Fitness Management
A multidisciplinary field of study, the Lasell College Fitness Management Program provides students with expertise in the field of fitness and wellness accompanied with a strong foundation in business management.
Fitness Management professionals are knowledgeable in the areas of kinesiology, human performance assessment, fitness skills and principles, wellness concepts, and strength and conditioning techniques while maintaining expertise in business management principles, theories and concepts. As business experts dedicated to fitness and wellness enhancement, Fitness Management professionals are responsible for the development and coordination of exercise programs for clients at health clubs, fitness facilities, private clubs, resort fitness centers and casinos while overseeing the business management of such settings.
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) endorses the Fitness Management Program based on curriculum content and educational competencies achieved. Upon successful completion of the program, students are eligible to take the National Strength and Conditioning Associates (NSCA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Exam and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Certified Personal Trainer Exam. Additional cost is associated with each certification exam.
The fitness aspect of the curriculum focuses on the study of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, human metabolism, human movement, group exercise, strength and conditioning techniques and personal training skills. The business management aspect of the curriculum focuses on business management, marketing, and sales principles, entrepreneurship and private club management. Students will culminate their educational journey with a multidisciplinary capstone and two internships opportunities.
While completing this multidisciplinary program, Fitness Management majors have the option to participate in domestic and international service- learning programs and study abroad programs.
Utilizing our connected learning philosophy, discipline specific principles, concepts, theories and skills will be reinforced through their application in problem-based collaborative projects, laboratory activities and extensive internship experiences.
Students are immediately introduced to discipline specific concepts and skills during the first year in the program. Throughout the second and third year of the program students will navigate through classes and educational experiences in management, marketing, fitness and wellness. During the final year of the program, students are actively engaged in undergraduate research through the research concepts and capstone courses, and two multidisciplinary field experiences that immerse students in professional settings designed to allow students an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities with supervised autonomy
Academic standards for the Fitness Management Program include grades of "C" or better in all EXSC and BUSS courses.
Program Fee
Each Fitness Management student is charged a program fee for each semester. The program fee is used to provide instructional supplies, discipline specific technology, guest speaker honoraria, educational opportunities outside of the classroom and miscellaneous materials/supplies needed to maximize student learning.
Retention Policy
The Fitness Management program coursework, with associated prerequisites, requires a grade of "C" or better in all EXSC and BUSS courses. Additionally, Fitness Management majors must maintain a 2.0 GPA to remain in the program. Failure to maintain required academic standards will necessitate the repetition of a major required course and consultation with the program director and department chair to determine a student's academic eligibility to remain in the program.
Goals and Outcomes
The following goals and learning outcomes delineate what we strive for students to achieve when they complete the major program of study in Fitness Management:
Goal 1: Communication
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management Program, students will be able to:
- interpret, develop, produce and disseminate disciplinary research
- understand and create discipline specific written work
- deliver professional oral presentations
- interact professionally and educate clients, peers and colleagues
- apply a collaborative, team approach to client-services
Goal 2: Professional Behaviors
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to:
- identify ethical issues
- model professional conduct and behavior
- respect the role and responsibilities of each professional member of a multidisciplinary team
- advance knowledge through the use of evidence based practice and professional development
- practice cultural competence in delivery of client-centered services
- adhere to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and National Strength and Conditioning Association codes of ethics
Goal 3: Knowledge and Skills
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to:
- demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of organizational behavior and cross-cultural management
- demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of human resource management
- demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of information technology
- demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area of strategic planning within management
- demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the area if fitness and wellness knowledge
- demonstrate a comprehensive level of knowledge in the application of fitness and wellness skills and techniques
Goal 4: Professional Decision Making
Upon completion of the major program of study in Fitness Management, students will be able to
- incorporate evidence based practice into professional decision making
- create, implement and modify fitness and wellness programs to address individual needs of the client
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
Core Courses | ||
BUSS101 | Contemporary Issues in Business | 3 |
BUSS201 | Financial Accounting | 4 |
BUSS205 | Legal Environment of Business | 3 |
BUSS220 | Marketing | 3 |
BUSS224 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
BUSS231 | Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation | 3 |
BUSS336 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
BUSS499 | Internship Accounting/Finance | 3 |
EXSC106 | Resistance Training | 3 |
EXSC108 | Group Exercise | 3 |
EXSC209 | Performance Nutrition | 3 |
EXSC211 | Personal Fitness | 3 |
EXSC222 | Kinesiology | 4 |
EXSC302 | Exercise Physiology | 4 |
EXSC305 | Strength Training & Conditioning | 4 |
EXSC307 | Advanced Sports Performance | 3 |
EXSC340 | Research Concepts | 3 |
EXSC410 | Exercise Science Field Experience I | 3 |
HEM205 | Private Club Management | 3 |
Choose 1 from the following: | ||
BUSS232 | Operations Strategy | 3 |
EXSC405 | Organization & Healthcare Administration | 3 |
Choose 1 from the following: | ||
BUSS440 | Business Policy | 3 |
EXSC430 | Exercise Science Capstone | 3 |
Major Requirements: 82 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements: 21-27 credits
Unrestricted Electives: 11-17 credits
Minimum credits required for graduation: 120 credits
* Students are required to show proof of CPR/AED Professional Rescuer certification to register for field experience.
***Courses listed below fulfill Knowledge Perspective requirements:
Scientific Inquiry & Problem Solving
PHYS 111 General Physics I
Individuals & Society
COM 103 Human Communication
MATH 203 fulfills the Quantitative Literacy requirement of the Core Curriculum for Fitness Management
** The following courses may require additional coursework depending upon Math placement:
MATH203: Precalculus
MATH208: Statistics
BUSS101 - Contemporary Issues in Business
This course is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of the business world. Areas covered include: private enterprise, forms of ownership, legal aspects, management, marketing, human resources, operations management, labor relations, and finance. In addition, students become aware of how business functions are integrated into an organization to achieve specific goals.
BUSS201 - Financial Accounting
This course provides students with an applied knowledge of the fundamental accounting process and procedures used in business. Students learn how to identify and record business transactions. In addition, students learn how to create financial statements, as well as how to become intelligent users of financial information.
BUSS202 - Managerial Accounting
In this course, students gain experience in the development and use of information within an organization. Course topics include: cost terms; production costing; cost allocation for planning and control; cost behavior patterns; cost-volume-profit relationships; budgeting; inventory planning and control; pricing decisions; and aspects of investment decisions. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a grade C or better.
BUSS203 - Financial Management
This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of finance. Various techniques of analysis that reveal the relationships of risk, return, and value are demonstrated. Topics include: financial reporting; long- and short-term forecasting; managing working capital; capital budgeting; and the nature of corporate securities and debt-equity mix. Prerequisites: BUSS 101 OR HEM 101 OR FASH 101 OR SMGT 102; BUSS 202 with a grade C or better & ECON 102.
BUSS205 - Legal Environment of Business
This course provides a working knowledge of everyday law as it applies to business and personal needs. The focus is primarily on contract law and property law.
BUSS207 - Fundamentals of Financial Planning
This course provides the foundation for understanding and using financial planning techniques. This framework is the basis for all financial decisions large and small. Topics covered are personal financial planning, consumer credit, budgeting, investments, and banking procedures. Risk analysis regarding portfolio management and tax liabilities is also examined.
BUSS208 - Financial Statement Analysis
This course examines financial statements and other financial reports with a view towards using accounting information in making investing, lending and other potential management decisions. Students explore methods of constructing, comparing and analyzing these statements and reports and the various uses of such analyses. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a grade C or better.
BUSS209 - Computer Applications in Business
This hands-on course is designed to provide students with a fundamental knowledge and understanding of computer applications in business. Strong emphasis of the course is on building competencies in industry-standard spreadsheet and database software applications.
BUSS210 - Federal Income Taxes
This course provides students with a basic understanding of fundamentals of federal income tax laws as they apply to individuals, businesses, and not-for-profit taxable entities. It explores the broad range of tax topics, emphasizing the role of taxation in business decision-making process, tax research, and tax planning. Prerequisite: BUSS 201
BUSS212 - Management Information Systems
This course takes a managerial approach to information technology concepts and applications. Given the pervasiveness of computer technology in today's world, professionals in various fields of endeavor often have a major responsibility for determining an organization's information needs and for designing and implementing information systems that support those needs. Students study concepts and issues related to information technology with the goal of understanding how it can be effectively used to improve an organization's overall effectiveness and increase its level of success. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, HEM 102, SMGT 102, or FASH 101.
BUSS220 - Marketing
In this course, fundamentals of the nature of marketing are presented and evaluated for specific functions and institutions. Policies and practices as applied generally to marketing research involve product development, selection, channels of distribution buying and physical distribution selling. Pricing under competitive conditions, social benefits of competition and government regulations are included. Prerequisites: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT 102; ECON 101; HEM102.
BUSS224 - Organizational Behavior
In this course, students study individuals within the context of the organization using a behavioral approach. Group dynamics and intergroup dynamics are emphasized in relation to productivity and work satisfaction along with the examination of specific aspects of organizations that influence behavior. Areas covered include: structure, leadership, and change. Teaching modalities include case studies and role-playing. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.
BUSS231 - Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation
Entrepreneurship drives global innovation and economic growth. This course exposes business students to the study of entrepreneurship and the venture creation process. Topics include analyzing new business opportunities, developing business propositions, new venture planning and financing, marketing activities, financial controls, and other topics relevant to the entrepreneurial process. Students interact with faculty, local entrepreneurs, and small business owners/managers. As a culmination activity of this course, students are responsible for the development and presentation of a business plan. Prerequisite: BUSS 101.
BUSS232 - Operations Strategy
Operations strategy examines how operations can be used as sources of competitive advantage. This class will focus on understanding the need of formulating an operational strategy (long-term plan) and making strategic operational decisions. The old view of operations management as the task of maintaining a comparatively static production or service facility has given way to one characterized by a need for renewed flexibility, relentless improvement, and the development of new capabilities at the operating unit level. As a result of this changing environment, the skills required of operations managers have changed as well. The course is based primarily on case studies supported by conceptual frameworks.
BUSS233 - American Enterprise Experience
This course studies the American enterprise experience from colonial times until the present. The course touches upon the business component of the American experience beginning with the individual artisan-merchant through the great innovators and organizers of the 19th and 20th centuries and beyond. The historical events, cultural changes, social upheavals, and political shifts that have influenced the development of the American business environment are the core of the study. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT102
BUSS235 - Ethics in Business
This course introduces students to ethical analysis in its application to management. A presupposition of the course is that ethical considerations are an integral part of effective management practices. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101 FASH 101, or SMGT 102
BUSS237 - Contemporary Global Leadership
In this course, students analyze what it means to be a global leader in the 21st century and identify the skills necessary to be successful in an increasingly global business climate. Students explore this question personally, collectively, and globally in a creative and collaborative atmosphere. Students examine classic as well as contemporary theories of leadership and how they apply to the dynamic global business culture. The course provides students with the opportunity to acquire perspectives and skills essential to successful management in the emerging markets that are increasingly becoming key contenders in world commercial enterprise. Prerequisite BUSS 224.
BUSS301 - Intermediate Accounting I
This course builds on concepts developed in Financial Accounting. Concentration is on the application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to the preparation of financial statements with an in-depth review of cash, receivables, inventories, and plant assets. The course also covers the concept of the time value of money and the application of present value techniques to accounting valuations. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a grade C or better.
BUSS302 - Intermediate Accounting II
This course is designed to continue the concepts of financial accounting and present a more thorough analysis of the requirements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Included in this course are earnings per share calculations, lease accounting, and pension accounting. The cash flow statement is also studied. Prerequisite: BUSS 301 with a grade C or better.
BUSS304 - Working Capital Management
This course explores working capital management, credit management, working capital funding, and the major sources of financing debt and equity. Students undertake financial analyses of theoretical models and real-world firms and organizations, recommend financing strategies, and present their findings by using management reporting methods. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS305 - International Accounting
This course addresses significant accounting matters experienced by multinational companies. Accounting matters include currency transactions and translational transfer price, and management planning and control. Prerequisite: BUSS 301 with a C or better.
BUSS306 - Accounting Information Systems
This course provides an understanding and appreciation of accounting information systems. The course teaches conceptual, analytical, and technical skills necessary to work efficiently and productively as an accountant in a computerized business information environment. The functions of Accounting Information Systems are explored from the perspective of financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, and tax. The course involves several hands-on exercises in Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel to develop database and spreadsheet skills. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a "C" or better.
BUSS307 - International Finance
This course studies the ways and means to reduce financial risk involved in international financial management. The course deals with the interrelationship between the international monetary environment and financial planning for corporations with overseas operations. It analyzes the effects on international financial planning of such factors as exchange rate fluctuations, currency restrictions, and tax regulations. It intensively examines financial aspects of multinational business including foreign investment, trade, and transfer of funds. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS308 - Government & Not-for-Profit Accounting
This course introduces financial accounting and reporting issues related to state and local government and non-profit organizations, including universities and health care facilities. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a grade C or better.
BUSS309 - Fraud Examination
This course covers techniques for identification and detection of asset misappropriation schemes and fraudulent financial statements, who commits fraud and why, and controls to prevent and detect problems. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a "C" or better.
BUSS311 - Investments
This course explores fundamentals of investing. The strategies used to create money from financial capital are thoroughly examined. Financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures, options, and commodities are explored. The measurement tools used to assign risk and rate of return, performance, and value are covered. Students learn how to develop, analyze, and maintain a portfolio. Regulatory and ethical issues are examined and considered in the decision-making process. Prerequisite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS312 - Risk Management
The basics of risk management are covered in this course. Problems of liability and personal loss exposures of a business are examined. Private insurance programs such as health and life insurance, and employee benefit plans are examined and assessed. Prerequisite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS313 - Business Negotiations
This course examines various negotiating tactics and techniques as they relate to different situations and environments. Particular attention is paid to buyer-seller communications, including negotiations of contracts and agreements. Students study the strengths and weaknesses of strategies used by both buyers and sellers. Prerequisites: BUSS 201, BUSS 220 and MATH 104.
BUSS315 - Emerging Global Markets
This course focuses on developing skills, strategies and insights crucial to conducting successful business operations in the emerging markets of Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa including the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Globalization offers these countries the opportunity for unprecedented economic development. By participating in the international marketplace, emerging countries increase their chances of raising wages and incomes, accumulating wealth, and reducing poverty. These countries also provide opportunities for companies, mostly from developed countries, to extend their markets. In this course, students study the institutions of emerging markets that are relevant for managers; explore the differences in the contexts and roles of various actors (such as the government and NGOs); analyze opportunities and risks presented by emerging markets; and analyze the strategies of firms dealing with emerging markets. Prerequisite: BUSS101
BUSS319 - Cost Accounting
Study of a typical firm’s cost data and how that data can transformed into information for business analysis and decision making. Topics include how to identify fixed versus variable cost, cost volume profit analysis, flexible budgeting, Activity Based Costing and standard cost systems with detail variance analysis. Process and job order costing systems are examined in terms of how these systems are used to accumulate cost to determine accurate product or service costs and why this is necessary in setting product/service selling prices to maximize profits. Other topics include the numerous cost allocation processes that take place in the typical manufacturing and service industries, and transfer pricing within companies that are doing business internationally. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a "C" or better.
BUSS320 - Consumer Behavior
This course examines the behavior of individuals and markets in relation to the purchase decision, including post-purchase evaluation and consumption. A behavioral science approach is taken. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS321 - Property and Liability Insurance
This course explores the fundamentals of commercial property and liability insurance including contracts, rating, underwriting, regulation and financial analysis of insurers. Prerequisite:BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS322 - Marketing Communications
This course focuses on a broad view of advertising, dealing with its planning, creation, and execution in relation to the marketing cycle. Topics include: organization and operation of the advertising agency; publicity; public relations; behavioral sciences as applied to advertising; budgeting; and planning. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS323 - Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits
This course provides the students with an understanding of the retirement planning process. Students develop an ability to counsel others on retirement and employee benefit decisions. Topics covered are social security, qualified retirement plans, corporate profit sharing plans, health insurance, group life insurance, group disability insurance, and deferred compensation. Prerequsite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS324 - E-Business
This course provides students with a broad overview of the concepts and principles of e-business. This knowledge is increasingly important for all students, regardless of their area of concentration, because traditional businesses and arts organizations are becoming hybrids by adding an online presence to their existing structure. Topics discussed include a definition of e-business, online management strategies, distribution channels, privacy and security issues, and cyberlaw, among others. Students develop an e-business plan and webpage. Prerequisite: BUSS101
BUSS325 - Sales Principles
This course analyzes salesmanship in modern business with emphasis placed on the principles and techniques of individual selling styles in both retail and wholesale markets. Topics covered include: dramatization of the sale presentation; the selling role; buyer characteristics and motivations; modern sales practices; corporate sales planning; sales-force policies; time and territory management; forecasting, budgeting; and expense control. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS327 - Life, Health, and Disability Insurance
This course studies financial implications of death, disability and retirement, as well as the types of life insurance and annuity contracts and their uses. Regulations of life and health insurers, insurer operations and functions, legal aspects, group and individual life and health insurance products including medical, disability income and long-term care policies are covered. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS328 - Entertainment Marketing
This course will provide students with a framework for understanding the dynamics of several major sectors within the entertainment industry. Students will compare and contrast successful entertainment marketing strategies with traditional product-based companies. Entertainment Marketing surveys the strategy, techniques and communication media employed to market the range of entertainment available to the American audience. The course examines the organizations and people who conceive, create and distribute video, film, print, interactive and new technology within the framework of the entertainment promotion landscape. The course demonstrates how advertising, publicity, promotion, research and overall marketing campaigns are created and the impact on the creative and business operations of entertainment companies.The objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the marketing issues faced by entertainment companies, highlighting the experiential nature of the products and the fast-pace of change within the industry. Prerequisite: COM216 or COM302
BUSS329 - New Product Development
New products and services are crucial to successful growth and increased profits in many industries. A major goal of this course is to help students learn to use an analytic decision-making approach in developing and marketing new products and services that meet customer needs in the consumer, industrial, and service settings. At the end of the course, the student should understand the role of decision models in analytic marketing decision-making; be able to follow the basic steps in opportunity identification, design, testing, and implementation; and know how to read and interpret new product and service market research. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS330 - Managing Change
This course examines the unique problems associated with managing organizations during mergers, reorganizations, and other times of change. Strategies to cope with change, as well as induce it, are examined. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.
BUSS331 - Money and Capital Markets
This course offers an extensive examination of both money and capital markets. Students get “hands-on” experience evaluating long and short-term instruments. To connect theory to practice, students conduct technical and financial analyses. The basic characteristics of these markets and their contribution to the portfolio are explored. The case method is used to provide students with “real world” decision-making situations. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS332 - Cross Cultural Management
This course explores the process of cross-cultural management and the challenges of working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in global organizations. The course is divided into three parts. The first focuses on understanding the cultural roots of behavior in organizations, the second on the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management issues that are relevant to international managers, and the third seeks to prepare students for international assignments. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.
BUSS333 - Estate Planning and Trust
This course provides the students with an understanding of the retirement planning process. Students develop an ability to counsel others on retirement and employee benefit decisions. Topics covered are social security, qualified retirement plans, corporate profit sharing plans, health insurance, group life insurance, group disability insurance, and deferred compensation. Prerequsite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS334 - Nonprofit Management
Managing in the nonprofit sector is different than in the for-profit sector. In this course students explore businesses that do not intend to maximize profit and retain it for future expenditures. Managers must operate under more regulated conditions and must be well prepared to interact within the public sector. Not-for-profit managers must be well versed in public policy and other regulations that affect them. Students engage in projects with non-profit organizations. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT 102.
BUSS336 - Human Resource Management
This course examines the staffing function of management including planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, compensation, labor laws, and organizational development. The course also addresses current issues affecting the human resource manager, including the changing work force and need to increase productivity, as well as changes in the area of unions and affirmative action. Both class discussions and case studies are used to prepare students for the personnel and related tasks involved in a management position. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.
BUSS337 - Managing the Growing Company
This course focuses on the challenges and opportunities of managing a growing entrepreneurial venture. Using practical management techniques, students address the management of rapidly growing entrepreneurial firms. Through a variety of learning activities, including case studies, reading, and visiting entrepreneurs, students examine companies, often family-run, during dynamic transition. The course specifically addresses the challenges faced by companies in various stages of growth and the exceptional challenges of rapid growth. Prerequisites: BUSS 201 & BUSS 231.
BUSS339X - The World of Apps
This course is designed to introduce the business world of smart phone applications and provide an overview of recent and near-future developments in the realm of mobile technology. We will explore the best 30 to 50 apps in the world today, address new technologies and platforms, new trends and business models for mobile. We'll learn how to imagine, design, and build a prototype/wireframe of an app. No prerequisites. Basic understanding of technology. Must have a smart phone.
BUSS341 - Social Media Marketing
This course takes an in-depth look at social networks, social media platforms and online advertising to offer students an advantage in many positions involving marketing, consulting and brand management both on the buyer and seller side of social media. Students with an interest in entrepreneurship will also find the course useful as new businesses often rely on social media marketing. The course covers a number of topics including the differences and interaction between traditional and social media; two-sided markets and social media platforms (including verticals such as gaming, shopping and entertainment); basic theory of social networks online and offline (graph theory, sociology, information diffusion); consumer behavior and digital media; social Media Analytics and Monitoring; brand strategies on social media; best marketing practices for paid and unpaid social media; B2B marketing and social media. Prerequisite: BUSS220.
BUSS403 - Advanced Accounting
This course examines specialized topics in financial accounting. Problems associated with the partnership form of business organization, including partnership formation, division of income and losses, changes in ownership, and partnership liquidation are reviewed. Topics also include the subject of business combinations with emphasis on consolidated financial statements of parents and subsidiaries and elimination of intercompany transactions, accounting for foreign operations, and fund accounting as it relates to municipalities. Prerequisite: BUSS 302 with grade C or better; BUSS 319 with "C" or better; and Senior Standing
BUSS405 - Accounting Theory
This course develops an understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and of the underlying theory upon which they are based, essentially through study and analysis of publications of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and other professional bodies. This course further emphasizes current developments in accounting thought. Prerequisites: BUSS 302, BUSS 303, both with a C or better, and senior standing.
BUSS406 - Financial Strategy
This is a capstone course utilizing lecture, discussion, and case analysis to define the process of financial management. The course of study presents the concepts of the advanced capital budget centering on decision-making concerning capital structure, dividend policy, leasing, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, and international finance and exchange rates. Prerequisite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better & senior standing.
BUSS408 - Auditing
This courses examines the impact of auditing on constituencies external and internal to organizations, especially stockholders and management. Students examine the role of both the independent public accountant and the internal auditor, and study various control and reporting techniques involved in auditing. Prerequisites: BUSS 302, BUSS 319, and Senior standing.
BUSS418 - Special Topics in Accounting
This course provides students with an opportunity to study topics of special interest, which may vary each time the course is offered. Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair, and Senior standing.
BUSS420 - Marketing Research
This course examines the process and tools involved in collecting, coding, and analyzing data. The course further integrates the application of computer software in compiling and interpreting statistical data in relation to marketing decisions, such as those related to market segmentation and distribution. Prerequisites: BUSS 220, MATH 208.
BUSS422 - Global Marketing
The complexity of operating in the global marketplace makes many demands on the marketer. The globalization of marketing takes place after the company has international experience in multiple markets. The three fundamental areas of corporate globalization are covered in this course: (1) integrate sourcing, production, and marketing; (2) allocate resources to achieve a balanced portfolio and growth; and (3) coordinate marketing activities across countries and regions. Importing, exporting, and licensing considerations are explored. Prerequisite: BUSS 220 with a C or better.
BUSS425 - Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
This seminar offers an in-depth exploration of advanced entrepreneurship topics of current interest and importance. Using case studies and actual entrepreneurial ventures, students explore entrepreneurship with a focus on leadership, marketing, development, management, and growth of new business ventures. Students learn the practical skills needed to succeed as an entrepreneur and how to apply best practices for planning, initiating, and growing new companies. The course also emphasizes the analysis and evaluation of actual entrepreneurial ventures. Subjects vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: BUSS 337 and Senior standing.
BUSS432 - Marketing Strategy
This course is designed to facilitate the ability to formulate and implement marketing strategy. The course integrates topics covered in other marketing classes. As part of the learning experience, students engage in a simulation program with teams taking charge of a company within a competitive environment. Prerequisite: BUSS 220 with a C or better.
BUSS440 - Business Policy
This capstone course requires students to apply a broad knowledge of management and administrative techniques to specific situations. An emphasis is placed on strategy formulation and implementation. The case study method is used. This course culminates in a formal professional presentation to members of the advisory board. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: Senior standing, Marketing/Management or Accounting/Finance Majors.
BUSS497 - Mgmt, Mrkt, & Hem Internship & Seminar
Mgmt, Mrkt, & Hem Internship & Seminar
BUSS498 - Internship Seminar Acct/Fin
A critical component of the internship experience is participating in a weekly seminar where students discuss and reflect on their experiences to gain a broader view of the workplace, contemporary issues and organizational trends, as well as their own developing abilities and career interests. This one credit course covers professional issues as they arise during the student's internship. Some of the topics covered include: supervision, boundary issues, self-care, stress management, and professionalism. Students are required to write a weekly reflective journal on their internship experience. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, and a 2.0 cumulative average in all business prefix courses. Separate sections are offered for different business majors. Must be taken concurrently with BUSS 499.
BUSS499 - Internship Accounting/Finance
The internship is scheduled to take place during the senior year. Students serve as interns for a total of 150 hours over a 12-week period, done concurrently with on-campus course work as shown in the curriculum for each program. Detailed reports, a journal, and other written requirements are submitted during and at the conclusion of the internship. The internship supervisor monitors each student's performance and visits each internship site as needed. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, and a 2.0 cumulative average in all business prefix courses. Separate sections are offered for different business majors. Must be taken concurrently with BUSS 498.
EXSC101 - Essentials of Musculoskeletal Anatomy
This course provides students with foundational concepts associated with the healthcare and fitness industry. Through connected learning projects, emphasis is placed on understanding musculoskeletal anatomy and medical nomenclature Formerly - AHLT101
EXSC104 - Principles & Problems of Coaching
This course provides students with an introduction to the profession of coaching. Students develop a base of knowledge through the study of principles and concepts from the areas of coaching philosophy, sport psychology, sport pedagogy, sport physiology, and sports management. Upon successful completion of the course, students have a thorough understanding and appreciation of possible solutions for those problems that are most frequently encountered in coaching, as well as the ability to apply principles of coaching to individual athletes and/or a team.
EXSC106 - Resistance Training
This course will explore the fundamentals of strength and conditioning instruction. Students will develop a practical/technical foundation for designing, instructing, and evaluating strength and conditioning routines for a variety of clientele. Major compound movements, Olympic lifts, and advanced conditioning techniques will be emphasized. Students will utilize their anatomical and kinesiological knowledgebase to evaluate exercise technique and form. Students will also develop foundational knowledge of exercise safety, cueing/correction techniques, exercise demonstration and modification, exercise progression and professionalism.
EXSC107 - Lifestyles & Human Behavior
This course focuses on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the interactive principles of human behavior across the lifespan from adolescence through adult development. Topics include exercise adherence and maintenance, weight management, smoking cessation, and stress management. Formerly - AHLT107
EXSC108 - Group Exercise
This course will introduce students to group exercise instruction methods. Students will gain knowledge of and skill in planning exercise sessions for groups of exercisers using a variety of formats and instructional techniques. Communication, instruction, safety, motivation, organization, music selection, and choreography with be discussed and practiced. In addition, the application of common anatomy, physiology, and behavior modification principles will be used in designing and progressing group exercise sessions. A variety of fitness activities will be explored including sports conditioning, circuit training, boot camp, step aerobics, kickboxing, strength training, yoga and indoor cycling. This course will also prepare students to sit for national certification exams.
EXSC202 - Applied Coaching Techniques
The course is designed to help aspiring coaches teach the skills athletes need in order to perform effectively in team and individualized sports. Students will learn how to address the various issues faced by athletic coaches by thoroughly examining such concepts as individual differences exhibited by athletes; technical, tactical, and mental skills athletes need to learn; content and structure of skill practice; the art of providing feedback; and the preparation of athletes for competition. This exploration prepares coaches to work with athletes competently and confidently in most coaching settings.
EXSC209 - Performance Nutrition
This course studies the effects, benefits, and sources of major nutrients. It includes an overview of nutritional issues involved in disease processes and nutritional needs for an active population. Special focus on patient assessment and development of dietary plans based on energy expenditure. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206.
EXSC211 - Personal Fitness
This course prepares students for national certification exams as personal trainers. Each class addresses pertinent topics of the health fitness professional. These topics include health screening and assessment and comprehensive program design for multiple populations. The course empowers students with the skills necessary to become qualified fitness professionals.
EXSC213 - Coaching Practicum
This course provides students the opportunity to apply the principles and practices of coaching in a junior high, high school, or collegiate environment. Students participate actively in practical coaching experiences under the guidance and supervision of a qualified coach. Prerequisite: EXSC 104 and EXSC 202
EXSC222 - Kinesiology
This course examines the anatomical and mechanical concepts required for critical assessment, description, and qualitative analysis of human motion. The laboratory component includes analysis of human motion. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206, PHYS 111.
EXSC302 - Exercise Physiology
This course explores the acute and chronic effects of exercise on the structure and function of the body with an emphasis on the acute responses of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and neuromuscular systems. Various concepts related to physical fitness such as body composition, skill related fitness, and cardiovascular fitness are introduced. The practical applications of major principles are demonstrated in a laboratory setting. Students are advised that the capability to exercise moderately and maximally may be required and that documentation of a medical examination indicating cardiopulmonary status and exercise capacity may be requested by the instructor. Writing intensive course. Prerequisites: BIO 205, BIO 206.
EXSC304 - Exercise Testing & Prescription
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to engage in the application of physiological principles and development of practical skills for fitness evaluation and exercise prescription. Course content will emphasis: pre-test screening and assessment and prescription fundamentals for cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, body composition, and flexibility. Prerequisite EXSC 302.
EXSC305 - Strength Training & Conditioning
Lecture and practical sessions include principles of weight training and conditioning, orientation to different modalities, including free weights, weight machines (i.e., Nautilus), and circuit training and development of individual and group exercise programs. Students may be required to obtain medical clearance prior to participation. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
EXSC306 - Applied Ethics in Health Care
Develop a moral and ethical decision making framework as related to the healthcare field as individuals (clinician) and groups (healthcare team) through the application ethical principles and concepts.
EXSC307 - Advanced Sports Performance
This course is designed to provide students advanced concepts in strength and conditioning. Emphasis is placed on the application of principles and theories covered in the Strength and Conditioning class. Students focus on the development of sports specific programs for the purpose of improving athletic performance. Prerequisite: EXSC 305.
EXSC340 - Research Concepts
This course covers research concepts in the healthcare and fitness industy including the logic of experimental and correlational designs, issues of control, sampling, measurement of variables, ethical issues in research, use of online professional search procedures, and writing in APA style. Students engage in various aspects of the research process culminating in a research paper on a discipline specific topic. Prerequisite: MATH 208.
EXSC401 - Exercise Science Seminar II
This course provides students with the skills needed to prepare for entrance into the workforce or graduate school. Emphasis is placed on cover letters and resume writing, interview skills, the graduate school application process, professionalism, and ethical decision making. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Co-requisite - EXSC 340
EXSC403 - Exercise for Special Populations
This course provides the exercise physiologist with an in-depth knowledge of application of exercise principles for patients participating in adult fitness programs. It includes client characteristics, screening, and program supervision. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: EXSC 302 or EXSC304
EXSC405 - Organization & Healthcare Administration
This course presents the principles of managing physical education, intramural and athletic programs, and sport and fitness businesses. Course topics include facility management, human relations, legal issues, scheduling, drug testing, staffing, and related duties of facility managers. Writing intensive course. Prerequisites: Senior standing.
EXSC406 - Advanced Topics in Exercise Physiology
This course explores and evaluates current concepts in the understanding of physiological function and effects of exercise. Particular emphasis is placed on the physiological function and effects of exercise across the lifespan and in-depth examination of current literature in advanced exercise science topics. Pre-requisite: EXSC 302.
EXSC410 - Exercise Science Field Experience I
This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic, corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 150 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC 302, EXSC 305 and Permission of Department Chair.
EXSC420 - Exercise Science Field Experience II
This is an off-campus experience in a hospital, clinic,corporate, university or commercial setting, as appropriate. Concepts, theories, and practices learned in the classroom are applied in a supervised setting. Students must successfully complete at least 300 hours of field experience in addition to written assignments. Prerequisites: EXSC 302, EXSC 305 and Permission of Department Chair.
EXSC430 - Exercise Science Capstone
The capstone course synthesizes theories and practices of exercise physiology into one culminating and progressive exercise program for a client. Students serve as subjects, technicians, and administrators. The primary goal is to better prepare students to engage in research at the graduate level and to create an opportunity for students to apply various concepts and theories attained throughout the curriculum. The content of this course focuses on opportunities for exercise program design and undergraduate research, with three course design option; development of original case study research, with focus on adhering to written and oral presentation standards within the field; development of an original research question, with focus on methodology, data collection and statistical analysis; or development of an understanding of the research process, with focus on review of the literature, defining the research question, and study methodology. Prerequisite: EXSC 340

Cristina Haverty
Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Global Engagement
Office: Alexander STC

Jeffrey Corcoran
Associate Professor, Marketing and Management
Office: DeArment House

Janet Huetteman
Graduate Chair of Management and Marketing; Associate Professor of Marketing
Office: 23 Maple Street, Office #5

Ron Laham
Assistant Professor of Athletic Training/ Exercise Science
Office: Alexander STC

Matthew Reilly
Chair of Business and Interim Chair of Sport Management; Assistant Professor of Business
Office: DeArment

Donna Scipione
Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance
Office: DeArment

Nancy Waldron
Assistant Provost; Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management
Office: DeArment

Robert Zuar
Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance
Office: DeArment
- Graduate Catalog
Undergraduate Catalog
- Course Descriptions
- Academic Information
- Academic Policies
- Core Curriculum
Programs of Study
- Undergraduate Minors
- Accounting
- Applied Mathematics
- Arts Management
- Athletic Training
- Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Education
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- Event Management
- Exercise Science
- Fashion
- Finance
- Fitness Management
- Global Engagement
- Graphic Design
- History
- Hospitality Management
- Human Services
- Humanities
- Individualized Studies: IDS
- International Business
- Law and Public Affairs
- Legal Studies
- Management
- Marketing
- Pre-Law
- Psychology
- Resort and Casino Management
- Sociology
- Sport Management
- Undeclared Option
- Undergraduate Admission
- Past Catalogs