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Parents and Families


parent council

Feb. 13 Parents Town Hall recap (Zoom) 

This written recap of the Parents Town Hall that was held on February 13 has been condensed for brevity. If you have any questions, please contact Alexa Donegan ’16 G’20 (, director of parent and community relations.

Several speakers presented information and answered questions.

President Eric Turner

  • The spring semester is off to a great start; teaching and learning are taking place
  • The new administration in Washington, D.C., has put forth many proposals regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; immigration; lgbtqia+; and federal grants that may impact Lasell and have created anxiety among students. Lasell’s values will not change. We teach learners and will continue to do so. We will follow the law, but we won’t change who we are. We have been doing this right for nearly 175 years.
  • There has been a variety of positive news media coverage of Lasell in recent months, including a student designing a dress for a museum gala and the opening of the Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Lab.

David Hennessey, Associate Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs

  • Lasell Health Services has seen an increase in the use of its services. There are two full-time nurse practitioners available each day. Students can make an appointment or drop by the office on the second floor of the Edwards Student Center. In the past couple of weeks there has been an uptick in upper respiratory illnesses among students. Health Services tests for COVID-19 when symptoms exist but there have been few cases. There has been a surge in the flu in Massachusetts but not on campus.
  • In the event students living on campus have an issue with their residence hall room, they should submit a work order through School Dude, which takes just three clicks to access from MyLasell. Students can also request that a resident assistant submit the work order. In case of an emergency such as no heat, electricity, or hot water, students should contact Campus Police.
  • Lasell, in collaboration with the Newton food pantry, operates a food pantry for students in Klingbeil. The pantry has a $5,000 annual budget and is also supported by gifts from Campus Police and Lasell Dining Services/Chartwells. There are five satellite locations around campus.
  • The Center for Community-Based Learning is organizing a non-traditional spring break March 10-12 at the Farm School in Athol, Massachusetts. Students will work as farmers, gaining an understanding of food sources, learning about different cultures, and developing leadership skills. There is a $100 participation fee that covers transportation, lodging, and meals. Information: Byrd Hughes (
  • The deadline for applying for Study Abroad programs in summer or fall 2025 is Feb. 28.
  • Lasell has 68 international students from 28 countries this year. Most are from China, Japan, Columbia, and Mexico.

Sharon Harrington-Hope, Director of Counseling and Clinical Counselor

  • Has been at Lasell for 6 1-2 years and loves working with the students.
  • Lasell’s Counseling Center includes four full-time counselors and six graduate interns. There is never a wait list and almost all students are seen on the day they request an appointment. Students can email, call or walk in. Appointments are preferred. When the office is closed, students can call or text 988.
  • She is happy to speak with parents but cannot disclose information about students.
  • There has been additional anxiety and unsettled feelings among lgbtqia+ and international students and students with relatives who are undocumented.

Jessi Orlando, Assistant Director, Center for Career Readiness and Internship Programs

  • The Center for Career Readiness and Internship Programs is housed in the Edwards Student Center. It’s recommended that students schedule an appointment through Starfish. They may also email or drop in.
  • The recent Internship and Career Fair was a success. A total of 26 employers, including Santander, Education First, WGBH, Boston Public Schools, and the U.S. Secret Service, attended. Employers were pleased with the students’ level of preparedness and communications skills.
  • The center has a robust academic major and career exploration program in which it engages in in-depth conversations with students and collaborates with first-year academic advisors.
  • The center also assists students with their job and internship searches, conducts mock job interviews, and helps with professional correspondence such as resumes, cover letters, professional emails, and thank-you notes.
  • Available online resources include Handshake, an online job board that students can access for free. Handshake is designed for college students and recent graduates.
  • All Lasell students must complete one, 150-hour internship to graduate. Some majors require additional internships. About 8-10 faculty members serve as internship coordinators and teach an internship course.

Amanda Knight, Director of Student Activities and Orientation

  • Aware of concerns about perceived lack of weekend activities and it has been a primary focus of attention.
  • Parents should encourage their students to check Lasell Involvement for information about activities on campus.
  • Students who are not connecting with other students or want to discuss forming a new club or participating in activities are encouraged to reach out to Amanda (
  • Working to enhance Orientation and build on connections with Lasell Village.
  • Look for information about Senior Week for graduating seniors. Events include a boat cruise, trip to TopGolf, and a carnival. The Commencement website is live.

Financial support

  • The Student Academic Emergency Fund provides direct financial assistance for course materials, textbooks, lab fees, fabric and supplies for fashion design projects, and other related expenses. Information:
  • Lasell offers $3,000 stipends for students pursuing unpaid summer internships. The deadline to apply for summer 2025 is April 22. Applications and additional information are available on MyLasell.