Interdisciplinary Studies with Elementary Education Concentration
This major provides knowledge in several different disciplines. Students explore major genres of literature, topics in mathematics and science, and various periods in world and American history, as well as instructional strategies appropriate for elementary learners. Students complete practicum experiences all four years in suburban and urban school settings through our partner school district sites. For more information please visit the Education Department home page.
The following goals and associated learning outcomes delineate what we strive for students to achieve when they complete a licensure program of study in Education:
Goal 1: Effective teaching
Upon completion of a licensure program of study in Education, students will be able to
- write an effective lesson plan
- deliver effective instruction
- develop a series (three or more) of connected lessons
Goal 2: Accommodating all learners
Upon completion of a licensure program of study in Education, students will be able to
- create learning environments to support learners’ diverse needs (e.g., hearing or vision needs, learning styles, multiple intelligences)
- demonstrate ability to understand persons from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds
- provide opportunities for all students to demonstrate academic ability
Goal 3: Critical reflection
Upon completion of a licensure program of study in Education, students will be able to
- use skills of critical reflection to evaluate and modify their own teaching
- critique the teaching of others, both peers and experienced teachers
- plan and implement their own professional development based on their critical reflections
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
English | ||
ENG208 | The Structure of the English Language | 3 |
ENG210 | Survey of American Literature | 3 |
ENG218 | British Literature | 3 |
Choose 1 of the following: | ||
ENG312 | Literature of Postcolonial World | 3 |
ENG313 | American Multiethnic Literature | 3 |
History | ||
HIST104 | World Civilization II (KP) | 3 |
Choose 1 of the following: | ||
HIST123 | American Civilization I | 3 |
HIST124 | American Civilization II | 3 |
Math Requirement | ||
MATH107 | College Geometry | 3 |
MATH304 | Mathematics for Educators | 3 |
Science | ||
SCI103 | Science for Educators I (KP) | 3 |
SCI104 | Science for Educators II (KP) | 3 |
Elementary Education Requirements | ||
ED109 | Invitation to Teaching | 1 |
ED110 | Teaching & Learning in American Schools | 4 |
ED206 | Early Literacy Teaching & Learning | 4 |
ED208 | Elem Literacy Teaching & Learning | 4 |
ED219 | Supporting Learner Variability | 4 |
ED309 | Sheltered English Immersion | 3 |
ED327 | Literacy Assessment & Instruction | 4 |
ED337 | Teaching & Applying Mathematics: 1 - 6 | 4 |
ED338 | Inclusive Education | 4 |
ED344 | Science Concepts & Curriculum: 1-6 | 4 |
ED418 | Integrated Instruction: Elementary: 1-6 | 3 |
ED419 | Pre-Practicum: Elementary (1 - 6) | 3 |
ED421 | Curriculum Integration | 3 |
ED494 | Professional Standards & Ethics | 3 |
ED498 | Practicum: Elementary (1 -6) | 9 |
PSYC101 | Psychological Perspectives (KP) | 3 |
PSYC221 | Child Development | 3 |
Major Requirements: 93 credits
Core Curriculum Requirements: 15-21 credits
Unrestricted Electives: 6-12 credits
Minimum credits required for graduation: 120
Courses listed below fulfill Knowledge Perspective requirements:
Individuals and Society
PSYC101: Psychological Perspectives
Global/Historical Perspectives
HIST104: World Civilization II
Scientific Inquiry and Problem Solving
SCI104: Science for Educators
MATH107 fulfills the Quantitative Literacy requirement of the Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Studies With Elementary Education Concentration.
ED109 - Invitation to Teaching
This course explores careers in teaching beginning with the unifying question: Why should I become a teacher? Students examine their motivations to become teachers while they learn about college and state requirements and expectations.
ED110 - Teaching & Learning in American Schools
This course provides students pursuing or considering initial teacher licensure with an overview of the teaching profession. Students study and discuss history and philosophies of education systems, as well as current trends and issues. Massachusetts professional standards and requirements for licensure are explored. This course is a prerequisite for all other ED courses. Twenty-five hours of observation and tutoring in varied school settings are required. This is a presentation-intensive course.
ED112 - Seminar on Contemporary Issues
Designed and led by Lasell students enrolled in ED 426, the course includes discussion, reflection, and service related to a contemporary issue.
ED206 - Early Literacy Teaching & Learning
This course explores literacy development in the preschool and early elementary years, including transitions to reading and writing, role of phonemic awareness and phonics in emergent and early literacy, varied assessments to measure developing literacy, instructional strategies and materials to support young learners. 25 pre-practicum hours. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: ED 110.
ED208 - Elem Literacy Teaching & Learning
This course explores literacy development in the elementary years (through grade 6), including reading in content areas, fluency, reading/writing connections, varied assessments to measure literacy development, and instructional strategies and materials to support elementary learners through grade 6. 25 pre-practicum hours. Prerequisite: ED 110
ED210 - Reading & Writing Across the Curriculum
This course emphasizes the processes of reading and the critical nature of reading to learn in the content areas. Focus will be on literacy strategies to support teaching in content areas, the influences of diversity, the current methods of instruction, and assessments used to inform instruction. In addition, the current research on reading to learn will be read, discussed, and integrated in all course activities. Requires a pre-practicum of 25 hours. Prerequisite: ED 219
ED211 - Identifying Special Needs Learners
This course introduces students to characteristics of learners with special needs in regular classroom settings. Students focus on definitions; causes; assessments; medical, emotional, and behavioral differences; and educational interventions for students with various conditions including mental retardation; learning disabilities; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; emotional and/or behavioral disorders; differences in communication, hearing, vision, cognitive, and physical ability; and special gifts and talents.
ED217X - Field experience: Learning differences
Students observe, plan, and teach in public school classrooms. Requires concurrent enrollment in ED 211
ED219 - Supporting Learner Variability
This course introduces students to characteristics of learners with special needs in classroom and community settings. It focuses on principles of Universal Design for Learning in developing appropriate learning environments to meet the variability of all students in Pre-K through high school settings. A required 25-hour pre-practicum provides opportunities to teach and observe in area classrooms. Prerequisite: ED 110
ED307 - Technology in Education
This course explores the use of the computer as an educational tool. Students learn how to integrate technology into the classroom as an additional tool designed to complement established and emerging methodologies. Students examine a variety of instructional technologies, utilize computer applications, and implement learning activities using technology. Students participate in a variety of learning experiences including lectures, group discussions, hands-on practice, on-line research, small group projects, and written exercises.
ED308 - Responsive Teaching in Secondary Schools
tudents will develop strategies and tools necessary to be responsive secondary teachers. Participants in this course will observe secondary teachers, develop lesson plans, reflect on their teaching philosophy, apply leadership theory to classroom practice, explore current trends and issues that impact secondary classrooms, increase their cultural competence, and expand their toolkit of strategies for differentiating instruction to address the variability of secondary students. Requires classroom observations. Pre-requisite: ED 219
ED309 - Sheltered English Immersion
This course provides a grounding in current theory and practice related to teaching English Language Learners. In particular, students learn to effectively shelter their content instruction, so that ELL students can access curriculum, achieve academic success, and contribute their multilingual and multicultural resources as participants and future leaders in the 21st century global economy. This course meets Massachusetts DESE standards for the required SEI endorsement. Course includes a 25-hour pre-practicum in license-appropriate classrooms. Prerequisite: ED 206 or Department permission
ED312 - Teaching Science Concepts: PK - Grade 2
In this course, students examine early childhood science curricula, teaching strategies, and ways of connecting science concepts with other areas of the early childhood curriculum. Discovery, inquiry, exploration, cooperative learning, experimentation, and science vocabulary are addressed. The connections between children’s understanding of science and cognitive development are explored. Prerequisite: Pass all required MTEL.
ED325X - Field Experience: Secondary Methods
Students in secondary licensure programs observe, plan, and teach in classrooms related to their licensure field. Includes 25 clock hours of field experience. Requires concurrent enrollment in ED 318, 320, or 324. One credit
ED327 - Literacy Assessment & Instruction
This course explores strategies for integrating the language arts and teaching literacy across the curriculum for learners through grade 6, including assessment for planning and evaluation, classroom organization, management, unit and lesson planning, and resources. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisites: ED 208; pass all required MTEL.
ED328 - Teaching & Applying Mathematics: 1 - 6
This course provides practice in using state and national curriculum standards, teaching strategies, and instructional resources for effective math instruction. There is a particular focus on connections with elementary curriculum. Prerequisites: MATH 104, 105, 107; Senior standing; pass all required MTEL.
ED329 - Science Concepts & Curriculum: 1 - 6
This course provides opportunities to integrate science content with state and national curriculum standards and resources to develop effective science lessons. The course includes practice in integrating science concepts with elementary curriculum and facilitating a local science fair. Prerequisites: Senior standing; pass all required MTEL.
ED330 - Pre-Internship Seminar
Usually taken in spring of the junior year, this seminar helps students identify objectives and potential sites for the internship. Prerequisites: Junior standing and department permission.
ED335 - Teaching Mathematics: PK - 2
This course covers the development of number sense, one to one correspondence, meaning of operations, estimation, graphing, and patterns. The use of developmentally appropriate materials, manipulatives, technology, and children’s literature for the teaching of math are addressed. The course explores a variety of math curricula, assessment techniques, and the use of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks for designing instruction. Includes a 25-hour pre-practicum. Prerequisite: Pass all required MTEL.
ED336X - Field Experience: Math Instruction
Students complete approximately 25 clock hours of pre-practicum experience in mathemataics classrooms. Must co-register for ED 328
ED337 - Teaching & Applying Mathematics: 1 - 6
Students use state and national curriculum standards, teaching strategies, and instructional resources for effective mathematics instruction. Through classroom activities and a 25-hour pre-practicum, students demonstrate their ability to solve problems, reason mathematically, and support young learners in their development of mathematics understanding. Prerequisites: MATH 104, 107; pass all required MTEL.
ED338 - Inclusive Education
In this course, students develop knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to create learning environments appropriate to the full variability of learners in pre-K through grade 6. Through in-class activities and a 25-hour pre-practicum, students expand their understanding and use of strategies and resources including Universal Design for Learning, appropriate instructional technology, and positive behavioral supports. Prerequisites: ED 219
ED340 - Topics in Education
This course explores current issues and policies in education, emphasizing their background, development, varied perspectives, and current relevance for educators. Topics vary each semester, but may include reading comprehension strategies, classroom uses of children’s literature, art and music as educational media in preschool settings, policies related to curriculum content and standards, and appropriate uses of assessments. Prerequisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics change.
ED342 - Teaching Science Concepts: PK - 2
This course engages students in integrating early childhood science content with state and national curriculum standards and resources, including instructional technology, to develop effective science lessons. The course includes practice in integrating science concepts with early childhood curriculum and requires a 25 hour pre-practicum in local classrooms. Prerequisite: pass all required MTEL. 4 credits
ED344 - Science Concepts & Curriculum: 1-6
This course engages students in integrating elementaryscience content with state and national curriculumstandards and resources, including instructional technology, to develop effective science lessons. The course includes practice in integrating science concepts with elementary curriculum and requires a 25 hour pre-practicum in elementary classrooms. Prerequisite: pass all required MTEL.
ED413 - Prof, Respon, & Ethics in Curr Instr
This capstone course integrates classroom practice, course work, and current developments in curriculum and instruction. The course includes a weekly seminar addressing problem solving in the field placement as well as current professional, ethical, moral, and legal issues facing professionals in education-related fields. Prerequisite: Senior standing or department permission. Co-requisite: ED 427.
ED417 - Pre-Practicum: PK - Grade 2
In this course, students complete a minimum of 150 hours of supervised field experience in classrooms appropriate for their concentration. Students observe, teach, and assist their cooperating teacher with classroom responsibilities. A weekly seminar provides a forum for discussion of pre-practicum-related issues. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair.
ED418 - Integrated Instruction: Elementary
In this course, students explore research on social studies education as well as the teaching methods and related teaching materials that encourage learning in this discipline among children in an elementary school setting. In addition, students examine a variety of ways to effectively integrate the arts into the elementary curriculum.
ED419 - Pre-Practicum: Elementary (1 - 6)
In this course, students complete a minimum of 150 hours of supervised field experience in classrooms appropriate for their concentration. Students observe, teach, and assist their cooperating teacher with classroom responsibilities. A weekly seminar provides a forum for discussion of pre-practicum related issues. Prerequisite: Permission of the Department Chair.
ED420 - Integrated Instruction: PK - Grade 2
In this course, students explore research on social studies education as well as the teaching methods and related teaching materials that encourage learning in this discipline among children in the early childhood education setting. In addition, students examine a variety of ways to effectively integrate the arts into the early childhood curriculum.
ED421 - Curriculum Integration
In this capstone course, students integrate theory and previous field experiences with their 150-hour pre-practicum. Research and discussion topics include classroom management and organization, use of various curriculum materials and resources, and ethical issues in educational settings. Students design a classroom-based research project which will be completed during the practicum (ED 496 or 498). Prerequisites: Senior standing, pass all required MTEL, concurrent enrollment in ED 417 or ED 419.
ED422 - Practicum: Secondary English
In this course, students spend a semester in a secondary English classroom for student teaching. In a related seminar, students discuss topics such as the ethics of teaching, legal and moral responsibilities, student confidentiality, and working with parents. Placements require a minimum of 150 hours, with some requiring up to 300 hours. Permission of the Department Chair required. Prerequisite: Passing scores on all required sections of the MTEL.
ED423 - Pre-practicum: Secondary English
In this course, students complete a minimum of 50 hours of supervised field experience in classrooms appropriate for their licensure. Responsibilities vary by placement, but may include observation, teaching, and assisting their cooperating teacher with classroom duties. A seminar provides a forum for discussion of pre-practicum-related issues. Permission of the Department Chair required.
ED425 - Pre-practicum: Secondary History
In this course, students complete a minimum of 50 hours of supervised field experience in classrooms appropriate for their licensure. Responsibilities vary by placement, but may include observation, teaching, and assisting their cooperating teacher with classroom duties. A seminar provides a forum for discussion of pre-practicum-related issues. Permission of the Department Chair required.
ED426 - Advanced Teaching Seminar
This capstone seminar offers intensive coaching on practical aspects of course development and design, management of class discussion, and selection of class assignments in a college course setting. Students may collaborate with faculty members teaching existing courses, or may design and teach a one-credit seminar (ED 112). Course is offered as needed. Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair.
ED427 - Curriculum & Instruction Internship
In this course, students complete a minimum of 150 hours in a supervised setting, arranged in ED 330 (Pre-internship seminar) related to their career interest. Prerequisites: Senior Standing and permission of Department Chair. Co-requisite: ED 413
ED428 - Pre-Practicum in Sec Math
Through observation, reflection, and regular meetings with public school and Lasell faculty, students in this course become familiar with the curriculum and organization of middle and/or high schools in preparation for the practicum. Prerequisite: Senior standing; passing scores on all required MTEL.
ED429 - Adv Internship Curriculum & Instruction
This course is for students who have completed ED 427 (Internship) and desire additional experience to continue preparing for a career area. Student must follow department procedures for locating, designing, and obtaining approval for the internship. Requires 150 clock hours in a supervised setting and in-depth reflection component. Prerequisites: Department permission; ED 413 and ED 427.
ED433 - Pre-practicum: Secondary English
Through a minimum of 150 hours of observation and reflection in public schools, and regular meetings with school and Lasell faculty, students in this course become familiar with the curriculum and organization of middle and/or high schools and English classrooms in preparation for the practicum. Prerequisite: Senior standing; passing scores on all required MTEL; permission of Department Chair
ED435 - Pre-practicum: Secondary History
Through a minimum of 150 hours of observation and reflection in public schools, and regular meetings with school and Lasell faculty, students in this course become familiar with the curriculum and organization of middle and/or high schools and history classrooms in preparation for the practicum. Prerequisite: Senior standing; passing scores on all required MTEL; permission of Department Chair
ED437 - Pre-practicum: Secondary Math
Through a minimum of 150 hours of observation and reflection in public schools, and regular meetings with school and Lasell faculty, students in this course become familiar with the curriculum and organization of middle and/or high schools and mathematics classrooms in preparation for the practicum. Prerequisite: Senior standing; passing scores on all required MTEL; permission of Department Chair
ED482 - Practicum: Secondary English
In this course, students complete a minimum of 300 field hours observing and teaching in a secondary English classroom and meet regularly with both Lasell and school supervisors. Assignments incorporate all Massachusetts requirements for licensure and include topics such as the ethics of teaching, legal and moral responsibilities, student confidentiality, and working parents and community members. Permission of the Department Chair required. Prerequisite: ED 433; passing scores on all required sections of the MTEL.
ED484 - Practicum: Secondary History
In this course, students complete a minimum of 300 field hours observing and teaching in a secondary history classroom and meet regularly with both Lasell and school supervisors. Assignments incorporate all Massachusetts requirements for licensure and include topics such as the ethics of teaching, legal and moral responsibilities, student confidentiality, and working parents and community members. Permission of the Department Chair required. Prerequisite: ED 435; passing scores on all required sections of the MTEL
ED492 - Practicum: Secondary Math
In this course, students complete a minimum of 300 field hours observing and teaching in a secondary mathematics classroom and meet regularly with both Lasell and school supervisors. Assignments incorporate all Massachusetts requirements for licensure and include topics such as the ethics of teaching, legal and moral responsibilities, student confidentiality, and working parents and community members. Permission of the Department Chair required. Prerequisite: ED 437; passing scores on all required sections of the MTEL.
ED494 - Professional Standards & Ethics
Taken concurrently with ED 496 or ED 498, this capstone seminar engages students in ethical questions such as student confidentiality, testing, and communicating with various constituencies as well as practical aspects of preparing for an initial teaching position. It includes conducting and reporting on the classroom-based research project that was designed in ED 421. Co-requisite: ED 496 or ED 498.
ED496 - Practicum: Early Childhood
This practicum provides experience in two early childhood education settings. One setting is in Preschool or Kindergarten and the other setting is in grade one or two. Students spend five days a week in the classroom, assuming increasing responsibility that culminates with a “take over” week. A weekly seminar provides a forum for discussion of practicum-related issues. Topics of discussion include the ethics of teaching, legal and moral responsibilities, student confidentiality, and working with parents. Permission of the Department Chair required. Prerequisite: Passing scores on all required sections of the MTEL.
ED498 - Practicum: Elementary (1 -6)
In this course, students are placed in elementary schools for a five day a week placement. Students assume increasing responsibility and end with a “take over” week in the classroom. A weekly seminar provides a forum for discussion of practicum related issues. Topics of discussion include the ethics of teaching, legal and moral responsibilities, student confidentiality, and working with parents. Permission of the Department Chair required. Prerequisite: Passing scores on all required sections of the MTEL.

Claudia Rinaldi
The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education
Office: Brennan Library
- Graduate Catalog
Undergraduate Catalog
- Course Descriptions
- Academic Information
- Academic Policies
- Core Curriculum
Programs of Study
- Undergraduate Minors
- Accounting
- Applied Mathematics
- Arts Management
- Athletic Training
- Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Interdisciplinary Studies with Early Childhood Education Concentration
- Applied Mathematics with Elementary Education Concentration
- Interdisciplinary Studies with Elementary Education Concentration
- Applied Mathematics with Secondary Education Concentration
- English with Secondary Education Concentration
- History with Secondary Education Concentration
- Interdisciplinary Studies with Curriculum and Instruction Concentration
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- Event Management
- Exercise Science
- Fashion
- Finance
- Fitness Management
- Global Engagement
- Graphic Design
- History
- Hospitality Management
- Human Services
- Humanities
- Individualized Studies: IDS
- International Business
- Law and Public Affairs
- Legal Studies
- Management
- Marketing
- Pre-Law
- Psychology
- Resort and Casino Management
- Sociology
- Sport Management
- Undeclared Option
- Undergraduate Admission
- Past Catalogs