality. By taking this course, HEM students explore a field that covers all aspects of the hospitality industry. We are privileged to be in a great location, close to many of the area’s most notable clubs, which can provide students with employment experience and internship opportunities. Prerequisite: HEM 101.

HEM207 - Resort & Casino Management

Resort & Casino ManagementThis course provides students with an introduction to the hospitality management specialization of Resort and Casino Management. Subjects covered include what defines resorts/casinos, their organizational structure, service in the resort/casino environment, profit and non-profit organizations, and business professionals in resort/casino management. This course includes guest speakers and field trips.

HEM214 - Ecotourism

Ecotourism promotes cultural and environmental awareness and has local environmental and economic benefits. This course introduces students to the history, principles, marketing, and management of ecotourism activities and development. The course takes a holistic approach to planning and tourism development; standard industry practices and processes are discussed. Students enrolled in this course participate in an educational trip to the Amazon rainforest to view, research, and participate in a newly developing ecotourism system. Students must apply and may only register with the permission of the Brazil Amazon program director.

HEM301 - Advanced Special Events Management

This course explores the complex area of special event planning, including social and business events, retail promotions, meetings, conventions, benefits, and other public events. The course provides students with a basis for using research as a tool to plan and organize special events. The class works towards understanding and practicing the five important elements of successful event planning such as Budgeting, Site-Selection, Food and Beverage, Promotions, and Site Logistics. This course requires the execution of a successful event. Prerequisite: HEM 102.

HEM310 - Event Sponsorship

This course provides students with a comprehensive plan for identifying, evaluating, soliciting, selling, managing, and coordinating long-term sponsorship deals. Students discover the art and science of effective fundraising. Additionally, they explore what the experts know works in this highly competitive field, from managing the event, to overseeing staff and volunteers, to maximizing gifts and contributions. Prerequisite: HEM 301.

HEM330 - International Event Planning

Today, the meetings industry is global. Not only do successful meeting planners need to know the challenges of working across borders, but they must also respect and understand the cultural differences and expectations that even attendees in the U.S. will bring. This course explores basic international business protocol, cross-cultural awareness, and other factors that must be considered when doing business internationally. Topics include marketing, human resource issues, communication, cultural clashes, avoidance of cultural errors, financial issues, government involvement, and international law. Prerequisite: HEM 301.

HEM402 - Advanced Resort & Casino Management

This course provides students with an advanced look into the hospitality management specialization of Resort and Casino Management. Students learn advanced strategic management skills and theory as they relate to both resorts and casinos. Key topics include how to responsibly overcome common challenges in the industry, managerial and marketing strategies, labor laws and disputes, operations strategies, and development and planning. The goal of this course is to aid students in developing decision-making, financial, and strategic management skills appropriate for careers in the casino and resort industries. Students develop an understanding of the stakeholders and industry practices necessary for success in managerial positions.

SMGT301 - Sport Facility & Event Management

This course explores the roles and functions of facility and events managers. It examines a variety of public assembly and privately managed sport facilities; the steps and skills required to effectively plan, organize, lead, and evaluate an event, and facilities to meet the needs of sports organizations. The course also examines resource allocation, strategic planning, and risk management and facility maintenance requirements. Prerequisites: SMGT 102 and a 200 level Sport Management course.

SPAN101 - Elementary Spanish I

This course introduces students to the basic elements of Spanish through the multiple skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is open to students who are at the beginning of Spanish language study (who have not had more than one year of secondary school Spanish.)

SPAN102 - Elementary Spanish II

This is a continuation of SPAN 101. Strong emphasis is placed on the spoken language. The course includes an introduction to Hispanic culture through readings and discussions. Prerequisite: SPAN 101 (with "C" or better) or demonstrated competency through placement.