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Accepted Students

Congratulations on your acceptance to Lasell University!  We know this is an exciting time of year and you should be proud of your accomplishments. 

Upcoming Accepted Student Events

Chat with A Lasell Student


Set up a time to chat with a current student and get their perspective about life at Lasell and get any of your questions answered. Text, phone, Zoom - whatever works for you.

Sign Up

Lasell Class of 2028 Checklist

checkbox  Join the Lasell University Class of 2028 Facebook Group

Meet and chat with your future classmates. Join the official Class of 2028 Facebook page (you'll need to sign in to join).

checkbox  Financial Aid

If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, we strongly encourage you to complete and submit your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as you may be eligible for additional institutional, state, or federal aid. You can submit the FAFSA at

Lasell University's code: 002158.

Questions? Please contact the Office of Student Financial Planning at 617-243-2227 or by email at

checkbox  Enrollment Deposit

Ready to enroll at Lasell? Submit your non-refundable enrollment deposit to reserve your space today. Students who deposit on or before May 1 will receive early access to course registration as well as priority housing selection.