Sport Leadership
Lasell's Sport Leadership Certificate is designed for the working individual looking to focus on the current and future trends facing the sport industry in order to be an effective leader. The certificate can be used as a base for career advancement or as an entrance into Lasell's Master of Science in Sport Management Program. Candidates to the certificate programs must hold a bachelor’s degree and submit an application for study in the graduate program along with all necessary documents.
15 credits are required for a graduate certificate
- 9 required concentration credits (3 courses)
- 6 elective credits (2 courses)
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
Choose 3 from the following: | ||
SMGT707 | Exec & Strat leadership in the Sport Ind | 3 |
SMGT708 | Leisure Studies Foundation | 3 |
SMGT711 | Sport & Rec Ldrship to Shape the Future | 3 |
SMGT732 | The Use of Psychology in Leisure Studies | 3 |
Elective* | 3 |
SMGTXXX | Elective* | 3 |
· Two additional courses (6 credits) are required to complete the certificate. The courses can be any graduate Sport Management course.
SMGT102 - Contemporary Sport Management
This course provides an overview of general principles and practices of the sport industry, covering all facets of sport management, including leadership, sociology, marketing, legal aspects, finance, and governance, in both professional and amateur sports setting. Students learn and understand those unique aspects of sport management that distinguish it from other management fields. Students gain an increased awareness of various career opportunities in the sport industry.
SMGT201 - Legal Aspects of Sports
This course is an exploration of the relationship of the law to organized secondary school, collegiate, and professional sports. It provides an overview of a wide range of legal principles that relate to the sport management field. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: SMGT 102 or LS101
SMGT202 - Ethics in Sport
This course examines theories of ethics as well as personal moral development as applied to sports. It explores the importance of personal ethics and organizational responsibility and the role of professional ethics in sport management. Prerequisite: SMGT102
SMGT203X - Intro to Parks Recreation & Tourism
This course provides students with a broad understanding of the evolution of leisure values, behaviors, and services as well contemporary issues and trends. Students will learn about the history and philosophy of recreation, leisure and tourism in an international context, and the role of organized leisure in American communities, as well as the changing social, economic, political and environmental context for these leisure based activities and their ties to the maturing fields of sport tourism and Parks and Recreation.
SMGT205 - Pre-Practicum I
This course is designed for students to complete 30 hours of supervised fieldwork with the Lasell College athletic department or at an approved off-campus site. Prerequisites: SMGT 102 and approval of Instructor.
SMGT206 - Sports Administration
This course studies the basic concepts, theories and organizations of administration as applied to sport. Areas covered include budgeting, human resources management, facilities, and legal issues.Prerequisite: SMGT102
SMGT207 - Special Topics in History of Sport
This course explores various aspects of sports and their historical development. The integration of gender, ethnic, religious, and other factors are discussed. The role that each area of sport plays within our society is examined.
SMGT208 - Sport Governance
This course focuses on the important role that governance plays within the sport industry. Students study the governance structures of various sports and sports governing bodies, including professional sports leagues, players’ associations, intercollegiate athletics, and Olympic sports, both within the United States and internationally. Prerequisite: SMGT102 or permission of the Program Director
SMGT209X - NCAA Compliance & Rules Admin
NCAA Compliance and Rules Administration is designed for students to gain an understanding of the enforcement policies, practices, and procedures, as well and the complexity of the rules and regulations governing NCAA and intercollegiate athletics. Student will review compliance cases, NCAA enforcement guidelines, and historical and contemporary compliance and rules administration cases.
SMGT211 - Sport & Society
This course is organized around the theme “Sport in Society.” The purpose of this course is to invoke a sociological perspective in understanding sport as a societal institution. We will examine socialization themes as well as the increasing organization, commercialization, and globalization of sports.
SMGT212X - Careers in Sport Management
This course discusses the meaning of sport management in terms of its scope, principles, issues and future trends. In addition, the course examines the job responsibilities and competencies required of sport managers in a variety of sports or sports-related organizations in a hope to have the student become acquainted with the role of sport administrators as well as the career opportunities within the industry. Finally, this course provides the student with an overview of the different issues sports managers will be faced with such as: consumer behavior, public relations, budgeting and facility management.
SMGT215 - Pre-Practicum
This course is designed for students to complete 60 hours of supervised fieldwork with the Lasell College athletic department or at an approved off-campus site. Prerequisites: SMGT 102 and approval of Instructor.
SMGT301 - Sport Facility & Event Management
This course explores the roles and functions of facility and events managers. It examines a variety of public assembly and privately managed sport facilities; the steps and skills required to effectively plan, organize, lead, and evaluate an event, and facilities to meet the needs of sports organizations. The course also examines resource allocation, strategic planning, and risk management and facility maintenance requirements. Prerequisites: SMGT 102 and a 200 level Sport Management course or HEM 301.
SMGT302 - Sport Marketing
This course explores sport as a product, its consumer markets, and sports products markets. It examines the processes of sport marketing, research, information management, identification of target markets, and the development of a sport marketing mix and strategies. Prerequisites: SMGT 102, BUSS 220.
SMGT303 - Sport Finance
This course is a study of the financial challenges faced by sport administrators and those working within the sports industry. Topics include economic impact analysis, ticket operations, concessions, public-private partnerships, sport sponsorships, and fundraising. Prerequisites: SMGT 102 & ECON101 or ECON102
SMGT304 - Sports Information & Communication
This course examines the fundamentals in sport information, publicity, and promotions. Preparation of news releases, local features, publications of programs and brochures, statistical breakdowns, dealing with the press, and the promotion of specific events, teams, and individuals are included. Prerequisite: ENG 102 & SMGT102
SMGT305 - Pre-Practicum II
This course is designed for the students to complete 30 hours of supervised fieldwork with the Lasell College athletic department or at an approved off-campus site. Prerequisite: SMGT 205.
SMGT306 - Sport Leadership
This course teaches concepts, principles, and skills of leadership for managers in the sports industry. Styles of successful sport coaches and managers are examined and analyzed in the context of their times and their settings. Prerequisite: SMGT102 & SMGT206 or Permission of instructor
SMGT307 - Sport Sponsorship
This course provides an examination of the relationship between sport and corporate sponsorship, and strategies for selling sponsorship packages. Topics covered include the theoretical rationale for sponsorship, strategic communication through sponsorship, determining the value of a sponsorship, evaluation of sponsorship activities, and techniques used to sell sponsorship packages. Perspectives from the event holder (i.e., property) offering a sponsorship and from the organization functioning as the sponsor are considered. Prerequisite:SMGT102 or Permission of Dept Chiar
SMGT308X - The Business of Sports
Multiple industries now makeup the overall “business of sports”. Amateur sports, professional sports, youth sports, athletic performance gear and fashion apparel, fantasy sports, memorabilia & sports media are each multibillion dollar industries in their own right. This course will explore the social and economic challenges faces by managers in various sectors of the sports industry as they attempt to address the ever increasing competition for fans, sponsors, broadcast viewership, media exposure, public financing and athletic talent.Students will learn what it is like to work in various divisions of the sports industry. Industry practitioners will walk the students through the day to day operations of these departments and explain successful strategies for obtaining these jobs. Students will go beyond wins and losses on the field to examine the fundamental business challenges that sports managers’ confront in a variety of industry sectors prerequisite: SMGT102 or permission of Dept Chair
SMGT310 - 30 for 30:Sport through Documentary
30 for 30 is the umbrella title for a series of documentary films highlighting interesting people and events in sports history. 30 for 30 has evolved into a series that has both revitalized and revolutionized the art of the sports documentary through a diverse range of filmmakers telling specific stories that touch on larger themes beyond sports. With each documentary, the filmmakers have brought their passion and personal approach to the screen, detailing the issues, trends, athletes, teams, rivalries, games and moments that have transformed the sports landscape.
SMGT313X - Parks & Recreation Management
Parks & Recreation Management
SMGT396 - Research in Sport Industry
Using Research in the Sport Industry is designed for students to gain an understanding of the principles, procedures, processes, and types of writing and reports used to answer problems in the Sport Industry. Students will learn to identify, describe, analyze, and report on an issue or problem at their own workplace by drawing on the relevant sport and related literature. Prerequisite: SMGT102, SMGT206 and Junior/Senior standing.
SMGT400X - Major League Lacrosse Internship
Major League Lacrosse Internship
SMGT401 - Special Topics in Sport Management
This course explores special segments and contemporary trends in the sport management industry. Topics may include sports medicine, health promotion, intercollegiate athletics, campus recreation, sport tourism, and international sport.
SMGT403X - Managing Diversity in Sport Org
Managing Diversity in Sport Organizations offers an overview of various diversity and inclusion theories and examines the applications of these theories to sport organizations. Students will study the impact and interconnectedness of diversity issues, social responsiveness, and the financial impact of these issues on professional, intercollegiate, interscholastic, and Olympic sport organizations. Students will also discuss and practice strategies to resolve diversity and inclusion related problems commonly faced by the sport and business manager. In conjunction with Lasell College Connected Learning philosophy, an emphasis will be placed on connecting diversity and concepts and initiatives to the sport and business industries.
SMGT405X - Leisure Theories in Practice
Leisure Theories in Practice
SMGT407 - Sport Management Internship I
The internship provides students with administrative experience in their chosen concentration. Students gain practical experience, enhance skills learned in the classroom, and acquire contacts with professionals in the sports management field. A minimum of 150 hours is required for Sports Management internships. This course includes a seminar which includes: strategies for seeking entry-level employment, long-term career planning and post graduate study options. Prerequisites: SMGT 205 and SMGT 305 .
SMGT408 - Sport Management Internship II
The internship provides students with additional administrative experience in their chosen concentration. Students gain practical experience, enhance skills learned in the classroom, and acquire contacts with professionals in the sports management field. A minimum of 150 hours is required for Sports Management internships. This course includes a seminar which includes: strategies for seeking entry-level employment, long-term career planning and post graduate study options. Prerequisite: SMGT 407.
SMGT412 - Sport Analytics
Analytical techniques and quantitative methods are on the rise in many areas of business. They have increasingly made their way into the sports realm. Skills such as critical thinking, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis using Microsoft excel, predictive analytics and optimization are crucial in the data-centric realm. The class seeks to develop and refine these skills in the business application area of sports.Prerequisite: SMGT102 & MATH208
SMGT496 - Sport Management Capstone
This course is a culminating experience designed to provide the student with an opportunity to demonstrate synthesis of knowledge, practice, and skills developed throughout the program of study. Capstone assignments reflect the integration of research methodology, theory, and advanced knowledge in an area of specialization. Students develop a web-portfolio to showcase their work in the Sport Management program. Students incorporate aspects of past course assignments into a reflective thesis paper. Students also participate in a required service learning activity. To be completed in either the fall or spring semester of the final academic year of the student's program. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: SMGT396

Cristina Haverty
Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement
Office: Alexander STC

Lori Rosenthal
Assistant Provost; Professor of Psychology
Office: Plummer

Keith Belmore
Associate Professor of Athletic Training and Graduate Chair of Athletic Training
Office: Alexander STC 104N

Linda Bucci
Professor & Program Chair of Justice Studies, Graduate Chair of Criminal Justice
Office: Plummer

Sarah Giasullo
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training; Graduate Chair of Health Sciences
Office: Alexander STC 104T

Janet Huetteman
Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing
Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Young-Tae Kim
Associate Professor of Sport Management; Graduate Interim Chair of Sport Management
Office: Alexandar STC

Ron Laham
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science
Office: Alexander STC

Meryl Perlson
Chair of Communication; Professor of Communication
Office: Donahue 107

Matthew Reilly
Chair of Business and Interim Chair of Sport Management; Assistant Professor of Business
Office: DeArment

Claudia Rinaldi
The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education
Office: Brennan Library

Nancy Waldron
Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management
Office: DeArment

Brian Wardyga
Professor of Communication; General Manager, 109.2FM WLAS & LCTV
Office: Brennan Library, G04F
- Academic Policies 20-21
- Admission to Graduate Studies
- Course Descriptions
- Graduate Financial Information 20-21
Programs of Study
- Bachelor Degree Completion Program
- Master of Science in Human Resources
- Master of Education
- Master of Science in Marketing
- Master of Science in Communication
- Master of Science in Criminal Justice 20-21
- Master of Science in Management 20-21
- Master of Science in Nutrition for Human Performance
- Master of Science in Athletic Training
- Master of Science in Project Management
- Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science
- Master of Science in Sport Management
Graduate Certificates
- Athletic Administration
- Emergency and Crisis Management
- Digital Media
- Negotiations and Conflict Resolution
- Public Speaking
- Health Communication
- Management
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Homeland Security & Global Justice
- Marketing
- Project Management
- Public Relations
- Hospitality and Event Management
- Sport Leadership
- Sport Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Violence Prevention and Advocacy
- Teaching English Learners with Disabilities Certificate
- International Inclusive Education Certificate
- Human Resources Management
- Emergency and Crisis Management
- Master of Science in Marketing
- Master of Science in Applied Sports Science Analytics
- Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication