Health Science
The Lasell University Bachelor of Science in Health Science degree program provides students with the opportunity to pursue a pre-professional education that provides preparation for careers in medicine, nursing, biomedical research, public & community health, or healthcare management. The multi-disciplinary approach is built upon a strong foundation in the biological sciences combined with coursework in the humanities and social sciences. In addition to this, students are presented with meaningful educational experiences based on the knowledge perspectives of the Lasell College core curriculum: creativity and aesthetics, scientific inquiry and problem solving, individuals and society, and global and historical perspectives.
The connected learning philosophy of the college is emphasized by a semester off-campus field experience that will provide professional interaction and training in a student's chosen area of career focus within the health sciences.
Academic standards for the Biology program include grades of "C" or better in all BIO, CHEM, EXSC & PHYS courses.
Goals and Outcomes
The following goals and learning outcomes delineate what we strive for students to achieve when they complete the major program of study in Health Science:
Goal 1: Communication
Upon completion of the major program of study in Health Science Program, students will be able to:
1. Interpret, develop, produce and disseminate disciplinary research
2. Understand and create discipline specific written work
3. Deliver professional oral presentations
4. Interact professionally and educate clients, patients, peers, colleagues and medical/athletic personnel
Goal 2: Professional Behaviors
Upon completion of the major program of study in Health Science, students will be able to:
1. Identify ethical issues
2. Model professional conduct and behavior
3. Respect the role and responsibilities of each professional member of a multidisciplinary team
4. Advance knowledge through the use of evidence based practice and professional development
Goal 3: Knowledge and Skills
Upon completion of the major program of study in Health Science, students will be able to:
1. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of biology
2. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of chemistry
3. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of physics
4. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of human performance
5. demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the laboratory skills and techniques
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
Major Courses | ||
BIO101 | Principles of Biology I (KP) | 4 |
BIO102 | Principles of Biology II (KP) | 4 |
BIO104 | Foundations in the Health Professions | 3 |
BIO205 | Anatomy & Physiology I | 4 |
BIO206 | Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
BIO211 | Microbiology | 4 |
BIO301 | Pathophysiology | 3 |
BIO340 | Research Methods | 3 |
BIO420 | Field Experience in Health Science | 3 |
BIO430 | Health Science Capstone | 3 |
CHEM203 | General Chemistry I (KP) | 4 |
CHEM204 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHEM301 | Biochemistry | 3 |
EXSC107 | Healthy Lifestyles and Human Behavior | 3 |
EXSC209 | Performance Nutrition | 3 |
EXSC302 | Exercise Physiology | 4 |
MATH203 | Precalculus | 3 |
MATH208 | Statistics | 3 |
PHYS111 | General Physics I (KP) | 4 |
PHYS112 | General Physics II (KP) | 4 |
PSYC101 | Psychological Perspectives (KP) | 3 |
Choose 1 from the following: | ||
PSYC221 | Child Development | 3 |
PSYC223 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 |
Major Requirements: 76 credits
A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation. This total includes the Core Curriculum Requirements as described elsewhere in this catalog. Some courses required for the major meet Core Curriculum requirements.
For a complete explanation of graduation requirements, see Graduation Requirements in the Undergraduate Academic Policies section of this catalog.
The following courses may require additional coursework depending upon Math placement:
MATH203: Pre-calculus
MATH208: Statistics
BIO101 - Principles of Biology I (KP)
This is an introductory lecture and laboratory course in biology to develop an appreciation for the patterns and functions that characterize living organisms. Emphasis is placed on cellular biology. Topics include: the chemistry of life, cell structure, and cell metabolism (respiration, photosynthesis, protein synthesis.) Corequisite: BIO 101L.
BIO102 - Principles of Biology II (KP)
This course emphasizes the evolutionary history of life on earth. Topics include: Darwinian evolution, genetics, a survey of the five kingdoms of life, principles of ecology, and human ecology. Prerequisit: BIO101 with a C or better , Corequisite: BIO102L.
BIO104 - Foundations in the Health Professions
This course provides a description of the various health care professions including educational and licensing requirements. The concepts of professionalism, health care teams, and current health care policies will be covered. Students will increase their knowledge of the various health care professions through job shadowing.
BIO107 - Topics In Biology (KP)
Preliminaries of the molecules of life and cell structures are investigated in this course. Topics from cell biology, nutrition, energy production, respiratory and circulatory systems, genetics, reproduction, evolutionary thought, and ecosystems are also explored.
BIO112L - Human Biology
This is a one semester lab course focusing on the functions of the human body in health and disease. The structure and function of the major body systems are emphasized. Systems discussed include: skeletal, muscular, digestive, circulatory, excretory, reproductive, nervous and endocrine. Corequisite: BIO 112L.
BIO113 - The Dinosaurs (KP)
This is an introductory course to the various theoretical approaches to understanding the evolutionary ecology and behavioral biology of dinosaurs. Topics include functional anatomy, social behavior, grouping and activity patterns, reproduction, behavioral ecology, locomotion, life history, geographic distribution, evolution and conservation issues. Two field trips required.
BIO116 - Zoology (KP)
This course provides an introduction to the classification, relationships, structure, and function of major animal phyla. Emphasis is on levels of organization, reproduction and development, comparative systems, and a survey of selected phyla.
BIO205 - Anatomy & Physiology I
This is a comprehensive course focusing on the structure and function of the human body. The course introduces students to aspects of human biology ranging from the chemical basis of life and cell biology to the anatomy and physiology of the major organ systems. Topics covered include: cell biology, major body tissues, and the structure and function of the following systems: skin, skeletal, muscular, and nervous. The laboratory component includes dissection. Students should have successfully completed one year of at least secondary (high school) level Biology before electing this course. Corequisite: BIO 205L.
BIO206 - Anatomy & Physiology II
This course is a continuation of BIO 205. The following systems are covered during the semester: endocrine, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary, and reproductive. The laboratory component includes dissection. Prerequisite: BIO205 with a C or better. Corequisite: BIO206L.
BIO209 - Molecular Biology
This lecture and laboratory will present the basic principles of molecular biology. Topics include nucleic acid-protein interactions, the Central Dogma, gene regulation, and genetic evolution. The laboratory experiments are designed to introduce the methodology and research used in molecular biology, including nucleic acid extraction, PCR, Western Blot, and gel electrophoresis. Prerequisite: BIO101 Corequisite: BIO209L
BIO211 - Microbiology
This course introduces the microbial world and the laboratory required for its study. Topics include the basic characteristics of fungi, algae, bacteria, and viruses. Topics and applications that relate to humans are emphasized. Prerequisite: BIO101
BIO301 - Pathophysiology
In this course, major pathophysiologic concepts are explored using a body systems approach relating them to the practice of the health care professional. Theories relating etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations are used to study common disease processes. The course also describes the impact of cellular dysfunction, interpretation of medical laboratory tests and drug interaction and pharmacology for the health care provider. The course encourages critical analysis of clinical data to identify logical connections and integration. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206.
BIO303 - Plant Biology
This course presents a comprehensive introduction to plant biology including an overview of major groups of plants, plant cells and cell types, plant anatomy & physiology, and ecology. Prerequisite: BIO101 with C or better
BIO310 - Genetics
The course will focus on principles related to the inheritance of traits regulated by genes. The chemical and physical nature of chromosomes and genes and gene expression and regulation will be covered. Systems in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms exemplifying Mendelian and modern molecular genetic principles will be discussed. Prerequisite: BIO101 with C or better
BIO340 - Research Methods
This course covers research concepts in the healthcare and fitness industry including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. Students engage in various aspects of the research process culminating in a research paper on a discipline specific topic. Prerequisite: MATH 208
BIO420 - Field Experience in Health Science
This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 200 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: BIO 211, BIO 340 and Permission of Department Chair.
BIO430 - Health Science Capstone
The capstone course prepares students to engage in research at the graduate level and to create an opportunity for students to apply various concepts and theories attained throughout the curriculum. The content of this course focuses on opportunities for undergraduate research. Students will develop an original research question, with focus on methodology, data collection and statistical analysis. Prerequisite: BIO 340 with a C or better.
CHEM105 - Chemistry of Fashion (KP)
This course examines the connections between chemistry and fashion. This course is a lab centered course where students will explore topics such as light and its’ properties; the nature of color; effects of environmental factors such as acids and bases, and oxidation on dyes; synthesis and use of dyes, paints, and pigments. The laboratory procedures apply chemical theory and techniques to learn the chemistry behind materials used in fashion. Students will use spectroscopy and other methods of chemical investigation to examine materials used in art and fashion. Students will conduct inquiry-based projects focusing on areas of interest.
CHEM203 - General Chemistry I (KP)
The course begins with a study of measurement and matter. An introduction to atomic theory follows. Mass relationships in chemical reactions are introduced, followed by the study of chemical reactions in aqueous solutions. The gas laws are then covered, followed by an introduction to thermodynamics. Concepts of chemical bonding are studied along with periodic relationships among the elements. Quantum theory is used to explain the electronic structure of atoms. Laboratory experiments complement the material covered in lecture. The laboratory experiments are designed to introduce methods, materials, and equipment of chemistry as well as to illustrate important chemical principles. Prerequisite: MATH106 or higher. Corequisite: CHEM203L and CHEM203R.
CHEM204 - General Chemistry II
This second half of this two-semester sequence explores areas of solution chemistry, acid/base chemistry, chemical kinetics and physical chemistry, nuclear, and organic chemistry. Physical properties of solutions are explained including vapor pressure lowering, boiling point elevation, freezing point depression and osmotic pressure. The effects of chemical kinetics on reactions are covered. Chemical equilibrium, acid and base equilibrium, and solubiity equilibrium are introduced. Laboratory experiments complement the material covered in lecture. The laboratory experiments are designed to introduce methods, materials, and equipment of chemistry as well as to illustrate important chemical principles. Prerequisite: CHEM203 with a C or better . Corequisite: CHEM204L.
CHEM301 - Biochemistry
This course is an in-depth study of biochemical substances and their reaction in the body with major emphasis placed on metabolism at the cellular level and examined in the tissues of the various organs where these reactions occur. Correlation of biochemical processes underlying pathologic conditions are made whenever practical. Prerequisite: CHEM 204
CHEM303 - Organic Chemistry
This course is focused on the structure and chemistry of organic compounds. Topics include thermodynamics, resonance, reaction mechanisms of organic functional groups and stereochemistry. The course meets for three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisite: C or better in CHEM204. Co-requisite CHEM303L
CHEM304 - Organic Chemistry II
The second half of a two-semester sequence. Topics include synthetic applications of organic reactions, delocalization and aromaticity. Principles and application of instrumental methods for organic structure determination will be studied in the laboratory. Prerequisite: C or better in CHEM303. Co-requisite CHEM304L
EXSC101 - Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy
This course provides students with foundational concepts associated with the healthcare and fitness industry. Through connected learning projects, emphasis is placed on understanding musculoskeletal anatomy and medical nomenclature
EXSC103 - Skills & Technology for the Exercise Sci
The purpose of this course is to provide foundational skills in measurement techniques of health and physical activity that are necessary and relevant for a professional in the field of exercise science, fitness management and related disciplines. Students will learn how to screen exercise participants for health risks, to assess basic anthropometrics, body composition, cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, and flexibility in apparently healthy individuals, across the lifespan, using a variety of techniques and technologies. In addition, principles and techniques for recognition and management of non-life-threatening and life-threatening emergencies will be covered. Students will be exposed to evidence-based foundations within the discipline, as well as career options and the role of the exercise, health, and fitness professional in the health, wellness and sport disciplines. At the completion of the course, students will be eligible for Professional Rescuer CPR/AED certification. Pre-requisites: None
EXSC104 - Principles & Problems of Coaching
This course provides students with an introduction to the profession of coaching. Students develop a base of knowledge through the study of principles and concepts from the areas of coaching philosophy, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology, and sports management. Upon successful completion of the course, students have a thorough understanding and appreciation of possible solutions for those problems that are most frequently encountered in coaching, as well as the ability to apply principles of coaching to individual athletes and/or a team.
EXSC106 - Functional Anatomy & Resistance Trainig
This course applies principles of anatomy to the study of human motion and resistance training. The course will explore human movement through applied anatomy and biomechanics, as well as through the analysis of exercises and sport movements. Students will be able to identify, describe, execute, and progress common resistance training exercises for the upper extremity, lower extremity, and trunk that target specific musculature. Students will utilize their anatomical knowledge base to evaluate exercise technique and form.
EXSC107 - Healthy Lifestyles and Human Behavior
This course focuses on evaluating and implementing healthy lifestyles and human behavior for longevity of lifespan fraom adolescence through adult development. Focus will be placed upon cultivating a holistic approach to health and wellness that is rooted within strategies for implementing healthy lifestyle changes, as well as "living through prevention": a description relating to methods of preventing long term disease and disability.
EXSC108 - Group Exercise
This course will introduce students to group exercise instruction methods. Students will gain knowledge of and skill in planning exercise sessions for groups of exercisers using a variety of formats and instructional techniques. Communication, instruction, safety, motivation, organization, music selection, and choreography with be discussed and practiced. In addition, the application of common anatomy, physiology, and behavior modification principles will be used in designing and progressing group exercise sessions. A variety of fitness activities will be explored including sports conditioning, circuit training, boot camp, step aerobics, kickboxing, strength training, yoga and indoor cycling. This course will also prepare students to sit for national certification exams.
EXSC202 - Applied Coaching Techniques
The course is designed to help aspiring coaches teach the skills athletes need in order to perform effectively in team and individualized sports. Students will learn how to address the various issues faced by athletic coaches by thoroughly examining such concepts as individual differences exhibited by athletes; technical, tactical, and mental skills athletes need to learn; content and structure of skill practice; the art of providing feedback; and the preparation of athletes for competition. This exploration prepares coaches to work with athletes competently and confidently in most coaching settings.
EXSC209 - Performance Nutrition
This course studies the effects, benefits, and sources of major nutrients. It includes an overview of nutritional issues involved in disease processes and nutritional needs for an active population. Special focus on patient assessment and development of dietary plans based on energy expenditure. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206.
EXSC211 - Principles of Personal Training
This course prepares students for national certification exams as personal trainers. Each class addresses pertinent topics of the health fitness professional. These topics include health screening and assessment and comprehensive program design for multiple populations. The course empowers students with the skills necessary to become qualified fitness professionals.
EXSC213 - Coaching Practicum
This course provides students the opportunity to apply the principles and practices of coaching in a junior high, high school, or collegiate environment. Students participate actively in practical coaching experiences under the guidance and supervision of a qualified coach. Prerequisite: EXSC 104
EXSC222 - Kinesiology
This course examines the anatomical and mechanical concepts required for critical assessment, description, and analysis of human motion. The laboratory component includes analysis of human motion. Prerequisites: BIO205, BIO206, PHYS111. Co-requisite EXSC222 lab
EXSC302 - Exercise Physiology
This course explores the acute and chronic effects of exercise on the structure and function of the body with an emphasis on the metabolic cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neuromuscular systems. Also discussed are the effects of environmental factors and ergogenic aids on exercise performance. The objective of this course is for the student to gain an understanding and working knowledge of how the body responds to exericse so that they may apply this knowledge to their chosn field. The practical applications of the major principles are demonstrated in a laboratory setting (EXSC 302L). Students are advised that the capability to exericse moderately and maximally may be required and documentation if a medical examination indicating cardiopulmonary status and exericse capacity may be requested by the instructor. Pre-requsite BIO 205/BIO 206. Co-requsite EXSC 302L
EXSC304 - Exercise Testing & Prescription
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to engage in the application of physiological principles and development of practical skills for fitness evaluation and exercise prescription. Course content will emphasis: pre-test screening and assessment and prescription fundamentals for cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, and flexibility. Prerequisite EXSC302. Co-requisite EXSC304
EXSC305 - Strength Training & Conditioning
Lecture and practical sessions include principles of weight training and conditioning, orientation to different modalities, including free weights, weight machines (i.e., Nautilus), and circuit training and development of individual and group exercise programs. Students may be required to obtain medical clearance prior to participation. Pre-requisite BIO205, BIO206. Co-requisite EXSC305L
EXSC306 - Applied Ethics in Health Care
Develop a moral and ethical decision making framework as related to the healthcare field as individuals (clinician) and groups (healthcare team) through the application ethical principles and concepts.
EXSC307 - Func Assessment & Corrective Exc Pres
This course is designed to provide students advanced concepts in strength and conditioning. Emphasis is placed on the application of principles and theories covered in the Strength and Conditioning class. Students focus on the development of sports specific programs for the purpose of improving athletic performance. Prerequisite: EXSC 305.
EXSC340 - Research Concepts
This course covers research concepts in the healthcare and fitness industy including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. Students engage in various aspects of the research process culminating in a research paper on a discipline specific topic. Prerequisite: MATH 208.
EXSC401 - Professional Development Seminar
This course will prepare students to sit for the certification in the field of exericse science, with emphasis on the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and the ACSM, Certified Exercise Physiologist certifications. Students will assess their current level of knowledge, and identify and actively improve upon areas of weakness. Students will develop a personal study plan, which will involve review sessions and practice tests both in and out of the classroom, Students will develop a post-graduation plan and prepare the necessary materials to carry out their individual plan, including GRE preparations, resume, cover-letter , personal statement writing, as well as mock interview sessions. pre-requsite: Senior level
EXSC403 - Exercise for Special Populations
Exericse for Special Populations explores the role of exericse in health and disease and how the normal physiological respinse to exericse changes in the presence of disease. This course will specifically focus on pathophysiology, treatments and medications, acute and chronic effects of exericse, and exercise testing and prescription guidelines for individuals with cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, neurolofical and immunolofical diseases and disorders. This course will allow students to understand the effect of exercise, chronic diseases and conditions, and allow them to apply this knowledge in the field. pre-requisite: EXSC 302
EXSC405 - Org & Admin of Health & Sports Programs
This course presents the principles of managing physical education, intramural and athletic programs, commercial fitness and strength and conditioning/sports performance businesses, issues, scheduling, staff, finanical planning and related duties of faculty mangers. Likewaise, it is important to note that this is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: Senior standing.
EXSC406 - Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology
This course explores and evaluates current concepts in the understanding of physiological function and effects of exercise. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of current scientific literature, research methods, and clinical implemenation of advanced exericse science topics. Students will take an interactive approach to critique and review research literature in a variety of topics in the field of exercise science. Students will also develop literature reviews and present their findings in areas of their interests as well as in assigned topics. Pre-requisite: EXSC 302
EXSC410 - Exercise Science Field Experience I
This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 150 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC 302, EXSC 305.
EXSC420 - Exercise Science Field Experience II
This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic,corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 300 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC 302, EXSC 305.
EXSC425 - Exercise Science Field Experience III
Exercise Science Field Experience III
EXSC430 - Exercise Science Capstone
The capstone course synthesizes theories and practices of exercise physiology into one culminating and progressive exercise program for a client. Students serve as subjects, technicians, and administrators. The primary goal is to better prepare students to engage in research at the graduate level and to create an opportunity for students to apply various concepts and theories attained throughout the curriculum. The content of this course focuses on opportunities for exercise program design and undergraduate research, with three course design option; development of original case study research, with focus on adhering to written and oral presentation standards within the field; development of an original research question, with focus on methodology, data collection and statistical analysis; or development of an understanding of the research process, with focus on review of the literature, defining the research question, and study methodology. Prerequisite: EXSC 340
MATH106 - Mathematical Reasoning
This course is the foundational course for mathematical and quantitative reasoning at Lasell College. Mathematical reasoning is the critical skill that enables a student to solve real-world problems involving quantitative analysis by making use of particular mathematical skills. Through the development of their mathematical reasoning skills, students will recognize the power of mathematics in its own right as well as its relevance in the real world. Students will develop and enhance their mathematical reasoning skills through a project/application based curriculum supported by readily available current technological tools and topics that will include, but not be limited to, the following: solving systems of equations, linear programming, statistical, and graphical data analysis.
MATH107 - College Geometry
This course is an introduction to the essentials of Euclidean geometry. Topics covered include: reasoning in mathematics, the relationship between algebra and geometry, analytic geometry, proofs and constructive triangles, circles, quadrilaterals, polygons, surfaces and solids and historical notes about famous geometricians. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing.
MATH108X - Mathematics of Design
This course explores elements of mathematics within the design field from the incorporation of algebra to concepts of geometry. Students will have the opportunity to integrate numerical fluency, proportional reasoning, data interpretation, algebraic reasoning and communicating quantitative information through group problem solving and class discussions. Topics include pattern drafting, layouts cutting, revenue, cost, and profit modeling, measurement systems, Euclidean geometry, and spatial reasoning.
MATH109 - Modern Mathematics (KP)
This course is an introduction to mathematics developed in the last 100 years. The course connects recently-discovered mathematics with current, real-world problems. Aesthetic elements of mathematics are emphasized. Topics may include the mathematics of voting, sharing, touring, games, networks, scheduling, money, symmetry, fractal shapes, descriptive statistics and probability. The course is appropriate for students majoring in Communication, Criminal Justice, English/History/Humanities-with Secondary Ed, English, Environmental Studies, Fashion Design, History, Hospitality and Event Management, Humanities, Human Services, Law and Public Affairs, Legal Studies, Psychology, Sociology, or Sport Management. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or through placement testing.
MATH116 - Merchandising and Financial Mathematics
This course focuses on retail mathematics. Topics include simple and compound interest, the time-value of capital, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, bond and investment, business problem-solving and decision making. Other topics include profit, loss, and break-even analysis, pricing, inventory, and merchandise planning. The course introduces basic theories of statistics. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or through placement testing.
MATH203 - Precalculus
This course prepares students for the study of calculus, physics and other courses requiring precalculus skills. Included is solving systems of equations, the analysis and graphing of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational functions, the unit circle, and triangle (right and non-right) trigonometry. Prerequisite: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing. Restrictions: not open to students who have completed 205, 206, or any 300 level mathematics course successfully.
MATH205 - Calculus I
This course is an introduction to limits, continuity, and methods of differentiation. Application to problems in business management and physical science is emphasized. Prerequisite: MATH 203 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing. Restrictions: not open to students who have completed MATH 206, or any 300 level mathematics courses.
MATH206 - Calculus II
This is a continuation of Calculus I. Includes graphical and analytic integration, partial differentiation, and solving differential equations. Applications include business, biological sciences, and physical sciences. Prerequisite: MATH 205 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing. Restrictions: not open to students who have completed MATH 320, MATH 328, or MATH 330.
MATH207 - Applied Trigonometry
This course is an in-depth study of trigonometry with attention to theory, proofs, modeling, and history. Trigonometric and related functions are used to model, analyze, and solve real-life problems. Applications are chosen from disciplines such as agriculture, architecture, astronomy, biology, business, chemistry, earth science, engineering, medicine, meteorology, and physics. Topics covered include a review of trigonometric functions, right triangle trigonometry, analytic trigonometry, vectors and dot products, complex number theory, trigonometric forms of complex numbers, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric models, Gaussian and logistic growth models, conic sections, and polar equations of conics. Prerequisite: MATH 205 with a grade of C or better.
MATH208 - Statistics
This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include: data analysis, and graphical methods of describing data, measures of central tendency and variability, probability, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analysis. Prerequisites: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing and ENG 102.
MATH209 - Business Statistics
This is an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics focused on applications in business. Topics include: data analysis, and graphical methods of describing data, measures of central tendency and variability, time-series analysis, trend and seasonality analysis, simple and multiple correlation and regression analysis, sales and cost forecasting, probability, expected monetary value, and the Normal distribution. Prerequisites: MATH 106 with a grade of C or better or demonstrated competency through placement testing and ENG 102. With permission of the instructor only.
MATH210 - Math Applied to Science
This course provides a review of fundamental mathematical concepts such as probability and trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions and explores the ways that these topics and techniques have been applied to investigations in architecture, calculus, exponential growth and decay, logarithmic scales, earthquake analysis, astronomy, biology, medicine, genetics, radiocarbon dating, chemistry, and Newtonian physics. The course is designed to demonstrate the power and utility of mathematics and explores the development of mathematics during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, especially in Greek, Hindu and Arabic cultures. Prerequisite: MATH 205 with a grade of C or better.
MATH212 - Finite Mathematics
The focus of this course is to develop mathematical models and to demonstrate the utility of various mathematical techniques that are most applicable to the creation of computer algorithms. Topics include functions and models, linear regression, solving systems of linear equations using matrices, matrix algebra and Leontief Input-Output models, linear programming (graphical and simplex methods), principle of duality, estimated and theoretical probability and Markov Chains. Applications are derived from current real world data and require mastery of Microsoft Excel and graphing calculator technology. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of C or better.
MATH215X - Discrete Math
Topics will include logic, proofs, algorithms, counting, recurrence relations, graph theory, trees, networks, Boolean algebra, and automata.Prerequisite: C or better in MATH 205
MATH301 - Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical ModelingPrerequisite: C or better in MATH 205, 206, and 208
MATH303X - Problem Solving
This course will be an exploration into the mathematics exemplified in high quality high school and undergraduate mathematics competitions and mathematical research. The emphasis will be placed on building a repertoire of mathematical strategies and tactics, then applying these methods in unfamiliar situations. Topics will include: Combinatorics, Binomial Theorem, Conditional Probability, Roots of Unity, Symmetric Polynomials, Polynomial Interpolation, and topics in Euclidean and non-Euclidean Geometry. Students will hone their ability to solve mathematical problems through hands-on practice and obtain an understanding of the strategies, tactics, and tools of the problem solver as illustrated by the textbook and the instructor. Strategies and tools for solving problems include, but are not limited to: •Draw a Diagram•Systematic Lists•Eliminate Possibilities•Matrix Logic•Look for a Pattern•Guess and Check•Sub Problems•Unit Analysis•Solve An Easier Related Problem•Physical Representations•Work Backwards•Venn Diagrams•Finite Differences
MATH304 - Mathematics for Educators
This course engages students in mathematical concepts through examples, investigations, and active problem solving explorations. Content is drawn from subject matter knowledge required for elementary and early childhood licensure, with emphasis on number theory and operations. This course is for students seeking elementary or early childhood licensure. Concurrent enrollment in ED 335 is required.
MATH307 - Calculus III
This course is an introduction to sequences and series, parametric and polar curves, vector functions, advanced techniques of differentiation and integration. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of C or better.
MATH320 - Differential Equations
This is an introduction to the many ways of solving various types of differential equations with emphasis on theory, methods of solution and applications. Topics include solutions of first, second and simple higher order differential equations, homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of B- or better.
MATH322X - Special Topics in Mathematics
Special Topics in Mathematics
MATH325 - Linear Algebra
This is an introductory course in linear algebra blending the requirements of theory, problem solving, analytical thinking, computational techniques, and applications. Topics include in-depth treatment of matrix algebra, linear systems, vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants. Applications and modeling of real phenomena in transportation systems, economics, connectivity of networks, and graph theory. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of C or better.
MATH330 - Mathematical Modeling
This is an application-oriented course on how to solve real word problems from the social, medical and life sciences, business, and economics by setting up a mathematical model of the situation and then developing techniques for analyzing these models and solving them. Topics include the modeling process, linear models, financial models, modeling using proportionality, fitting linear and nonlinear models to data graphically, the least-squared criterion, linear programming models, modeling using the derivative, matrix and probability models, Markov chain models, and modeling interactive dynamic systems. Prerequisite: MATH 206 with a grade of C or better.
MATH338 - Mathematical Statistics
In this introduction to statistical theory, the roles probability and statistics play in business analysis and decision making are investigated. Topics include probability distributions, statistical inference, sampling distribution theory, and applications. Prerequisite: Math 206 with a grade of C or better.
MATH399 - Capstone Seminar
In this capstone course, Students investigate mathematics from a variety of fields and choose a topic for a mathematics project in their Field of Application. Mathematical methods for analysis, modeling, prediction, and/or problem solving are discussed. Students demonstrate knowledge of a substantial area of mathematics and present their work at a department seminar or the Connected Learning Symposium.
MATH499 - Internship
The internship seminar is a work or research experience where students combine theory and practice.
PHYS111 - General Physics I (KP)
This is the first semester of a one-year course that surveys the field of physics at a non-calculus level. Topics include motion in one and two dimensions, force, uniform circular motion, work and energy, and statics of rigid bodies. The laws of thermodynamics are introduced. Laboratory experiments are conducted to complement the material covered in lecture. Prerequisite: MATH 203 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. Corequisite: PHYS111L, PHYS111R.
PHYS112 - General Physics II (KP)
This is a continuation of PHYS111. Topics include waves motion, electric potential, electric current, resistance, capacitance, and magnetism. Geometrical and wave optics are introduced. Atomic and quantum theory are also included. Laboratory experiments are conducted to complement the material covered in lecture. Prerequisite: PHYS 111 with a C or better. Corequisite: PHYS112L, PHYS112R.
PSYC101 - Psychological Perspectives (KP)
In this course, students learn to think like psychologists as they study classic and contemporary topics in human behavior, feeling, and thought. Students learn to apply psychological perspectives of thought, including biological, cognitive, sociocultural, humanistic, psychodynamic, and behaviorist, to better understand the human experience. Students will learn to use these perspectives to explore how individual behavior is influenced by and influences one’s biology, family, community and society. Topics may include human development, personality, psychopathology, human relationships, language, memory, perceptual processes, and intelligence, among others.
PSYC104 - Positive Psychology
Historically, much of Psychology has focused on decreasing maladaptive emotions and behaviors (neurosis, disorders, stress, aggression, etc.). This focus has largely ignored more optimal functioning like happiness, optimism, and life satisfaction. In recent decades more scientific research has aimed at promoting and sustaining psychological health. The emerging field of Positive Psychology is the study of how human beings prosper and overcome adversity. Its goal is to identify and enhance human strengths and virtues and allow individuals and communities to thrive. This introductory-level course will detail the history of this emerging field and focus on current research in social and positive psychology on happiness, virtue, and personal development. The course will explore research that has helped highlight factors that promote and sustain psychological health. Additionally, we will look at tools and techniques that have been shown to help cultivate thoughts and behaviors that effectively contribute to well being. This coursewould substitute for PSYC101 (Psychological Perspectives) whenever that class is needed as a pre-requisite for an upper-level class but can be taken in addition to PSYC101.
PSYC111 - Generations in America
This course offers a social-developmental, multidisciplinary overview of issues related to the expanding age population in the United States. Students examine aging stereotypes, characteristics of aging populations, and the impact of age-related forces on individuals in American society. The course is geared toward students in a variety of disciplines and provides a knowledge base that can be applied to other areas of study.
PSYC201 - Psychology of Drugs & Behavior
The course examines the relationship between drugs and behavior, including evidence about the effects of drugs on the brain. Several classes of drugs, including chemically or psychologically addictive substances, psychoactive and therapeutic agents, as well as recreational drugs, are examined. Drug use is related to psychological variables such as personality structure and interpersonal relationships, and theories of addictive processes and factors influencing drug use are examined, as are treatment strategies. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
PSYC202 - Psychology of Personality
This course introduces students to a variety of the most important theories of personality: i.e., Freud, Jung, Adler, Rogers, and others. Case studies are examined with the intent of making theories more practical and useful. Prerequisite: Any 200 level psychology course.
PSYC205 - Human Sexuality
This course is designed to introduce factual information about gender identity and gender role theories, sexual preference and sexual orientation, and psychosexual development. The course examines issues related to research on human sexuality and behavior, as well as sexual education, sexual disorders, and societal impacts on sexuality. Students are challenged to think critically about many issues surrounding human sexuality and all of its manifestations. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
PSYC218 - Dynamics of Small Groups
This class examines the basic theory and application necessary to understand and facilitate small groups. Topics may include group types, formation, roles and stages; group process; cultural awareness; group interventions and ethics within the field of psychology and human service; therapeutic value of groups; and the family, classroom, and peers as small groups. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.
PSYC220 - Social Psychology
This is an introduction to the study of social interactions from a psychological perspective. Research reviewed focuses on topics such as: social perception, group interaction, attitude formation, attitudinal change, aggression, conflict, and pro-social behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
PSYC221 - Child Development
This course examines the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development of the child from birth to adolescence. The contributions of social and cultural experiences as well as the role of biological factors in development are examined as are major theories of development. Students are introduced to the research approaches used to study human development and may be required to carry out observations in various settings. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
PSYC222 - Social Psychology in Film
This course uses film to examine social psychological concepts and research and provides an opportunity for students to explore how people influence and are influenced by their social relationships, communities, and larger society. Films illustrate a range of social encounters that are examined from a social psychological perspective. Topics include conflict, love, personal and group behavior, prejudice, roles, privilege, and oppression. NOTE: This course meets the social psychology requirement for Social Sciences majors. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.
PSYC223 - Adolescent Psychology
This course provides a survey of contemporary knowledge of the human brain, examining normal developmental brain processes and common brain functions. The course also covers common disorders and emphasizes understanding the impact of atypical brain development and the consequences of brain trauma. Intervention strategies and treatment are included. Prerequisite: PSYC101
PSYC226 - Living & Learning with Dementia
Living & Learning with Dementia
PSYC229X - Addictions
PSYC231 - Stress and Trauma
This course provides an overview of stress and trauma including physical, psychological and sociocultural implications. Emphasis is made on the stress-trauma response including the neurobiology of information and memory processing and attachment theory. Evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies are explored in consideration of mind-body research on stress and stress related disorders.
PSYC240 - Sport Psychology
This course examines settings such as school, recreational, and professional where sport activities occur. It covers topics such as motivation, anxiety, competition, cooperation, gender issues, and age and developmental level in relation to sport activities. Behavioral problems such as substance abuse and eating disorders, along with psychological factors in prevention and treatment of injuries are included. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
PSYC241 - The Psychological Life of Girls & Women
This course utilizes intrapersonal, psychosocial, and sociocultural perspectives to explore the psychological strengths and problems experienced by girls and women. Topics may include the mental health system, eating disorders, depression, women in families, violence against women, friendship, identity and diversity, immigrant experiences, biological influences, sexuality, issues at school and in the workplace, leadership, and research bias. Literature is examined critically for gender, racial, ethnic, and sexual preference biases, power dynamics, and limitations imposed on both females and males by gender imperatives. Prerequisite: PSYC 221 or PSYC 223, or permission of the instructor.
PSYC242X - Health Psychology
This course is a comprehensive study of the relationship between behavior and health including psychological factors in the development of and coping with disease. Students will learn about the biological, psychological, and social context of health and illness with a focus on maintainance of physical and emotional wellness. Topics covered may include stress, addictions, nutrition, eating disorders, adjustment, pain, pediatric health, aging and/or the psycholgocial impact of specific diseases.
PSYC302 - Biological Basis of Behavior
This course examines current research in the fields of biology, neuroscience, and psychology that explain the role of neural mechanisms in evoking and controlling human behavior. Topics include: thirst and hunger, sleep and arousal, sexual behavior, emotion, aggression, learning, memory, and mental disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 101.
PSYC304 - Sensation & Perception
It is estimated that our five senses take in 11,000,000 bits of information per second, yet we weed out much of this information. Our unique ability to sense but selectively perceive allows us to survive and live our life without being bombarded by information. In this class, students will experience and examine how humans sense and perceive the world. Topics covered will include the sensory pathways, perceptual processing, and how we create meaning from our senses. We will discuss the orienting senses, skin senses (such as touch and pain), chemical senses (such as smell), hearing, vision, and the perception of time. Perceptual processes will include physiological, psychophysical, ecological, motivational, and computational. Pre-requisite: PSYC101
PSYC307 - Forensic Psychology
This course deals with the application of psychological knowledge to the judicial process and the criminal justice system. Topics covered include effects of defendant, juror and case characteristics on verdicts, variables affecting eyewitness accuracy, identification and testimony, and the role of forensic psychologists in competency and criminal responsibility assessments as well as criminal profiling. Prerequisite: CJ 201 or PSYC 101.
PSYC308X - Black Psychology
This course is designed to introduce the varied psychological experiences of Black individuals, including the cultural, sociohistorical, and political influences that shape personality and mental health in community, family, and individual contexts. The course will examine the experiences of Black individuals living in the United States, but will also draw strong connections to the experiences of Black individuals throughout the African Diaspora including Africa, the Caribbean, South America, and Western Europe. Several topics will be explored within the Black psychology paradigm including racial identity, racism and discrimination, kinship and family, religion and spirituality, and achievement and schooling. Throughout the course, a central objective will be to consider how knowledge of such topics can be used to promote mental health and wellness among these populations. Students will be strongly encouraged to discuss current topics and controversies as they relate to the Black psychology paradigm, and to use course material to design a service learning project for the neighboring community. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101 or permission of instructor
PSYC316 - Psychology of Diversity
This course explores diversity and its relation to identity, relationship, and power. Areas of diversity that may be a focus of the course include race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, immigration status, disabilities, aging and/or health status. Students study diversity on micro, meso and macro levels including perspectives on individual and group identity, prejudice and discrimination, and psychological well-being. Students are challenged to explore their own identities and the assumptions they make about various forms of diversity. Prerequisites: Any 200 level Social Science course.
PSYC318 - Abnormal Psychology
This course examines the wide range of personality and behavioral disorders. Both traditional and contemporary theories of psychopathology are reviewed. Emphasis is also placed on the tools, techniques, and process of both the diagnosis and the treatment of various disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 202 or PSYC 220.
PSYC322 - Abnormal Child Development
This course examines common psychological disorders that affect children and adolescents. Students review factors that contribute to emotional, behavioral, cognitive and social problems in children and adolescents, as well as specific diagnostic criteria of psychological disorders. In addition, treatment of childhood disorders is discussed. Prerequisite: PSYC 221.
PSYC323 - Brain Function & Dysfunction
This course provides a survey of contemporary knowledge of the human brain, examining normal developmental brain processes and common brain functions. The course also covers common disorders and emphasizes understanding the impact of atypical brain development and the consequences of brain trauma. Intervention strategies and treatment are included. Prerequisite: PSYC101
PSYC328 - Cognitive Processes
This course studies the ways that humans learn, remember, communicate, think, and reason. Emphasis is on the role of experimental data in development and evaluation of cognitive theories. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 & MATH 208
PSYC331 - Experimental Design in Psychology
This laboratory course covers concepts of the scientific method in psychology including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. As part of the lab, students carry out an experiment and learn to use SPSS to create a database and perform statistical analyses. Prerequisites: MATH 208 and either PSYC 101 or SOC 101 or approval of Dept Chair.
PSYC333 - Research Assistantship
This course is designed to enable 1-3 students to assist a faculty member who is engaged in research. The faculty member mentors the student(s) through the research process. The process may involve some or all of the following components: Literature review of previous research on the topic, development of the research proposal and project design, development of any materials needed for the research, completion of IRB application, follow-through with the IRB recommendations and approval process, implementation of the research, analysis of the data, and presentation of the work through writing, conference presentation, or Lasell presentation. Prerequisites: SOC 331 or PSYC 331 and Permission of Department Chair. Students may enroll in the course for up to two semesters.
PSYC345 - Assessment of Individual Differences
This course studies a wide variety of tests and measurements used to assess intelligence, aptitude, achievement, and personality in clinical and counseling psychology, in education, and in business. Consideration of the history and theory of these tests is complemented by discussion of practical concerns related to their selection, their administration, and their interpretation in specific settings. Prerequisites: MATH 208 and PSYC 101.
PSYC714 - Psyc of Sport, Injury & Rehabilitation
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the theory and application of psychology of sport, injury, and rehabilitation. Topics covered include cognitive appraisal, emotional response, behavioral response, motivation, mental skills training and use, psychological antecedents of injury, adherence to rehabilitation/exercise, sociocultural factors and psychology of injury, and research methods related to the psychology of sport, injury, and rehabilitation.

Ron Laham
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science
Office: Alexander STC
- Graduate Catalog
Undergraduate Catalog 2019-20
- Core Student Learning Outcomes 19-20
- Core Curriculum Requirements 19-20
- Course Descriptions
- Academic Information
- Academic Policies 19-20
Programs of Study 2019-20
- Undergraduate Minors
- Accounting 19-20
- Forensic Science 19-20
- Biology 19-20
- Communication 19-20
- Criminal Justice 19-20
- Education 19-20
- English 19-20
- Entrepreneurship 19-20
- Event Management 19-20
- Exercise Science 19-20
- Fashion
- Fitness Management 19-20
- Global Studies 19-20
- Graphic Design 19-20
- Health Science 19-20
- History 19-20
- Hospitality Management 19-20
- Individualized Major
- International Business 19-20
- Information Technology 19-20
- Law and Public Affairs 19-20
- Legal Studies 19-20
- Business Management 19-20
- Marketing 19-20
- Pre-Law 19-20
- Psychology 19-20
- Resort and Casino Management 19-20
- Sociology 19-20
- Sport Management 19-20
- Undeclared Option 19-20
- Finance 19-20
- Undergraduate Admission
- Past Catalogs