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Lynn Hilton '23

Minor: Video Production

Lynn Hilton profile photo

What clubs, athletics, organizations have you been involved in at Lasell?
I was involved in NewTV where I worked part time. I worked in news and government where I assisted in field production, editing, graphics, and equipment management.

I also did an internship at the Boston news channel WCVB where I composed voice-overs for reporters and anchors across different segments during nighttime broadcasts, ensuring a seamless and engaging delivery of news content. I crafted website content, leveraging video content from a local show to enhance visibility on search engines and elevate the online presence of the

How has your academic program provided you with opportunities for growth?
The academic program at Lasell instilled me with confidence in utilizing essential tools for navigating the complexities of building a career. From delving into the history of communication to hands-on experience in radio and camera production, as well as honing writing skills through engaging projects, the program compelled me to apply comprehensive knowledge.

This accumulation of skills has empowered me to believe I can succeed in various fields, reflecting the impactful journey during my time at Lasell.

What was the "thing" that made you know that Lasell was right for you?
Initially, the proximity to the city caught my interest. However, what truly resonated with me was the emphasis on smaller class sizes. Recognizing the significance of my learning preferences and the impact of the environment, I felt that Lasell provided the right blend for my academic journey.

What is one experience you’ve had within the classroom that you were instantly able to apply to your life/career/internships?
The 'Effective Speaking' course was transformative for me. Applying the skills learned, I mastered the art of captivating an audience and holding their attention. This enhanced my public speaking and storytelling abilities, proving invaluable in both personal and professional aspects of my life.

Please describe in one sentence how the academic program you chose at Lasell is positively influencing your career/life:
Thanks to Lasell's academic program, I secured my dream job by enhancing my skills and gaining a lifetime's worth of knowledge.