Q & A
Here are answers to some of the most common questions asked by parents and families.
What is the academic calendar?
The Academic Calendar lists official important dates for registration, fees, graduation, holidays, academic deadlines, and more. You and your student should refer to this often.
What is MyLasell?
MyLasell (my.lasell.edu) is Lasell's online hub. MyLasell is full of information and links that will be useful such as the academic catalog, the calendar of social events and student activities, the schedule for the campus shuttle, links to directories and every office on campus, library resources, and much more.
What is Canvas?
Canvas is Lasell's learning management system. This is where all of the online materials for each of your student's classes are housed. Faculty will post their syllabi on their course Canvas page and many will also use that page to share assignments, readings, resources, and even grades with their students.
It's important to note that some faculty do not use that gradebook for all of their grading. This means they will provide some feedback on individual assignments administered within Canvas, but other aspects of a student’s grade are not posted there. Your student should always check the syllabus for their instructor’s policies about how grades will be shared through the semester.
Canvas also has a default feature where any missing grades are NOT included in the final grade estimate it provides. This is helpful when there are a lot of grades still to come in the course, but it can lead to confusion if a student misses required assignments. There is a toggle switch your student can use to see their current grade estimate both with and without missing grades included.
What is Self-Service?
Self-service is the system that connects students to the registrar’s office and their main records on campus. Your student can go onto self-service to check their schedule for the semester and find room locations and faculty names. During the registration period, when students are selecting classes for the upcoming semester, they will register for their classes using self-service.
They can also take a look at their academic transcripts, follow their progress toward their degree on their academic plan, and check their contact information. Please ask your student to make sure that their phone number and home address are correct and updated so that Lasell can reach them with important information.
What is Starfish?
Starfish is Lasell's advising software. Faculty use Starfish to provide updates to students and their advisors about their performance at various times during the semester such as an early alert about 3 weeks into the semester and a mid-semester performance estimate. Faculty will also use Starfish to raise warnings if they are worried about something like missing assignments and to raise "kudos" if they want to share particular praise with a student and their advisor. These notifications and alerts go directly to a student’s Lasell email address, but they can go into Starfish and request text message alerts instead. Please encourage your student to set up their notifications based on where they are likely to look (although they should be checking their Lasell email at least once a day).
For students, Starfish is helpful to identify who their advisor is and make an appointment with that person if they have not met them yet. Your student can also see and make appointments with all of the Lasell faculty and staff who are in their success network – these are people who can help them to excel such as our Academic Achievement Center, library resources, and the academic deans of each of the schools.
Making an appointment with someone in Starfish is easy! Open office drop-in hours are listed and faculty link their entire calendar so students can see all of their available times to make an appointment.
Can my student add or drop a class before the add/drop deadline?
The deadline for adding or dropping a class can be found in the Academic Calendar. Students can add or drop a class at anytime before the deadline, but must email the Registrar's Office to request the change.
Please Note: If your student is a new first year or transfer student, they should reach out to their academic advisor or their School Dean first (their advisor’s name is on the bottom of their schedule in self-service). There might be a reason your student is enrolled in a particular class that they are unaware of (i.e. it is a pre-requisite class to something they need to take in the fall/spring so they should stay in it or it will interfere with their schedule).
What can my student do if they need help academically?
Your student can seek the support and assistance they need in the following ways:
- Meet with their academic advisor
- Visit or schedule an appointment at the Academic Achievement Center
- Book a study room in the Brennan Library or visit the Research Help Desk
- Schedule time with their professor during the professor's office hours
- Contact the dean of their school (School of Business, School of Fashion, etc.)
What is Lasell's Alert Team?
The members of the Alert Team are:
- Sharon Harrington-Hope, director of the counseling center
- Steve Hawthorne, interim director of accessibility services and the academic achievement center
- Dave Hennessey, associate vice president and dean of student affairs
- Michelle Niestepski, dean of student success
These staff members meet weekly to review the cases of students for whom 5 or more flags are open in Starfish; and cases which have been referred directly to the team. The latter usually involves behavioral concerns or worries about mental health.
If there is a flag or two raised by faculty, the issues are handled directly with the student involved and perhaps involving their advisor (particularly for first year students). When there is an accumulation of flags, the Alert Team gets involved and will typically respond by having one of the members or a designee track down the student to try to get them the help they need.
What happens if my student needs to miss class?
Class attendance is essential to meeting course objectives, and the University expects students to attend all class meetings. However, the University does not set specific guidelines regarding procedures and penalties for absences. Instead, each instructor sets their own guidelines and determines successful completion of course requirements. Instructors distribute their specific course attendance policies as a part of the course syllabus during the first week of classes.
It is your student's responsibility to communicate with their instructor as soon as the need to miss a class is known - that is, as far in advance of the class session as possible (e.g., athletes must provide instructors with game schedules at the beginning of the term). It is also your student's responsibility to make arrangements with the instructor to complete missed work or assignments as deemed appropriate by the instructor.
University policy recognizes the following as excused absences: (1) observation of religious holidays, (2) participation in official college events such as games for participating athletes (practices are not legitimate reasons for missing class), (3) health crises and/or (4) military obligations. The instructor may require documentation from your student for approval of the excused absence. Please note that Health Services does not provide notes, so documentation may not be requested from this office and must instead come from a physician.
Absence from all or part of class for any reason does not relieve the student from the responsibility of completing course requirements and may adversely affect the student's final grade. Students should expect that excessive absences of any kind, excused or unexcused, will significantly impede progress and success in a given course. It is your student's responsibility to communicate concerns, discuss progress and seek assistance from faculty, advisors, tutors, and disability support services as needed.
Why does my student have a stop on their account?
A STOP is placed on a student record if there is an outstanding matter (examples: outstanding financial aid matter, an outstanding library fine or book, or an incomplete health record). This will prevent the student from registering for courses. If your student sees a STOP notice in Self-Service (which is located in MyLasell), they must click on the arrow to the right of the STOP notice to see what department it pertains to.
It is the responsibility of your student to contact any of the offices below:
- For a Health STOP please contact Health & Counseling Office at 617-243-2451
- For a Library STOP please contact the Brennan Library at 617-243-2244
- For a Student Accounts STOP please contact the Student Accounts Office at 617-243-2227
- For a Financial Aid STOP please contact the Financial Planning Office at 617-243-2227
What is the process for my student if they want to change their major or add a second major?
If your student would like to change their their current major to a new major, they must initiate this change by speaking with their academic advisor. If the decision is made to change their major, your student must:
- Fill out the “Change of Major” form available on MyLasell. The form must include the signature of the current academic advisor and Dean for approval.
- If approved, your student will need to submit the form to the Center for Academic Advising, located in Brennan Library, which notifies your student of the change to the new major and assignment of a new academic advisor. If the Dean does not approve the change of major, the Dean then notifies your student and they may request a change of major again in the next semester.
Upper-class students are assigned a new academic advisor after the change of major form is submitted to the Academic Advising Center. First-year students changing majors anytime during their first year are not assigned a new academic advisor until the following academic year. Students who have selected the undeclared option or who plan to declare a second major will follow the “Change of Major” procedure noted above with assistance from their academic advisor.
Please Note: Students wishing to declare a second major are strongly encouraged to declare one major initially and add the additional major no sooner than the second semester of the first year with the approval of the Program Chairs from both departments.
Where are final grades posted?
Final grades are posted in MyLasell. Students can view their final grades and unofficial transcript by logging into MyLasell, clicking on Self-Service, and then clicking on Grades. The Academic Calendar has the dates of when final grades are due each semester.
Please Note: Parents/guardians are not notified of grade reports through mail or email. Parents/guardians wishing to see grade reports must ask the student to share them.
How does my student find out if they made the Dean's List?
Dean's list notifications are sent after all grades have been reported and posted for each semester, which means students are usually notified about 2 weeks after the final grades are submitted.
Students who achieve a specific GPA will be placed on the Dean’s List and are notified via email.
Dean’s List announcements are also posted on Lasell's Merit page and are typically posted 2-3 weeks after the semester ends. Students can share their individual Merit pages with their family members, and when the achievement is published, any family members in Merit (usually parents) will get an email notification.
Dean’s List requirements are:
- The student must be full-time carrying 12 or more graded credits for the semester
- The student must have a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher
- The student is not allowed a course below 2.0 in the semester
- The student is not allowed any incompletes for the semester. If incompletes are made up in accordance with University policy, students who then qualify for the Dean’s List will have the notation entered into their permanent academic record.
Does Lasell have a class ranking system?
No - Lasell does not have a class ranking system.
How can my student request their transcripts?
Lasell's official provider for transcripts is Parchment, a user-friendly website that offers electronic and mailing services including express delivery and order tracking.
For your student to request a copy of their transcript, they will first need to create an account by registering at Parchment. Once registered, your student will be able to order their transcript and track the order.
Where can my student eat on campus?
There are a variety of meal and snack options for students to choose from at Lasell. Students can eat or grab food to go at the following locations:
- Valentine Dining Hall in the Edwards Student Center for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
- "1851," a food outlet offering meal options from breakfast through late night dinner in the Arnow Campus Center
- Starbucks in the Science and Technology Center
- Just Baked Smart Bistro, a vending machine kiosk that serves hot sweet treats and savory meals
- Costa Coffee, a vending machine kiosk that makes delicious customizable coffees
- Glow Lounge in the Winslow Academic Center for "Pick-Three" selection and Farmer's Fridge
- Arnow Campus Center offers a Costa Coffee vending machine
- Donahue's Bookstore in the Science and Technology center carries a wide assortment of snacks and food products
Please refer to the Dining at Lasell University website to see complete offerings and hours for these locations.
What Are The Different Types Of Meal Plans?
Resident Student Meal Plans
All meal plans accommodate a variety of types of needs based on a student’s busy schedule. Convenience, value, and flexibility are the three important features meals plans offer. Meal plans consist of swipes, Dining Dollars, and extra meals.
The Laser 19 consists of 19 meal swipes to be used at Valentine Dining Hall (three (3) of which can be used at 1851 Late Night weekly), 100 Dining Dollars to be used just like cash on a debit card at any on-campus dining location, and two extra meals for use at Valentine.
The Laser 14 consists of 14 meal swipes to be used at Valentine Dining Hall (two (2) of which can be used at 1851 Late Night weekly), 150 Dining Dollars to be used just like cash on a debit card at any on-campus dining location, and two extra meals for use at Valentine.
The Laser 10 consists of 10 meal swipes to be used at Valentine Dining Hall (one (1) of which can be used at 1851 Late Night weekly), 200 Dining Dollars to be used just like cash on a debit card at any on-campus dining location, and two extra meals for use at Valentine. The Laser 10 is only available to students in their second college year or later.
The Laser 5 plan is a new plan that is the result of a committee that was formed to examine the meal plan offerings. It was designed knowing that seniors, in particular, may have greater off-campus demands and may not able to take advantage of dining on-campus as much as they’d like. This plan includes 5 meal swipes to be used at Valentine Dining Hall a week and $300 in Dining Dollars.
Commuter Student Meal Plans
Block Plans give commuter students the ability to eat at Valentine Dining Hall over the course of the year. Block plans are available as 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, or 75 blocks. Select block plans come with Dining Dollars to be used at on-campus locations.
How Do I Know My Student Is Enrolled In A Meal Plan?
If your student lives on campus, they will automatically be enrolled in the Laser 19 meal plan and will have two weeks after the start of the semester to change the meal plan. If your student is a commuter student, they will need to purchase a meal plan separately.
Can My Student Change Or Opt Out Of Their Meal Plan?
Only sophomore, junior, and senior students have the option of changing their meal plan during the first two weeks of the semester. First year and transfer students must remain on their current meal plan for the entire academic year. If your student is looking to change their meal plan, please have them go to the Dine On Campus website, click on Meal Plans, then Resident Plans, and scroll down to Meal Plan Change Form.
Returning students can only move to the next plan level. For example, if your student was in the Laser 19 plan last year, they can remain there or move to the Laser 14 plan.
It's also important to note that changing a meal plan does not affect the cost. Each of the meal plans vary by the number of swipes available for Valentine Dining Hall and the Dining Dollars to be used at other locations but opting for one over the other does not change the price.
Please Note: All students are required to be enrolled in a meal plan.
What are Meal Swipes, Dining Dollars, and Laser Loot?
Meal swipes are designed to be affordable and convenient and are loaded onto your student's Lasell ID card. When visiting a dining location that accepts meal swipes, your student presents their ID to the cashier to redeem. Any unused swipes at the end of the semester will be forfeited.
Dining Dollars are designed to offer flexibility. When checking out at any dining location, your student must present their ID card to the cashier and the amount of their purchase will be deducted from their balance.
Laser Loot is a term used to describe discretionary funds that may be used like cash in various venues on campus. Any student may sign up for a Laser Loot account and can deposit any amount into their account at any time. Their ID card is also their Laser Loot card. When using Laser Loot, your student can simply present their ID to the cashier and their account will be debited for the appropriate amount. The money added to their Laser Loot account will roll over each semester and year to year as long as they are active. Some deposits to Laser Loot are non-refundable and non-transferable if your student leaves Lasell for any reason.
To purchase Laser Loot, your student can visit MyLasell, go to the College Resources tab, and then click Pay$online. If you would like to purchase LaserLoot for your student, go to the Make a One-Time Payment drop down and select Lasell Pay$Online. Please allow up to 2-5 business days for availability of Laser Loot funds.
How can myself or my student add money (Laser Loot) to their student ID card?
Your student can visit MyLasell, go to the College Resources tab, and then click Pay$online. Click here if you would like to purchase Laser Loot for your student. Please allow up to 2-5 business days for availability of Laser Loot funds.
How can my student see their remaining meal swipes, dining dollars, and laser loot balance?
Your student must login to MyLasell, click University Resources, and then My Torch Balance.
Is dining available during break?
Valentine Dining Hall is closed to meal plans during Thanksgiving break, the December-January break, and March break. Similarly, meal plans are not in operation during the summer months. The dining hall is open during part of the December-January break, but meal cards are not valid. Your student may use Laser Loot to purchase meals during these times. However, Dining Dollars may not be used during break times.
In addition to receiving emails from Dining Services before and after breaks, your student can also check the Dine on Campus at Lasell University website for the dining options available during breaks.
What is Boost?
Boost is the way to pay for and order food or coffee in a touchless manner. Instructions for linking your student's Dining Dollars to Boost is below:
- Download the Boost app
- Create an account
- Select manage payment
- Select campus card then add card
- Add Lasell information (email and meal plan number)
- Receive email confirmation and confirm
Please Note: Boost is the only non-meal swipe form of tender accepted at Starbucks and 1851.
How can my student provide feedback, express a concern, or ask a question about their dining experience?
Dining Services encourages communication from students and are eager to help make their dining experience enjoyable. Student voices matter. They are listened to and concerns are taken very seriously.
There are many ways in which your student can provide feedback, express a concern, or ask a question related to their dining experience. They can:
- Contact a representative of the Student Government Association (SGA) or attend a Food Comittee meeting (held every other Thursday beginning on October 3 from 3-4 p.m. in the Valentine Dining Hall). Both are student-run and meet to discuss ideas and answer questions/concerns directly from the student body.
- Talk to the two directors of Dining Services, the executive chef, or hourly supervisors who work daily in the dining hall.
- Send an email to laselldining@lasell.edu.
- Use "Text to Chat," where students can send an anonymous and free text message to a Dining Services Manager. The number to text and additional information can be found on all napkin holders located on tables in Valentine Dining Hall.
- Write an anonymous note on a napkin or sheet of paper and pin it to the bulletin board located at the front of Valentine Dining Hall.
Are there any restaurants/places to eat close to campus?
Yes! There are many places nearby for students (and their families) to enjoy. Some are even a short walking distance from campus. Below are some recommendations from students and families:
- Blue Ribbon BBQ (West Newton, MA)
- Breadsong Bakery (Auburndale, MA)
- Bruegger's Bagels (Auburndale, MA)
- Cabot's Icecream & Restaurant (Newtonville, MA)
- Comella's (Belmont, MA)
- Dunkin' Donuts (Auburndale, MA)
- Fiorella's Cucina (Newton, MA)
- Gustazo Cuban Restaurant and Cafe (Waltham, MA)
- In A Pickle (Waltham, MA)
- Mango Thai Cuisine (West Newton, MA)
- Paddy's Public House (Newton, MA)
- Shogun Japenese Restaurant (Newton, MA)
- Solea Restaurant and Tapas Bar (Waltham, MA)
- Starbucks (Auburndale, MA)
- Sweet Tomatoes Pizza (West Newton, MA)
- Tempo (Waltham, MA)
- The Knotty Pine (Auburndale, MA)
- Tom's Pizza and Sandwich Shop (Auburndale, MA)
- Wally's Wicked Good Icecream (Auburndale, MA)
Employment and Internships
Where can my student find on campus employment?
Students can find many opportunities for on campus employment at Lasell. Your student can view all available jobs by visiting MyLasell, clicking on University Resources, and then On-Campus Student Employment.
Lasell employs over 500 students each year. Jobs range from working in the Athletic Department with a team to assisting at the dining hall or within an academic department or administrative office. Students are responsible for researching and obtaining the available jobs on campus.
Lasell also offers Federal Work-Study jobs as well as positions funded by the University to provide employment for students not eligible for Federal Work-Study funds. This program is funded through the federal government and Lasell, and the award appears on the financial aid package if a student has financial need for assistance. This funding does NOT credit the student account, so it should not be counted toward paying the bill when trying to determine what the remaining balance due is for any given semester. The funding is available to students to earn by working a part-time job on campus. Lasell does not place students in Work-Study positions, and we cannot guarantee that every student who receives an offer of Federal Work-Study in their financial aid package will find a job on campus. Students can view available positions by going to MyLasell. Once employed students are paid on a bi-weekly basis for the time they worked. If a student does not work on campus, they will not earn any money from this program. Students are not required to work on campus, but this funding will not be replaced by any other funding if declined or simply not used.
What is Handshake?
Handshake is Lasell’s online hub for career resources, including local, regional, national, and international internship and job listings. Students can access Handshake by visiting MyLasell, clicking on Academics, then Handshake.
Your student can sign up for on campus events as well as upload resumes, cover letters, and other employment-related documents. Your student will also continue to have access to Handshake after they graduate.
If your student needs support with Handshake, please have them reach out to the Center for Career Readiness and Internship Programs.
Do all students complete an internship while at Lasell?
Yes - 100% of Lasell students complete at least one internship. Most students complete more than one internship, ensuring that they gain valuable skills and are career-ready upon graduation.
Internships at Lasell:
- Typically relate to your student's academic major and directly relate to Lasell University’s philosophy of Connected Learning
- Combine classroom theory with a structured, supervised work experience, providing the opportunity to link academic experience with future career aspirations or community service objectives
- Enhance personal, professional, and educational development, bridging the gap between the classroom and the "real world"
Internship Coordinators from academic departments will advise your student, review learning objectives, and provide evaluations of their performance. Your student will also have site supervisors who work with them to meet specific learning outcomes. For-credit internship requirements are listed in the academic catalog.
Getting to Campus
Where can I park when visiting or picking up my student?
There is free parking located in the Central Parking Lot. You do not need a guest pass. When visiting your student, you may park anywhere within the parking lot, as long as there is no sign indicating it's designated for faculty, staff, or commuters. Some areas around campus do have street parking available, but you must pay attention to nearby street signs for any restrictions.
What is the best way for myself or my student to get to campus using public transportation?
The most convenient option to get to campus is to use the T. The closest stations are Woodland and Riverside, both of which are located on the Green Line (D) and are about a 10- to 15-minute walk to campus. The closest Commuter Rail station is Auburndale, which is in Zone 2 of the Framingham/Worcester Line, and is also about a 10- to 15-minute walk to campus. Additionally, the 505 Express Bus runs between South Station and Waltham, with a stop at the corner of Commonwealth Ave and Cheswick Rd, right at the Lasell campus. This bus costs $4.15 per trip and runs weekdays during business hours only.
Additional public transportation options:
- Commuter Rail to all points north (Fitchburg, Lowell, Haverhill, Newburyport, and Rockport) and Amtrak Downeaster (New Hampshire and Maine) are accessible via North Station. Lasell students can take the T from Lasell into Boston.
- Commuter Rail west to Worcester is accessible via the Auburndale station, close to campus.
- Commuter Rail to all points south and west (Franklin, Providence, Middleborough/Lakeville, Kingston/Plymouth, and Greenbush), Amtrak Acela, Lake Shore Limited, and Northeast Regional (Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and beyond) are accessible via South Station. Lasell students can take the T from Lasell to the Park Street station, then transfer to the Red Line and travel two stops south to South Station.
- The South Station Bus Terminal is the regional bus terminal and hosts many carriers, including Peter Pan, Megabus, C&J, Greyhound, Bolt, and others, and offers routes all over the Northeast.
- Some Amtrak/Commuter Rail routes heading south, including the Commuter Rail to Providence and the Amtrak Acela and Northeast Regional, pass through the Route 128/University Park station, which is 13 miles south of Lasell in Westwood. There is no public transit to get there easily from Lasell, but it is approximately a 20-minute drive via Uber/Lyft (times may be greater during rush hour). Many visitors find that this station is more convenient to use than South Station.
- Boston Logan International Airport is 13 miles from Lasell. It is accessible via public transit (taking the T from Lasell, transferring to the Red Line at the Park Street station, travelling two stops south to South Station, then transferring one more time to the Silver Line 1 route), but most students find that it is more convenient to use Uber/Lyft. Travel times vary widely depending on the time of the day, so plan this trip well in advance.
Health And Well-Being
Does my student need to have new health records submitted to Health Services every year?
No - only new students need to submit health records to Health Services.
What type of counseling does Lasell offer to students?
The Counseling Center offers free and confidential counseling to all undergraduate students. If your student is struggling and is not comfortable reaching out, you may contact the Counseling Center on behalf of your student, and the Director will work to outreach to your student.
Lasell also encourages students who are feeling down or are lonely to speak with their residential assistant (RA).
What if my student needs mental health support outside of the Counseling Center hours?
The Laser Support Line is available to all Lasell undergraduate and graduate students. It is staffed by licensed counselors in call centers across the United States and internationally. Support is available to students 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The service is free and confidential.
If your student is struggling or just needs someone to talk with, we hope they will take advantage of this offering.
- Text "Home" to 741741
- Call 1-800-TALK or Call/Text 988
How does my student submit a medical or religious exemption?
As with all vaccines, Lasell will evaluate and grant requests for appropriate medical and religious exemptions. Your student can submit a medical or religious exemption by emailing Health Services at healthservices@lasell.edu.
Lasell University Health Services
216 Woodland Road
Newton, MA 02466
Are there intramurals and other types of recreation for students?
Yes! Please have your student visit the Lasell University Intramurals and Recreation page for more information on what is currently available.
Where is the closest hospital, urgent care, and pharmacy?
Newton-Wellesely Hospital is located less than a mile from campus at at 2014 Washington St.. For medical emergencies, students should call Campus Police (617-243-2279) or proceed immediately to the hospital.
Newton-Wellesely Urgent Care is a 10-minute drive from campus and is located at 9 Hope Ave. in Waltham. For urgent, non-emergency medical issues (sore throat, cough, work-related injury, and other minor illnesses) students can seek care at the walk-in clinic.
Pharmacies - Lasell Health Services has a partnership with Keyes Drug, a local pharmacy that delivers medications daily to Health Services. Keyes Drug is located at 2090 Commonwealth Avenue, Newton and is a 10-minute walk from campus. There are also several nearby CVS locations in Newton, Waltham, and neighboring communities.
Where is the nearest grocery store?
Star Market (2040 Commonwealth Avenue, Auburndale, MA 02466) is less than a half mile down the road from Lasell.
Living on Campus
What is the student handbook and where can my student find it?
Your student can view the Student Handbook by visiting MyLasell, clicking Student Life, and then clicking on Student Handbook. The Student Handbook is more than just a policy manual. It includes information about campus resources (academic and otherwise), policies and procedures, social events, safety information, and more. The handbook also lists offices and contact information.
Please Note: All students are responsible for reading and knowing the contents of the handbook.
Do Students Have Mailboxes And How Do I Mail Something To My Student?
Full-time resident students are assigned a mailbox on the first floor of the Edwards Student Center. Your student can find their mailbox number and combination in MyLasell under the Housing link. Mailboxes should be checked daily, since important notices and information are sent through the mail. A resident student's mailbox is another means of communication between the University (faculty, staff, administration, etc.) and the student.
Students are notified via email when a package has been received by the Lasell Post Office. Students can pick up packages at the service window in the mailroom Monday – Friday (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) and Saturday from 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Any packages set to be delivered during non-operating hours will come with the couriers on Mondays. The Post Office can mail packages with pre-paid postage affixed to them and has stamps available for purchase.
If you would like to send your student a letter, please use this address format:
Student Name
Lasell University
Box #________
1844 Commonwealth Ave.
Newton, MA 02466
If you would like to send your student a package, please use this address format:
Student Name
Lasell University
1844 Commonwealth Ave.
Newton, MA 02466
What is the Housing Agreement and where can my student find it?
The Housing Agreement is between your student and Lasell University for on-campus housing for the Fall and Spring semesters of the indicated academic year. Students sign this document electronically every year in order to live on-campus.
Please Note: This document contains important information and should be read carefully. For questions on the Housing Agreement, please contact the Office of Residential Life.
What should my student do when they experience an issue with their room or residence building?
All students have the ability to submit a work order by using SchoolDude if they are experiencing an issue with their room or residence building (i.e. a broken window, a leaking sink, etc.). They can access SchoolDude by visiting MyLasell, clicking University Resources, and then by clicking on Submit SchoolDude Request. Your student would then complete the form and they will receive updates to their email on the progress of their work order request.
What is SchoolDude?
SchoolDude is an online platform for students to report any issues with their residence hall or room and is managed by Lasell's Facilities & Sustainability Management (FSM) team. One of the many responsibilities of the FSM team is to provide routine and emergency maintenance and repair services at the University.
Your student can access SchoolDude by visiting MyLasell, clicking on University Resources, and then Submit SchoolDude request. They will then be prompted to complete their information and describe the issue. Your student will receive updates to their Lasell email address at the following times:
- When FSM receives the work order request
- When FSM assigns a technician
- When FSM makes a status change
- When FSM marks the work order request completed/closed
Your student should NOT email/call FSM and should only call Campus Police if they are experiencing an emergency. When your student is experiencing an emergency in their room or residence hall, they must call Campus Police and submit a work order request through SchoolDude. It's very important that students do both.
Below are examples of an emergency where your student would need to call Campus Police:
- Toilet is clogged and backing up
- Shower is clogged and backing up
- Broken faucet in kitchen or bathroom
- No electrical power in suite
- Possible mold or other health hazard
- Sprinkler head is leaking or dripping water in suite or room
- Smoke detector is going off in room or suite
- No heat
- No hot water
What do Area Coordinators and Resident Assistants do?
Area Coordinators (ACs) are professional staff members who live on campus in residential buildings. The ACs are responsible for supervising the RAs, and working with them to create a healthy, supportive, and educational environment in the residential communities.
Resident Assistants (RAs) are student staff members with at least sophomore standing. Every resident student will have an RA on their floor, wing, or house who is assigned to them. Each year, the Office of Residential Life hires 50 students who live in the residence halls and serve as community developers, supporters of the academic and departmental mission statements, community standards educators, peer advisors, role models, and housing and facilities liaisons.
Resident Assistant Responsiblities:
- Check residence hall rooms and suites for infractions or safety issues, and submit reports on any violations of university codes.
- Attend staff meetings and occasional RA trainings.
- Enforce University rules and regulations while acting as a bridge between students and the administration.
- Assist with move-in day activities.
- Assist students with specific needs and making referrals when they are beyond the RA's ability to take care of directly.
- Provide information about on-campus or local activities via bulletin boards, flyers, or in person.
- Organize floor meetings with residents on a regular basis.
- Moderate disagreements between students, residents, and fellow resident assistants.
What does Lasell's gender-inclusive policy mean?
Lasell understands that students sharing a room or suite with friends regardless of gender identity can cause some reasonable questions and concerns. As with any housing option, it is not recommended or encouraged that romantic couples (regardless of their sexual identity) live together in a room or suite. Lasell has maintained gender neutral rooms for students for several years and in that limited setting, heterosexual couples have almost never used the option to live together as roommates.
That being said, some decisions should involve family and we encourage students to maintain an open dialogue with concerned family members related to roommate and living choices. Though students 18 and older are legally able to make decisions about their housing placements, reconciling concerns about roommate decisions is also important.
To help parents and families understand this policy better, we've created some questions and answers below:
What is gender-inclusive housing?
Gender-inclusive housing is designed to support all members of our community, including those who identify as trans, transgender, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, non-binary, genderqueer, and others who may not identify as cisgender.
All resident students are encouraged to establish roommate and suitemate groups in an ungendered fashion. Students can now can set up their roommate groups without binary gender barriers. Single-gender groups need to be aware that some rooms in their community may be ungendered.
All available housing is designated gender-inclusive, except for Carpenter and Ordway houses, which are designated as all-women housing for female-identifying students who may have a personal preference for this environment. All-women housing will be assigned through the specialty housing process during room draw.
What about the bathrooms? Are they gender-inclusive as well?
- We have different types of bathrooms in the residential facilities: internal to a room or suite, single person, and community group bathrooms.
- All internal room/suite bathrooms are considered to be ungendered.
- Single-person bathrooms with locking doors that are most common in Victorian houses (one toilet, one sink, one shower) are ungendered and can be used by any individual.
- Group bathrooms typically found in our traditional-style residence halls have multiple toilets, sinks, and showers; these bathrooms are designated as male and female, and students will use the bathroom corresponding to their gender identity. Students in these buildings who are living in ungendered rooms may have to travel to the far end of the hall or to an alternate floor to access the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity.
How will room vacancies be managed in a gender-inclusive room?
When there is vacancy in a room or suite, the residents may elect to pull in any roommate(s). If the residents in the room or suite cannot fill the vacancies, the Office of Residential Life will first attempt to place students in an ungendered room or suite with other student(s) who are interested in living in an ungendered living space. If a roommate(s) cannot be identified, the space may default back to single-gender status. In this case, the Office of Residential Life may place a student(s) of the same gender in the room or suite.
Note: Lasell retains the ability to maximize usage of housing options on campus and will fill empty spaces and rooms accordingly.
Why would my student choose an ungendered living option?
- Your student is open to living with other students regardless of gender.
- Your student gets along better as roommates with members of another gender.
- Your student has friends who want to live together regardless of gender.
- Your student identifies as trans, transgender, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, non-binary, or genderqueer and want to live in a comfortable and safe environment.
- Your student wants to support your peers who identify as trans, transgender, gender non-conforming, gender fluid, non-binary, or genderqueer.
What if my student loses their access card (ID), room key or suite key?
Lost ID Card/Keys: If your student loses their room, suite, exterior door key, or access card (ID), they will be responsible for the replacement of each new key ($50 cost per key/access card). Replacement IDs are issued by the Campus Police and can be obtained 24-hours a day at the Campus Police offices, located on the lower level of Winslow Hall.
*Damaged or non-functioning cards are replaced free of charge if your student brings it to Campus Police.
Stolen Keys: If your student's room or suite key is stolen, they must meet with their area coordinator, who will determine if the door lock should be changed. Your student will be responsible for the expense of the new lock and keys for themselves and any roommate(s).
Keys Found: After paying for a replacement key and if your student finds the original key within two weeks, a credit for the replacement cost will be posted to their account with the Office of Student Accounts.
Where can I find information about student parking and who should my student contact with a parking question or concern?
You and your student can view the Parking Rules and Regulations section in the Student Handbook. Your student can also email parking@lasell.edu or visit Campus Police in-person located in the lower level of the Winslow Academic Center.
What are Amazon lockers?
Amazon lockers have been installed at Lasell to provide a 24/7 package delivery and return option for students who wish to retrieve their items when the campus mailroom is closed. The lockers are located outside of Campus Police at 80 Maple St. The locker location can be selected as a shipping location during the check-out process for purchases made through Amazon. Lockers can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For your student to use this service, when prompted to select a shipping address, they will look for an Amazon pickup location by searching with zip code 02466. They can then click the Ship to Address button and select this locker name:
Amazon Hub Locker – Venue
80 Maple St., at Lasell University
Newton, MA 02466
Once delivered, Amazon will email your student a six-digit pin number to retrieve their item. Students have three days to pick up the item. They may also use the lockers to make returns to Amazon.
Please Note: If your student experiences any issues with the lockers, they should call Amazon (877-346-6244).
How does laundry work?
All residential buildings come equipped with washing machines and dryers. The number of units in each building is determined by the maximum resident occupancy of the building. The cost for each laundry cycle is $2.00 and is paid using the CSCPay Mobile App. Your student can download and install the app by searching for CSCPay Mobile on their device. Once installed, your student will be instructed to create an account and can add and manage funds within the app.
Laundry services on campus are managed by CSC ServiceWorks. If your student experiences issues with a machine malfunction or maintenance of their CSCPay Mobile app, they can contact CSC ServiceWorks customer support in the following ways:
- Report issues, request refunds, or share feedback directly through the CSCPay Mobile App
- Contact Customer Support at 855-662-4685
- E-mail Customer Care at customerservice@cscserviceworks.com
When reporting an equipment problem, it is important for your student to specifically identify the problem machine to help facilitate a prompt repair by the CSC technician.
Please Note: Students using the washing machines should only use high-efficiency detergents, and be careful about overloading a washing machine or dryer.
Is there a shuttle service for students?
Yes! Lasell's shuttle service provides students with access to several locations off campus seven days a week (excluding break periods) throughout the academic year. Your student can view the shuttle schedule at any time. The shuttle service is only available during the fall and spring semesters.
Your student can also strack the shuttle via the GPS Tracking app, which can be downloaded from the App Store on their mobile device and login with the following information:
Username: Lasell
Password: Vpne1234
Login is only required once when using the GPS Tracking app. After that, your student will need to click on the Landmarks icon. Tracking the shuttle can also be done via a web browser.
Do students have a curfew?
No - students do not have a curfew.
Tuition And Aid
What is FERPA?
Lasell regulates access to and release of a student's records in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 as amended (PL 93-380, Section 438, The General Education Provisions Act). The purpose of the act is to protect the privacy of students regarding:
- the release of records, and
- access to records maintained by the institution.
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (the Buckley Amendment), Lasell has committed itself to protecting the privacy rights of its students and to maintaining the confidentiality of its records. A copy of the law is available in the Registrar's Office.
How do I become an authorized user of my student's account?
If you are paying or setting up a payment plan on behalf of your student, they must first log in to Nelnet’s QuikPay platform and set you up as an Authorized Payer.
These are the steps for your student to follow:
- Go to https://selfservice.lasell.edu/
- Sign in to MyLasell
- Click Finances
- Choose Pay My Bill
Once you become an authorized user of your student's account, you will be able to make payments through QuikPay.
If you or your student have any questions regarding this process, or about payments to Lasell, please have your student contact Student Accounts directly.
How do I make a tuition payment?
Lasell offers several payment options, which you may combine as needed. For a complete list of all payment options and important dates, please visit Payment Information.
Please Note: Tuition and fees are due by the beginning of the semester.
What is tuition refund insurance?
Lasell University has partnered with GradGuardTM to offer tuition insurance by Allianz Global Assistance should your student become unable to complete classes for the semester. The Tuition Protection Plan protects the investment you and your student have made in higher education by offering reimbursement if they need to leave school early for a covered illness, injury, psychological condition, or unforeseen crisis.
Tuition insurance is completely optional. The agreement you (and your student) enter into is with GradGuard, not with Lasell University.
For additional information, please click here.
Where can I find a breakdown of the costs and fees?
To view the 2024-2025 costs and fees for undergraduate students please click here.
Where can my student find information about financial aid?
Your student can check the status of their award and required documents by visiting MyLasell, clicking on Self Service, selecting the Finances tab, and then clicking the Financial Aid tab.
Is financial aid taxable?
Any amount of a scholarship, fellowship, or grant that exceeds the costs of tuition, mandatory fees, books, and required supplies or equipment will be considered taxable income and is subject to federal tax. This may also be subject to state taxes. See IRS publication 970 for information on tax credits for both students and parents at IRS.gov.