Global Engagement
The major in global engagement offers a broad, interdisciplinary curriculum that prepares students to be citizens of the world: to understand changes in a global community in which ever-increasing connectedness in a shared world brings new benefits and novel challenges. In the global engagement major, the world becomes the classroom arena as the student activates a personal affiliation with and responsibility for the globe. The curriculum includes course sequences in business and communication; relevant courses in philosophy and political science support the development of critical thinking skills. Study in environmental science prepares students as responsible global caretakers; history and anthropology courses help students understand their world and their humanity; world language and literature courses add depth and breadth to students' appreciation of the human condition in the global context. Elective credits can be utilized to design elective tracks: course sequences in areas relevant to the global engagement major. Students in the global engagement major take part in at least one international experience, and participation in service abroad is encouraged in fulfillment of the departmental service-learning requirement. The major in global engagement will prepare students for graduate work in fields such as international politics, law, journalism, and peace studies; the major will also prepare students for careers in professions such as diplomacy, foreign service, government service, public administration, international business, and teaching at the secondary or postsecondary level. During the senior year, students complete a capstone research project and apply coursework to professional experience as they complete an internship in a global context.
Goal 1: Cultural awareness
Upon completion of the major program of study in global engagement, students will
- demonstrate a critical awareness of the values and dynamics embedded in their own cultural perspective.
- demonstrate an apprehension of the heterogeneous citizenry and sociohistorical dynamic underlying cultural diversity in the United States.
- demonstrate an appreciation of the richness and diversity of the global human condition and the human global experience.
Goal 2: Intellectual milestones
Upon completion of the major program of study in global engagement, students will
- express ideas and convey information in clear and confident oral discourse.
- respond knowledgeably and flexibly to written texts in a range of genres and from diverse global sources.
- respond critically and analytically to moral and ethical questions.
- participate as active citizens in local and global communities.
Goal 3: Interpretive/critical thinking and writing
Upon completion of the major program of study in global engagement, students will
- summarize content in materials from multiple disciplinary and global perspectives.
- interpret diverse texts critically through close reading.
- demonstrate awareness of ethical and legal guidelines as they analyze and synthesize pertinent data from multidisciplinary sources to create a valid argument.
Goal 4: Professional discourse and dialogue
Upon completion of the major program of study in global engagement, students will
- write in a professional manner.
- speak in a professional manner.
- work collaboratively in local and international professional settings.
- explore career options, with an emphasis on the global experience.
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
Core Courses | ||
ANTH101 | Principles of Anthropology | 3 |
BUSS224 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
BUSS237 | Contemporary Global Leadership | 3 |
COM101 | Understanding Mass Media | 3 |
COM212 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
COM325 | Global Media | 3 |
ENG217 | Contemporary Literature (KP) | 3 |
ENG312 | Literature of Postcolonial World | 3 |
ENV220 | World Geography (KP) | 3 |
ENV303 | Environmental Justice | 3 |
GLBS400 | Reading & Research in Global Studies | 1 |
GLBS401 | Capstone in Global Studies | 3 |
HIST104 | World Civilization II (KP) | 3 |
HUM399 | Humanities Internship Seminar | 1 |
HUM400 | Humanities Field Experience | 4 |
POLS208 | Contemporary International Relations | 3 |
Choose 1 | ||
PHIL106 | World Religions | 3 |
PHIL208 | Knowing & Reality | 3 |
Choose 2 | ||
HIST208 | Sub-Saharan Africa after 1800 | 3 |
HIST209 | China from 1600 to Present | 3 |
HIST210 | Latin Amer Colonial Period to Present | 3 |
HIST211 | Middle East & Islamic World Since 1800 | 3 |
HIST212 | Mod Japan: Culture & History | 3 |
HIST218 | Global History of Childhood | 3 |
Additional Courses:
Foreign Language: 0-12 credits (The foreign language proficiency requirement is described in the Course Catalog)
Service Learning: 3 credits Service learning is required by the Humanities Department. Students may take either a Service Learning (SVL) course (a course with embedded service learning) or any combination of SVL linked credits. Global Engagement majors are encouraged to complete this requirement through any of the College's service abroad trips.
Major Requirements: 57-69
Core Curriculum Requirements : 18-24 credits
Unrestricted Electives* : 27-45 credits
*Students should consult with advisers on the design of elective tracks: course sequences in areas relevant to the Global Engagement major.
Minimum credits required for graduation: 120
Study Abroad: TBD (All Global Engagement majors must take part in at least one international experience by (a) spending a semester abroad or (b) participating in a short Lasell-sponsored experience abroad).
HUM400: Field experience takes place in a global context.
Courses listed below fulfill Knowledge Perspective requirements:
Global & Historical
HIST104 World Civilization II
Aesthetic & Creativity
ENG217 Contemporary Global Literature
ANTH101 - Principles of Anthropology
Anthropology offers the student a cross-cultural, comparative perspective on the human condition. In this course, students explore the varieties of ways in which human societies are organized. The five sub-disciplines of anthropology are introduced: cultural, biological or physical, archaeological, linguistic, and applied. Students gain an appreciation for the unique perspective of anthropology, including how anthropologists conduct fieldwork and contributions anthropology can make to effect social change. The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the field of anthropology, and to teach the student how to think systematically about how social groups work and how to understand human behavior in its cultural context.
ANTH103 - Human Origins
This course considers the morphological, behavioral and life history features that distinguish the primates from other mammals, and the hominoids from other primates. We begin with an overview of the primates and their behavioral ecology, and then explore in detail the adaptations of each of the major groups of extant primates. Finally, we apply our knowledge of morphology and behavioral patterns in living primates to the fossil record.
ANTH210 - Folklore & Folklife
This course serves as an introduction to folklore and folklife, the ways that individuals, families and communities express themselves, their beliefs, and their values within their own culture. It emphasizes the understanding of meaning revealed in the full range of folkloristic genres: oral literature such as the tales, sayings and poetry; material culture, the individual skills and techniques displayed by craftspeople and artists and the products resulting from their application; the social customs of rites of passage and festivals; and the aesthetically subtle performing folk arts such as singing and dancing. The primary focus of the course for each student is the folklore and folklife of his or her own family and/or a Lasell Village elder's family and community, which is documented in archive-ready format and organized in a personal report of Family Folklore. Class activities are designed to get at the "feel" of folklore and folklife.
ANTH212 - Special Topics in Anthropology
This course examines special topics from the perspective of anthropology, looking at the diversity of forms that cultures have adopted to deal with human concerns. Its purpose is to allow faculty and students to explore issues that meet special interests but which may not be offered on a regular basis. Courses could be offered at the 200, 300, or 400 levels, depending on the level of work to be required and the number of prerequisites for the course.
ANTH213 - Visual Anthropology
This course focuses on the encounter of the anthropologist and the filmmaker with that of his or her subjects and deals with issues of cultural perspective, gender, power, and authorship. Through the film screenings, lectures, ethnographies, theoretical readings, classroom discussions and the creation of their own documentary film, students develop a critical perspective for viewing films, videos, and television presentation and representation of different peoples and cultures. Students learn the fundamentals of viewing and undertaking ethnography, screenwriting, working with a digital camera, and editing. A key course objective is for students to acquire the basic skills to create visually interesting artistic statements through film that are a meta-commentary on contemporary youth culture.
ANTH214 - Documentary Film for Social Change
This course considers the history and development of anthropological, ethnographic, and trans-cultural filmmaking. It is an in-depth examination of important anthropological films in terms of content, methodology, techniques, and strategies of expression such as the storyline, themes, editing, inter-titles, narration, voice-over, dialogue, subtitles, style (artistic and aesthetic sensibilities,) accuracy, and film truth. Through the film screenings, lectures, theoretical readings, classroom discussions and the creation of their own documentary short film, students develop a critical perspective for viewing films, videos, television presentation, and representation of different peoples and cultures.
ANTH312 - Special Topics in Anthropology
This course examines special topics from the perspective of anthropology, looking at the diversity of forms that cultures have adopted to deal with human concerns. Its purpose is to allow faculty and students to explore issues that meet special interests but which may not be offered on a regular basis. Courses could be offered at the 200, 300, or 400 levels, depending on the level of work to be required and the number of prerequisites for the course.
ANTH412 - Special Topics in Anthropology
This course examines special topics from the perspective of anthropology, looking at the diversity of forms that cultures have adopted to deal with human concerns. Its purpose is to allow faculty and students to explore issues that meet special interests but which may not be offered on a regular basis. Courses could be offered at the 200, 300, or 400 levels, depending on the level of work to be required and the number of prerequisites for the course.
BUSS101 - Contemporary Issues in Business
This course is designed to familiarize students with various aspects of the business world. Areas covered include: private enterprise, forms of ownership, legal aspects, management, marketing, human resources, operations management, labor relations, and finance. In addition, students become aware of how business functions are integrated into an organization to achieve specific goals.
BUSS201 - Financial Accounting
This course provides students with an applied knowledge of the fundamental accounting process and procedures used in business. Students learn how to identify and record business transactions. In addition, students learn how to create financial statements, as well as how to become intelligent users of financial information.
BUSS202 - Managerial Accounting
In this course, students gain experience in the development and use of information within an organization. Course topics include: cost terms; production costing; cost allocation for planning and control; cost behavior patterns; cost-volume-profit relationships; budgeting; inventory planning and control; pricing decisions; and aspects of investment decisions. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a grade C or better.
BUSS203 - Financial Management
This course provides an introduction to the fundamental concepts of finance. Various techniques of analysis that reveal the relationships of risk, return, and value are demonstrated. Topics include: financial reporting; long- and short-term forecasting; managing working capital; capital budgeting; and the nature of corporate securities and debt-equity mix. Prerequisites: BUSS 101 OR HEM 101 OR FASH 101 OR SMGT 102; BUSS 202 with a grade C or better & ECON 102.
BUSS205 - Legal Environment of Business
This course provides a working knowledge of everyday law as it applies to business and personal needs. The focus is primarily on contract law and property law.
BUSS207 - Fundamentals of Financial Planning
This course provides the foundation for understanding and using financial planning techniques. This framework is the basis for all financial decisions large and small. Topics covered are personal financial planning, consumer credit, budgeting, investments, and banking procedures. Risk analysis regarding portfolio management and tax liabilities is also examined.
BUSS208 - Financial Statement Analysis
This course examines financial statements and other financial reports with a view towards using accounting information in making investing, lending and other potential management decisions. Students explore methods of constructing, comparing and analyzing these statements and reports and the various uses of such analyses. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a grade C or better.
BUSS209 - Computer Applications in Business
This hands-on course is designed to provide students with a fundamental knowledge and understanding of computer applications in business. Strong emphasis of the course is on building competencies in industry-standard spreadsheet and database software applications.
BUSS210 - Federal Income Taxes
This course provides students with a basic understanding of fundamentals of federal income tax laws as they apply to individuals, businesses, and not-for-profit taxable entities. It explores the broad range of tax topics, emphasizing the role of taxation in business decision-making process, tax research, and tax planning. Prerequisite: BUSS 201
BUSS212 - Management Information Systems
This course takes a managerial approach to information technology concepts and applications. Given the pervasiveness of computer technology in today's world, professionals in various fields of endeavor often have a major responsibility for determining an organization's information needs and for designing and implementing information systems that support those needs. Students study concepts and issues related to information technology with the goal of understanding how it can be effectively used to improve an organization's overall effectiveness and increase its level of success. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, HEM 102, SMGT 102, or FASH 101.
BUSS220 - Marketing
In this course, fundamentals of the nature of marketing are presented and evaluated for specific functions and institutions. Policies and practices as applied generally to marketing research involve product development, selection, channels of distribution buying and physical distribution selling. Pricing under competitive conditions, social benefits of competition and government regulations are included. Prerequisites: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT 102; ECON 101; HEM102.
BUSS224 - Organizational Behavior
In this course, students study individuals within the context of the organization using a behavioral approach. Group dynamics and intergroup dynamics are emphasized in relation to productivity and work satisfaction along with the examination of specific aspects of organizations that influence behavior. Areas covered include: structure, leadership, and change. Teaching modalities include case studies and role-playing. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: PSYC 101 or SOC 101.
BUSS231 - Entrepreneurship & Venture Creation
Entrepreneurship drives global innovation and economic growth. This course exposes business students to the study of entrepreneurship and the venture creation process. Topics include analyzing new business opportunities, developing business propositions, new venture planning and financing, marketing activities, financial controls, and other topics relevant to the entrepreneurial process. Students interact with faculty, local entrepreneurs, and small business owners/managers. As a culmination activity of this course, students are responsible for the development and presentation of a business plan. Prerequisite: BUSS 101.
BUSS232 - Operations Strategy
Operations strategy examines how operations can be used as sources of competitive advantage. This class will focus on understanding the need of formulating an operational strategy (long-term plan) and making strategic operational decisions. The old view of operations management as the task of maintaining a comparatively static production or service facility has given way to one characterized by a need for renewed flexibility, relentless improvement, and the development of new capabilities at the operating unit level. As a result of this changing environment, the skills required of operations managers have changed as well. The course is based primarily on case studies supported by conceptual frameworks.
BUSS233 - American Enterprise Experience
This course studies the American enterprise experience from colonial times until the present. The course touches upon the business component of the American experience beginning with the individual artisan-merchant through the great innovators and organizers of the 19th and 20th centuries and beyond. The historical events, cultural changes, social upheavals, and political shifts that have influenced the development of the American business environment are the core of the study. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT102
BUSS235 - Ethics in Business
This course introduces students to ethical analysis in its application to management. A presupposition of the course is that ethical considerations are an integral part of effective management practices. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101 FASH 101, or SMGT 102
BUSS237 - Contemporary Global Leadership
In this course, students analyze what it means to be a global leader in the 21st century and identify the skills necessary to be successful in an increasingly global business climate. Students explore this question personally, collectively, and globally in a creative and collaborative atmosphere. Students examine classic as well as contemporary theories of leadership and how they apply to the dynamic global business culture. The course provides students with the opportunity to acquire perspectives and skills essential to successful management in the emerging markets that are increasingly becoming key contenders in world commercial enterprise. Prerequisite BUSS 224.
BUSS301 - Intermediate Accounting I
This course builds on concepts developed in Financial Accounting. Concentration is on the application of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to the preparation of financial statements with an in-depth review of cash, receivables, inventories, and plant assets. The course also covers the concept of the time value of money and the application of present value techniques to accounting valuations. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a grade C or better.
BUSS302 - Intermediate Accounting II
This course is designed to continue the concepts of financial accounting and present a more thorough analysis of the requirements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Included in this course are earnings per share calculations, lease accounting, and pension accounting. The cash flow statement is also studied. Prerequisite: BUSS 301 with a grade C or better.
BUSS304 - Working Capital Management
This course explores working capital management, credit management, working capital funding, and the major sources of financing debt and equity. Students undertake financial analyses of theoretical models and real-world firms and organizations, recommend financing strategies, and present their findings by using management reporting methods. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS305 - International Accounting
This course addresses significant accounting matters experienced by multinational companies. Accounting matters include currency transactions and translational transfer price, and management planning and control. Prerequisite: BUSS 301 with a C or better.
BUSS306 - Accounting Information Systems
This course provides an understanding and appreciation of accounting information systems. The course teaches conceptual, analytical, and technical skills necessary to work efficiently and productively as an accountant in a computerized business information environment. The functions of Accounting Information Systems are explored from the perspective of financial accounting, managerial accounting, auditing, and tax. The course involves several hands-on exercises in Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel to develop database and spreadsheet skills. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a "C" or better.
BUSS307 - International Finance
This course studies the ways and means to reduce financial risk involved in international financial management. The course deals with the interrelationship between the international monetary environment and financial planning for corporations with overseas operations. It analyzes the effects on international financial planning of such factors as exchange rate fluctuations, currency restrictions, and tax regulations. It intensively examines financial aspects of multinational business including foreign investment, trade, and transfer of funds. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS308 - Government & Not-for-Profit Accounting
This course introduces financial accounting and reporting issues related to state and local government and non-profit organizations, including universities and health care facilities. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a grade C or better.
BUSS309 - Fraud Examination
This course covers techniques for identification and detection of asset misappropriation schemes and fraudulent financial statements, who commits fraud and why, and controls to prevent and detect problems. Prerequisite: BUSS 201 with a "C" or better.
BUSS311 - Investments
This course explores fundamentals of investing. The strategies used to create money from financial capital are thoroughly examined. Financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, futures, options, and commodities are explored. The measurement tools used to assign risk and rate of return, performance, and value are covered. Students learn how to develop, analyze, and maintain a portfolio. Regulatory and ethical issues are examined and considered in the decision-making process. Prerequisite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS312 - Risk Management
The basics of risk management are covered in this course. Problems of liability and personal loss exposures of a business are examined. Private insurance programs such as health and life insurance, and employee benefit plans are examined and assessed. Prerequisite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS313 - Business Negotiations
This course examines various negotiating tactics and techniques as they relate to different situations and environments. Particular attention is paid to buyer-seller communications, including negotiations of contracts and agreements. Students study the strengths and weaknesses of strategies used by both buyers and sellers. Prerequisites: BUSS 201, BUSS 220 and MATH 104.
BUSS315 - Emerging Global Markets
This course focuses on developing skills, strategies and insights crucial to conducting successful business operations in the emerging markets of Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Africa including the BRIC countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China. Globalization offers these countries the opportunity for unprecedented economic development. By participating in the international marketplace, emerging countries increase their chances of raising wages and incomes, accumulating wealth, and reducing poverty. These countries also provide opportunities for companies, mostly from developed countries, to extend their markets. In this course, students study the institutions of emerging markets that are relevant for managers; explore the differences in the contexts and roles of various actors (such as the government and NGOs); analyze opportunities and risks presented by emerging markets; and analyze the strategies of firms dealing with emerging markets. Prerequisite: BUSS101
BUSS319 - Cost Accounting
Study of a typical firm’s cost data and how that data can transformed into information for business analysis and decision making. Topics include how to identify fixed versus variable cost, cost volume profit analysis, flexible budgeting, Activity Based Costing and standard cost systems with detail variance analysis. Process and job order costing systems are examined in terms of how these systems are used to accumulate cost to determine accurate product or service costs and why this is necessary in setting product/service selling prices to maximize profits. Other topics include the numerous cost allocation processes that take place in the typical manufacturing and service industries, and transfer pricing within companies that are doing business internationally. Prerequisite: BUSS 202 with a "C" or better.
BUSS320 - Consumer Behavior
This course examines the behavior of individuals and markets in relation to the purchase decision, including post-purchase evaluation and consumption. A behavioral science approach is taken. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS321 - Property and Liability Insurance
This course explores the fundamentals of commercial property and liability insurance including contracts, rating, underwriting, regulation and financial analysis of insurers. Prerequisite:BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS322 - Marketing Communications
This course focuses on a broad view of advertising, dealing with its planning, creation, and execution in relation to the marketing cycle. Topics include: organization and operation of the advertising agency; publicity; public relations; behavioral sciences as applied to advertising; budgeting; and planning. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS323 - Retirement Planning & Employee Benefits
This course provides the students with an understanding of the retirement planning process. Students develop an ability to counsel others on retirement and employee benefit decisions. Topics covered are social security, qualified retirement plans, corporate profit sharing plans, health insurance, group life insurance, group disability insurance, and deferred compensation. Prerequsite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS324 - E-Business
This course provides students with a broad overview of the concepts and principles of e-business. This knowledge is increasingly important for all students, regardless of their area of concentration, because traditional businesses and arts organizations are becoming hybrids by adding an online presence to their existing structure. Topics discussed include a definition of e-business, online management strategies, distribution channels, privacy and security issues, and cyberlaw, among others. Students develop an e-business plan and webpage. Prerequisite: BUSS101
BUSS325 - Sales Principles
This course analyzes salesmanship in modern business with emphasis placed on the principles and techniques of individual selling styles in both retail and wholesale markets. Topics covered include: dramatization of the sale presentation; the selling role; buyer characteristics and motivations; modern sales practices; corporate sales planning; sales-force policies; time and territory management; forecasting, budgeting; and expense control. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS327 - Life, Health, and Disability Insurance
This course studies financial implications of death, disability and retirement, as well as the types of life insurance and annuity contracts and their uses. Regulations of life and health insurers, insurer operations and functions, legal aspects, group and individual life and health insurance products including medical, disability income and long-term care policies are covered. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS328 - Entertainment Marketing
This course will provide students with a framework for understanding the dynamics of several major sectors within the entertainment industry. Students will compare and contrast successful entertainment marketing strategies with traditional product-based companies. Entertainment Marketing surveys the strategy, techniques and communication media employed to market the range of entertainment available to the American audience. The course examines the organizations and people who conceive, create and distribute video, film, print, interactive and new technology within the framework of the entertainment promotion landscape. The course demonstrates how advertising, publicity, promotion, research and overall marketing campaigns are created and the impact on the creative and business operations of entertainment companies.The objective of this course is to give students an understanding of the marketing issues faced by entertainment companies, highlighting the experiential nature of the products and the fast-pace of change within the industry. Prerequisite: COM216 or COM302
BUSS329 - New Product Development
New products and services are crucial to successful growth and increased profits in many industries. A major goal of this course is to help students learn to use an analytic decision-making approach in developing and marketing new products and services that meet customer needs in the consumer, industrial, and service settings. At the end of the course, the student should understand the role of decision models in analytic marketing decision-making; be able to follow the basic steps in opportunity identification, design, testing, and implementation; and know how to read and interpret new product and service market research. Prerequisite: BUSS 220.
BUSS330 - Managing Change
This course examines the unique problems associated with managing organizations during mergers, reorganizations, and other times of change. Strategies to cope with change, as well as induce it, are examined. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.
BUSS331 - Money and Capital Markets
This course offers an extensive examination of both money and capital markets. Students get “hands-on” experience evaluating long and short-term instruments. To connect theory to practice, students conduct technical and financial analyses. The basic characteristics of these markets and their contribution to the portfolio are explored. The case method is used to provide students with “real world” decision-making situations. Prerequisite: BUSS 203.
BUSS332 - Cross Cultural Management
This course explores the process of cross-cultural management and the challenges of working internationally. The course focuses on international organizational behavior and human resource issues and practices in global organizations. The course is divided into three parts. The first focuses on understanding the cultural roots of behavior in organizations, the second on the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management issues that are relevant to international managers, and the third seeks to prepare students for international assignments. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.
BUSS333 - Estate Planning and Trust
This course provides the students with an understanding of the retirement planning process. Students develop an ability to counsel others on retirement and employee benefit decisions. Topics covered are social security, qualified retirement plans, corporate profit sharing plans, health insurance, group life insurance, group disability insurance, and deferred compensation. Prerequsite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better.
BUSS334 - Nonprofit Management
Managing in the nonprofit sector is different than in the for-profit sector. In this course students explore businesses that do not intend to maximize profit and retain it for future expenditures. Managers must operate under more regulated conditions and must be well prepared to interact within the public sector. Not-for-profit managers must be well versed in public policy and other regulations that affect them. Students engage in projects with non-profit organizations. Prerequisite: BUSS 101, HEM 101, FASH 101, or SMGT 102.
BUSS336 - Human Resource Management
This course examines the staffing function of management including planning, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, appraisal, compensation, labor laws, and organizational development. The course also addresses current issues affecting the human resource manager, including the changing work force and need to increase productivity, as well as changes in the area of unions and affirmative action. Both class discussions and case studies are used to prepare students for the personnel and related tasks involved in a management position. Prerequisite: BUSS 224.
BUSS337 - Managing the Growing Company
This course focuses on the challenges and opportunities of managing a growing entrepreneurial venture. Using practical management techniques, students address the management of rapidly growing entrepreneurial firms. Through a variety of learning activities, including case studies, reading, and visiting entrepreneurs, students examine companies, often family-run, during dynamic transition. The course specifically addresses the challenges faced by companies in various stages of growth and the exceptional challenges of rapid growth. Prerequisites: BUSS 201 & BUSS 231.
BUSS339X - The World of Apps
This course is designed to introduce the business world of smart phone applications and provide an overview of recent and near-future developments in the realm of mobile technology. We will explore the best 30 to 50 apps in the world today, address new technologies and platforms, new trends and business models for mobile. We'll learn how to imagine, design, and build a prototype/wireframe of an app. No prerequisites. Basic understanding of technology. Must have a smart phone.
BUSS341 - Social Media Marketing
This course takes an in-depth look at social networks, social media platforms and online advertising to offer students an advantage in many positions involving marketing, consulting and brand management both on the buyer and seller side of social media. Students with an interest in entrepreneurship will also find the course useful as new businesses often rely on social media marketing. The course covers a number of topics including the differences and interaction between traditional and social media; two-sided markets and social media platforms (including verticals such as gaming, shopping and entertainment); basic theory of social networks online and offline (graph theory, sociology, information diffusion); consumer behavior and digital media; social Media Analytics and Monitoring; brand strategies on social media; best marketing practices for paid and unpaid social media; B2B marketing and social media. Prerequisite: BUSS220.
BUSS403 - Advanced Accounting
This course examines specialized topics in financial accounting. Problems associated with the partnership form of business organization, including partnership formation, division of income and losses, changes in ownership, and partnership liquidation are reviewed. Topics also include the subject of business combinations with emphasis on consolidated financial statements of parents and subsidiaries and elimination of intercompany transactions, accounting for foreign operations, and fund accounting as it relates to municipalities. Prerequisite: BUSS 302 with grade C or better; BUSS 319 with "C" or better; and Senior Standing
BUSS405 - Accounting Theory
This course develops an understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and of the underlying theory upon which they are based, essentially through study and analysis of publications of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and other professional bodies. This course further emphasizes current developments in accounting thought. Prerequisites: BUSS 302, BUSS 303, both with a C or better, and senior standing.
BUSS406 - Financial Strategy
This is a capstone course utilizing lecture, discussion, and case analysis to define the process of financial management. The course of study presents the concepts of the advanced capital budget centering on decision-making concerning capital structure, dividend policy, leasing, mergers and acquisitions, reorganization, and international finance and exchange rates. Prerequisite: BUSS 203 with a "C" or better & senior standing.
BUSS408 - Auditing
This courses examines the impact of auditing on constituencies external and internal to organizations, especially stockholders and management. Students examine the role of both the independent public accountant and the internal auditor, and study various control and reporting techniques involved in auditing. Prerequisites: BUSS 302, BUSS 319, and Senior standing.
BUSS418 - Special Topics in Accounting
This course provides students with an opportunity to study topics of special interest, which may vary each time the course is offered. Prerequisites: Permission of Department Chair, and Senior standing.
BUSS420 - Marketing Research
This course examines the process and tools involved in collecting, coding, and analyzing data. The course further integrates the application of computer software in compiling and interpreting statistical data in relation to marketing decisions, such as those related to market segmentation and distribution. Prerequisites: BUSS 220, MATH 208.
BUSS422 - Global Marketing
The complexity of operating in the global marketplace makes many demands on the marketer. The globalization of marketing takes place after the company has international experience in multiple markets. The three fundamental areas of corporate globalization are covered in this course: (1) integrate sourcing, production, and marketing; (2) allocate resources to achieve a balanced portfolio and growth; and (3) coordinate marketing activities across countries and regions. Importing, exporting, and licensing considerations are explored. Prerequisite: BUSS 220 with a C or better.
BUSS425 - Special Topics in Entrepreneurship
This seminar offers an in-depth exploration of advanced entrepreneurship topics of current interest and importance. Using case studies and actual entrepreneurial ventures, students explore entrepreneurship with a focus on leadership, marketing, development, management, and growth of new business ventures. Students learn the practical skills needed to succeed as an entrepreneur and how to apply best practices for planning, initiating, and growing new companies. The course also emphasizes the analysis and evaluation of actual entrepreneurial ventures. Subjects vary from semester to semester. Prerequisites: BUSS 337 and Senior standing.
BUSS432 - Marketing Strategy
This course is designed to facilitate the ability to formulate and implement marketing strategy. The course integrates topics covered in other marketing classes. As part of the learning experience, students engage in a simulation program with teams taking charge of a company within a competitive environment. Prerequisite: BUSS 220 with a C or better.
BUSS440 - Business Policy
This capstone course requires students to apply a broad knowledge of management and administrative techniques to specific situations. An emphasis is placed on strategy formulation and implementation. The case study method is used. This course culminates in a formal professional presentation to members of the advisory board. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: Senior standing, Marketing/Management or Accounting/Finance Majors.
BUSS497 - Mgmt, Mrkt, & Hem Internship & Seminar
Mgmt, Mrkt, & Hem Internship & Seminar
BUSS498 - Internship Seminar Acct/Fin
A critical component of the internship experience is participating in a weekly seminar where students discuss and reflect on their experiences to gain a broader view of the workplace, contemporary issues and organizational trends, as well as their own developing abilities and career interests. This one credit course covers professional issues as they arise during the student's internship. Some of the topics covered include: supervision, boundary issues, self-care, stress management, and professionalism. Students are required to write a weekly reflective journal on their internship experience. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, and a 2.0 cumulative average in all business prefix courses. Separate sections are offered for different business majors. Must be taken concurrently with BUSS 499.
BUSS499 - Internship Accounting/Finance
The internship is scheduled to take place during the senior year. Students serve as interns for a total of 150 hours over a 12-week period, done concurrently with on-campus course work as shown in the curriculum for each program. Detailed reports, a journal, and other written requirements are submitted during and at the conclusion of the internship. The internship supervisor monitors each student's performance and visits each internship site as needed. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing, and a 2.0 cumulative average in all business prefix courses. Separate sections are offered for different business majors. Must be taken concurrently with BUSS 498.
COM101 - Understanding Mass Media
This course surveys the theories, history, economics, audience, and regulations of the major forms of mass media, including newspapers, magazines, motion pictures, radio, television, and new electronic communication. Students develop a basic understanding of the roles of mass media and their effects on society and the individual. The course focuses on the relationship between mass media and society, so students can identify current trends that are changing the nature and function of traditional mass communication. Students examine and debate many current controversial issues concerning the mass media and their effects on our society and culture. Students discuss significant aspects of mass communication, including ethics and policy formulation that are playing key roles in the materialization of a new global communication era.
COM103 - Human Communication (KP)
This course is a basic survey of human communication, especially interpersonal and group. Attention is given to perception, language and meaning, listening, theories of persuasion, verbal and nonverbal communication, small group discussion, interpersonal conflict, and interviewing. The course focuses on understanding how human communication is fundamentally related to issues of interpersonal relationships; the history of human communication and language development; perception and intrapersonal communication; leadership; group/team work; multicultural diversity in organizations; decision-making; power; public speaking; and ethical challenges. This course helps students to develop and practice skills that will guide effective action in their professional careers and interpersonal relationships. This course includes a Service Learning component.
COM105 - Writing for The Media
This course provides students with a basic introduction to and overview of communication writing that focuses on channels of communication (clients, audiences, formats); creating writing samples; conducting writing exercises; developing strategies for soliciting feedback; and engaging in peer editing exercises. Students learn about various media writing formats, such as news releases, features, profiles, columns, editorials, reviews, speeches, public service announcements, backgrounders, etc. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: COM 101.
COM203 - Effective Speaking
This course provides instruction and practice in preparing and delivering the various kinds of oral presentations encountered by professionals. Students learn how to analyze audiences, organize different types of presentations, prepare and use visual aids, deliver presentations to different audiences and respond to questions. Students are taught to express themselves in a clear, confident, responsible, and appropriate manner. The classroom environment is conducive to confidence building and overcoming the fear of speaking.
COM205 - Media Ethics & Society
This course explores such significant questions as: What constitutes sound, ethical communication practice in the mass media professions (TV, radio and internet), advertising, journalism and public relations? What are the moral and practical rules anyone involved in mass media professions must follow to maintain that all-important bond of trust between the client and the consumer of information? What constitutes ethical behavior in the news business, PR and advertising, and why is it vital to the functioning of a democratic society? This course uses two avenues of inquiry; one exploring the philosophical basis of media ethics and another outlining case histories from the media. Current trends in the news and popular culture’s view of the ethical lapses in the mass media, journalism, advertising, and public relations are also explored. The examination of media ethics is done from a constructively critical point of view, with a particular focus on the intersection of media and society. Prerequisite: COM 101.
COM206 - Professional Communication
This course is designed to provide an understanding of the most important communication and career-related formats of professional writing, including power point presentations, memos, business letters, reports, brief speeches, instructions, newsletters and brochures. Special emphasis is given to various writing processes one must complete on a tight deadline for a business audience of peers, customers or employers. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
COM208 - Public Relations
In this course, students explore the evolution, theoretical basis for, and practice of professional Public Relations. Students review the history and current practices of Public Relations and examine the differences between: PR and advertising; press relations and public affairs; promotions and news events; marketing and media placements. Students gain insights into the Public Relations function for corporations, high tech companies, government agencies, politics, education, the entertainment industry, sports, and non-profit institutions. Lectures, case studies, readings, group work, guest speakers, and class discussions focus on techniques useful in such areas as local and national publicity, special events, and community and government relations for organizations. Prerequisite: COM 101.
COM209 - Journalism
In this course, students learn reporting and writing techniques necessary to produce a variety of types of articles. Assignments may include politics, sports, entertainment, and interviews. There is discussion of roles of reporters, columnists, editorial writers, editors, photographers, and graphic designers in the daily process of journalism as decisions are made in the newsroom as to what stories to cover; what stories, photographs and video clips to publish or broadcast; and on what page to display them or in which order to broadcast them. The various reporting specialties covered in journalism – Health, Education, Business, Arts, Sports, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Travel - are explored. Students have the opportunity to publish their work in the campus newspaper, The 1851 Chronicle. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
COM212 - Intercultural Communication
This course examines communication issues that arise from contact between people from different cultural backgrounds in everyday life, social encounters, and business transactions. Interdisciplinary approaches are applied to the study of how verbal and nonverbal presentation, ethnic, gender, and cultural differences affect communication. The course provides exercises in participation, analysis, and criticism of interethnic and interracial communications in small group settings. Students examine factors of international communication; such as the cultural, economic, political, and social influences and the role of communication in affecting social change in a wide variety of cultures and countries. Prerequisite: COM 101 or SOC 101 or PSYC 101.
COM213 - Writing for Public Relations
This course serves as a workshop in which students apply the fundamental skills of journalism to the different formats commonly used in writing copy for public relations and advertising, including press releases, public service announcements, profiles, brochures, and advertisements. In addition, students continue to sharpen their editing skills by revising their own work and by copyediting and critiquing the work of other students. Central to the objectives of this course is that students improve their ability to write clearly and concisely, avoiding common errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
COM215 - Radio Production
This course introduces students to the basics of radio production. Students learn announcing techniques, the fundamentals of microphones and sound mixing, as well as the skills to produce quality radio. The course also provides a general overview of the behind-the-scenes radio business and industry. Projects include a news announcement, radio interview, public service announcement, and a short music format radio show. Much of this class takes place outside of the classroom at the Lasell College Radio station.
COM216 - Entertainment Media
A focus on the entertainment media industry requires making sense of the material that captures the audience's attention, influences culture, and provides enjoyment to mass media consumers. Course topics include the business of entertainment media, the production and distribution of media content, and multimedia convergence. Students in this course examine the multiple genres for the content of entertainment media, such as drama, comedy, reality TV, and gaming. Students learn how the entertainment industry works, captures the interests of contemporary audiences, and influences our culture and values. Prerequisite: COM 101. Formerly - COM302
COM217 - Video Production
This course introduces students to the basics of video production. Students learn basic videography techniques using professional video cameras such as the SONY HVR-HD1000U. In addition to videography, students learn the basics of digital video editing using industry-standard Avid nonlinear editing programs. Video projects include a video camera roll test, Avid editing assignment, news package, and a short movie where students shoot, direct, and edit their own creative narrative.
COM218 - Digital Video Editing
This course teaches students the basics of editing digital media using the popular software program Adobe Premiere Pro. The aesthetics of editing are also discussed and analyzed through screening various types of edited media. Projects for the course include editing TV commercials, news packages, movie scenes, and music videos. It is recommended that students have acquired basic computer skills prior to taking this class.
COM219 - Social Media
This course is designed to introduce students to the key concepts and practices of writing for weblogs and the use of social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter for reputation management in PR, journaling, and networking. Students learn about social media uses by studying successful blogs, reading assigned articles on the subject, contributing to regular discussions held on an online forum, and completing a personal blog entry each week. Students form small groups around topics of interest and work together in order to publish and promote their work on the web. Each student contributes to a class-made blog by writing, creating/finding art, copyediting, and assisting with podcast and video blog production. Students have a great deal of real-world experience with a live, constantly updated blog, and a solid understanding of the fundamentals of writing for the web and using social media for promotional purposes. Prerequisite: COM 101.
COM221 - Advertising
This course introduces students to the field of advertising, including the role of promotional elements (advertising, direct mail, promotion, etc.) found in an advertising agency or in the communication program of an organization. In this course, students learn that advertising is more than just ads on television, on a web page or in print. Advertising is a process that starts with research and moves through analysis, planning, action, and evaluation. The development of an effective advertising strategy requires an understanding of overall communication processes and theoretical principles, how organizations organize and brand themselves for advertising and other promotional functions, consumer behavior, and how to set goals and objectives. A cooperative learning project requires students to engage in the kind of strategic thinking, planning and execution that is done by advertisers, researchers, media planners, and copywriters. The course also addresses how the advertising industry is regulated and how key social issues and various consumer constituencies can present problems for advertising professionals. Prerequisite: COM 101.
COM223 - Advertising: Copy & Design
This course approaches the design and content of advertising from a variety of creative perspectives —from art to copy to production. The aim is to create eye catching, stand-out advertising —the kind that requires concentration, creativity, and focus. Students don’t have to be skilled graphic artists, but they do need to be able to explain in detail how a storyboard works and what message is intended for the consumer through an emphasis on: visual effects of the design; use of color and placement; and the significance of slogans, copy, and dialogue. This class duplicates as closely as possible the experience of working in a creative group within a real ad agency. Prerequisite: COM 221.
COM224 - Elements of Film
In this introductory level course, students begin to appreciate film as a medium of communication and expression by watching a variety of classic and contemporary works which function as modes of entertainment, art, education, politics and social change. Using a media literacy approach, this course will focus on content analysis of motion pictures by examining elements of cinematic expression including form, narrative structure, editing, sound, acting/performance, and cinematography. Students will be responsible for learning proper terminology to discuss, analyze, and write about films for relevant assignments. Students will identify major trends and ideas important to the history of film as one of the most important forms of mass media; explore messages and themes highlighted by style and content, as well as the various effects of those messages in specific cultural or industry contexts including classical and contemporary Hollywood, European art cinema, Japan, Russia, and West Africa. Prerequisite: COM 101
COM225 - TV I: Producing
Part I of this two-part course introduces students to the basics of TV producing. Students learn the process of writing a pitch, proposal, treatment, and budget. They also learn the fundamentals of basic screenwriting and production scheduling, as well as managing cast, crew and vendor relationships. The course also explores the roles of the casting director, location manager, production coordinator, and script supervisor. The course concludes with a preview of the production team and the role of the line producer, unit production manager, production manager and assistant directors involved in managing the physical production process of producing a television show.
COM226X - Fashion TV
Students will produce, write and broadcast a Fashion TV show using the studios of NewTV, in Newton. This laboratory course will guide students through the process of creating and producing a Fashion TV show, to be broadcast over the Lasell College cable channel. All aspects of television producing will come into play, as will the art and practice of working a series of studio shoots. The goal will not only be for students to find their own artistic voice, but to produce a show that will go on their demo reels for future employment possibilities. This course is distinct from the Television Production course offered the same term.Prerequisite: COM225X
COM227 - Challenging Hollywood
This course focuses on the theme of innovative classic and contemporary films which challenge society and film industry standards. Beginning with the threats to society posed by early cinema and star scandals, leading to a universal censorship code, students will be introduced to how early films affected society and the future of Hollywood. Students will then watch, analyze, and think critically about popular, artistic, and influential American movies including the subversive film noirs of the post-WWII era such as The Maltese Falcon and Double Indemnity, and films from the 1960s and 1970s such as The Graduate, Easy Rider, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, as well as representations of African-American characters during segregation and the “LA Rebellion” and “New Black Cinema” movements which challenged those representations. We will also explore explosions of themes of violence and sex in contemporary Hollywood which further stretch and shape societal conventions in the US, including discussions of films like Bonnie and Clyde, Pulp Fiction, and Natural Born Killers.
COM228X - How Privileged are You?
Satisfy either your Historical (AI(H)) or Psychological and Societal (AI(PS)) Areas of Inquiry through this interdisciplinary team-taught course. As Ebola has popped up in the U.S., Americans have expressed concern and governmental agencies have reacted accordingly. Once again, as has happened in the past, people are increasingly demanding that more be done. Is this reaction a logical one to a potentially fatal illness or is this a manifestation of Western privilege objecting not to the illness, but to its presence at home? Using case studies of, for instance, the international reactions to epidemics in the past and present, students will explore the ways in which privilege has historically been constructed and the ways in which it impacts societal relations related to health issues. Students will take an inquiry-based approach to these case studies as they come to better understand the societal and psychological factors as well as the historical ones underlying power and privilege.
COM229 - Photojournalism
This is an introductory course in photojournalism that will touch on basic photography skills (composition, focus, subject, and angle), but is not strictly a photography class. This course will use two methods of learning: one is a hands-on, connected learning where students will tell stories through cameras and video; and another is a survey approach, through reading, discussion, lectures, journals, and multimedia presentations which illustrate photojournalism history and current trends. The class supports the college’s minor in photography as well as the communication’s department concentration in journalism and media writing. In an effort to make the course accessible to students from all departments across campus, the first few weeks of the class will provide readings, lecture, and discussion on the background and history of the journalism field.
COM303 - Nonprofit Public Relations
This course invites students to explore "nonprofit public relations" as it is seen today and as experts suggest it will be seen in the future. Students have the opportunity to work with a "real world" nonprofit client by creating, preparing, and producing a complete public relations plan for that organization. Prerequisite: COM 213.
COM304 - TV Studio Production
This course introduces the fundamentals of television production in a TV studio environment at NewTV - Newton's own public access television studios. Students learn pre-production planning, live-to-tape directing, and participate in full television crew rotations to produce high quality PSAs and their very own TV show to be aired on local access television. Throughout the semester, students develop a variety of production skills from hands-on television studio operation.
COM305 - Screenwriting
This course includes writing techniques for series and stand alone productions in television and film. Students work both independently and collaboratively in order to understand industry procedures. Students experiment with several different genres and then develop a major project. Prerequisite: COM 105.
COM306 - Broadcast Journalism
This class introduces students to the basic skills in writing for radio and TV news, including beat reporting, writing, interviewing, and editing. Students critically evaluate newscasts and are introduced to the components of producing them. They also examine ethical challenges that arise when manipulation of images and sound can distort reality and compromise journalistic integrity. Prerequisite: COM 209
COM307 - Understanding Video Games
This course introduces students to the foundation, process, and impact of the video game industry. Students evolve from merely riding the gaming highway to analyzing and deconstructing it. The course pays particular attention to the history and breakthroughs in the technology, social and political impacts such as the ESRB, sex and violence in games, as well as past, present and future trends of the gaming market.
COM308 - Conflict Resolution & Negotiations
This course helps students to understand the theoretical assumptions, elements, and processes of interpersonal conflict and negotiation, to increase their ability to objectively analyze conflict situations, and to creatively and productively manage conflict. Alternative Dispute Resolution approaches to litigation for resolving conflicts such as mediation, arbitration, and negotiation are examined. Prerequisites: COM 101, LS 101 or BUSS 101; Junior or Senior standing.
COM309 - Sports Communication
This course explores the dynamic organizations and diverse professions reflective of the sports communication field while emphasizing the fundamentals of good public relations and solid journalism. Types of organizational inquiry will include major television, radio and digital networks, leading magazines and newspapers, college athletics and professional sports as well as marketing and advertising firms. Topics covered will span journalism and publishing, community, media and public relations, marketing and advertising as well as digital and social media. In this course, students will learn how to research and write for broadcast, digital and print media; how to define, develop, and deliver effective sports communication campaigns; how to use mass and social media platforms for brands, personalities and teams; and how to manage and mitigate crisis communication.
COM310 - Political Communication
This course focuses on the complex ideas associated with the role of the press in a democracy. The nature and climate of our political processes, particularly elections, have changed dramatically in the past two generations, due in part to the extensive use and influence of the media. Also, media techniques and strategies used by government and political figures continue to change with the emergence of new technologies and the dominance of global media companies. Students learn how to think critically and analytically about the political press and how journalists and politicians frame public policy issues. This course looks critically at whether or not the American press is truly representative of the civic values of democracy, truth, and responsible citizenship. Prerequisites: COM 101 or POLS 101 or SOC 101.
COM312 - Radio Production II
This course brings students with basic radio production skills to a higher level of proficiency. There is strong emphasis on radio as a digital medium and digital (nonlinear) audio editing with Adobe Audition. Projects include editing music for radio play, writing and mixing radio commercials, creating a radio interview podcast, and the development of an Air Check radio demo for student portfolios. Students also develop a deeper understanding of the radio business. Prerequisite: COM 215.
COM313 - Video Production II
This course takes students with basic video production skills to a higher level of expertise. There is strong emphasis on pre-production planning, teamwork, lighting, sound and special effects. The aesthetics of video production are also discussed by analyzing various film and video productions. Projects include a special effects reel, television commercial, short documentary, and a short screenplay adaptation. Throughout the semester, students develop a deeper understanding of the business of video production. Prerequisite: COM 217.
COM314 - Magazine & Feature Writing
This course is focused on the longer pieces of magazine writing, such as feature articles and interview profiles, and other forms of narrative, nonfiction journalistic writing. The course includes reading, analyzing, and modeling well-written newspaper and magazine articles that entertain as well as inform readers. Students have the opportunity to provide editorial support for and submit feature articles for publication to Polished, a Lasell College produced magazine. Prerequisites: COM 101, COM 209.
COM315 - Communication Research
This course introduces students to methods of social research that are applied to communication theory and practice. This includes both academic research on human communication and the kinds of professional research conducted in media industries, such as journalism, advertising and public relations. Students conduct individual and group research projects during the term. Prerequisite: COM 101.
COM316 - Publication Editing
This course is designed as a workshop in which students learn the fundamentals of editing for print and online publications. Students study and participate in various editing roles, including editorial director, articles editor, copy editor, proofreader and fact-checker. Students examine case studies of existing publications. In keeping with Lasell's Connected Learning approach, students propose work for Lasell's two student publications, The 1851 Chronicle and Polished, or other publications. The course focuses on learning to prepare cohesive editorial products with clear, compelling, professional content while avoiding common mistakes in usage, grammar, and style. Prerequisites: COM 105.
COM317 - Media Relations
Managing media relations for public relations professionals is the focus of this course. The course is intended to increase students’ knowledge of the principles and methods of generating publicity and to introduce the basics of planning and writing media relations campaigns. The rapidly changing nature of global companies and the convergence of new information technologies are influencing the ways that communication professionals achieve their goals. Media relations can be a highly competitive and challenging field, where you must prove your productivity, accuracy, and creativity. Students discuss and experiment with successful strategies for gaining coverage in the press for clients, and they plan a comprehensive media relations program. Prerequisites: COM 101, COM 208.
COM319 - Advertising Planning: Media Campaigns
This course provides an environment for students to become engaged in a professional style media planning and buying campaign, which is an essential strategic focus of the advertising industry. Students develop a full advertising plan based on the current planning structure of a contemporary advertising agency. Working in teams, students conduct a detailed advertising analysis that allows them to provide strategic and creative solutions to problems they have identified in their research. Student teams construct an advertising plan that positions and promotes a product, a message, a politician, or a brand to a consumer audience. Each student team produces a comprehensive media campaign that identifies and targets the appropriate media outlets for advertising placements. The class has a modicum of pressure and intensity that reflects some of the challenges necessary to succeed in the advertising industry. Prerequisite: COM 221.
COM320 - Organizational Communication
This course focuses on both the theoretical understanding and practical knowledge of the context and application of organizational communication. Topics include: leadership, new technologies and their impact on organizations, organizational climate and culture, ethics, formal and informal channels of communication within organizations, management of diversity and conflict, relational communication (with interpersonal and group work), and issues of power and politics within the context of the organizational settings. Prerequisite: COM 103
COM321 - Media & Children
This course examines the uses and effects of mass communication among children and adolescents. By taking a developmental perspective, the course explores how youth at different stages of cognitive development watch, understand, and respond to media content. The first part of the course focuses on children’s uses and processing of media. The second part of the course reviews the effects of various types of content (e.g., advertising, stereotypes, violence). The final part of the course considers the role of interventions (e.g., media literacy, ratings, parental mediation) in preventing media-related outcomes that are harmful and promoting those that are positive. Throughout the course, students are encouraged to critically evaluate the role of media in the lives of children.COM 101 or PSYC 101.
COM323 - Corporate Communications
This course is designed to present students with an overview of corporate communication in contemporary society. The rapidly changing nature of global markets and the convergence of new information technologies are influencing the ways in which communication professionals achieve their goals. The course explores the trends and issues affecting corporations, crisis management, public affairs communication, consumer affairs, employee relations, environmental issues, investor relations, issues of multinationals, ethics, and governmental relations. Prerequisite: COM 213.
COM324 - Journalism II
This is an advanced, connected-learning focused course in which student journalists do the work of the field. Students with basic reporting and editing experience are challenged to demonstrate their news and feature writing skills to a new level of competence. This course requires student to cover a campus or community beat as they report on a student organization, department, team, or local politics, sports, fashion or culture. Projects will focus on new media platforms such as photo galleries and video and audio news content and producing news media packages for print. Students will be encouraged to submit their work to the 1851 Chronicle and Prerequisite: COM209
COM325 - Global Media
This course introduces students to the global media landscape. Students are exposed to a number of topics including: the power of language in media, recent global media controversies, the economics of global media & ownership, the politics of global media, and the coverage of international events in U.S. media. Prerequisites: COM 101, COM 212
COM326 - Effective Speaking II
This advanced public speaking course builds on the foundation of Effective Speaking I to further a student’s development as a public speaker in a variety of settings. This is achieved through a combination of speaking, writing, and reading assignments. Specifically, students outline, develop, and deliver extemporaneous speeches incorporating relevant sources. Students learn how to develop and deliver messages that are appropriate and effective for the audience, purpose, and context using logical arguments within an ethical framework. Prerequisite: COM 203
COM328 - Video Games & Culture
Video Games & Culture brings students on a virtual tour around the globe for a look at the video game industry through the perspectives of numerous cultures. Students will investigate subjects such as video game piracy in Italy & China, professional gaming in Korea, video game censorship in Australia & the Middle East, and much more. The course also compares the North American market with other continents such as Asia, Europe, and South America. The interplay between video games and culture will be discussed, and students will be given hands-on opportunities to sample video games from other countries that were never released in the US. The course emphasizes the competency of ‘knowledge of the media’ and reinforces the competencies of writing, research, visual communication, and speech. This course can be used in substitution for COM 307 Understanding Video Games for Multimedia & Web Design Majors if necessary.
COM330 - Advertising Strategy
This course introduces students to the development of effective advertising strategies. Over the past twenty years, account planning has evolved into a critical element of advertising campaign strategy and execution. The course will explore: 1) The origin and fundamentals of account planning; 2) The role of the account planner in an agency structure; 3) The influence of account planning on the process and role of advertising research and strategic development; 4) Practical implications for account planning in advertising campaign development. Topics include; consumer behavior, attitude development, persuasion tactics, targeting, advertising segmentation, advertising analysis and designing advertising strategies to support a brand. Prerequisite: COM 221 Advertising
COM332 - Television Studies
This course will explore this significant question: Should we take TV seriously as a form of mass communication? The answer can be found in the ways that TV produces meanings for the audience and our culture as a dominant form of entertainment over that past 60 plus years in post WWII America. As such, TV demands our scrutiny. Throughout the course, we will look at such topics as how TV entertainment narrative is structured, how sets are designed, how sound interacts with image, how commercials persuade and how these structures can emphasize certain meanings (and de-emphasize others) and transmit values to viewers. Current trends in technological shifts have forced changes in the delivery of TV programming, for example to audio and video files streaming on computers, such as tablets, the decline of network TV and the rise of hundreds of cable channels. However, all of these new technologies demand more TV entertainment content, not less.This course uses two avenues of inquiry: one exploring the mass communication basis for studying the content delivered through medium of TV; and another outlining an analysis of TV content which illustrates the transmission of cultural values (primarily American) to the audience. Prerequisites: COM 101
COM334 - Comparing Cultures Through Film
By examining films from Iraq, Cuba, India, Native Americans, Mexico, Nigeria, China, South Africa, and Chad, students will gain exposure to various social, cultural, political, and economic systems, leading to discussion and exploration of other cultures as well as reflection about American culture. Students will engage in an interdisciplinary approach which adopts terminology and theories from film studies and criticism, sociology, and cultural anthropology, in order to study other cultures and cultural methods of visual storytelling. Ultimately, goals include increased intercultural competence and sensitivity accompanied by an empathy for the “other” and an increased awareness and raised consciousness of past and contemporary global issues. Prerequisite: COM 101
COM399 - Internship Seminar
This seminar helps students to develop professional objectives and identify potential sites for their internships. In this seminar students identify their personal work style and strengths, will identify a good career match, will create an effective cover letter & resume, will develop effective networking, interviewing, and negotiation skills. This course will help students apply search tools for finding internships. A goal of this course is to secure an internship for the following semester. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing.
COM400 - Field Experience I
This course is the professional component of the capstone experience in the Communication Department. The course provides students with a work/skill development opportunity to practice communication theory and skills in a real work setting. The internship course is comprised of a minimum of 150 hours in the field, the weekly seminar, and its assignments, including an oral presentation. Students also write weekly reflections on their experience, complete written assignments, and do an oral presentation to a group of their peers. The field supervisor contributes to the student’s learning through guidance, feedback and evaluation of the students work.
COM402 - Field Experience II
COM 402 follows COM 400, in which students learned how to apply theory to practice in a work environment. This course will take those skills one step further and enhance the students understanding of the Communication discipline, the skills required to succeed in the job market, and how to conduct the necessary research to find a job and a career which is a good fit and will lead the student to professional success. Projects will include facilitating a workshop, conducting a focus group, developing a marketing strategy, creating a hard portfolio, a leave-behind piece, and an e-portfolio. Students should complete the internship in a different organization than the placement for COM 400. Contact Sarah Burrows with questions:
COM418 - Media Literacy
This course encourages students to take the mass media seriously through critical analysis of media content. Students study the power of the mass media in communicating cultural values and other messages. This capstone course reinforces the tools needed to think critically about the mass media in order for the students to then help others to do the same. Throughout their time in the communication program, students have been introduced to a variety of issues in the media (e.g., media content, media effects, ethics, and regulation). This course helps emphasize how all of these issues relate to one another. In the capstone paper and presentation, students have the opportunity to demonstrate the important research, writing, and oral communication skills they have developed. This course serves as the theoretical component of their capstone experience and is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: Senior standing.
ENG100I - Writing Skills
This course, designed to prepare the nonnative speaker of English for the Core Writing I - Writing II sequence, addresses the development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening competencies crucial to the successful completion of college coursework. Placed in this course on the basis of the TOFEL score, students work on oral and written English language skills through informal exercises and formal oral and written projects; the lab component of this course provides an opportunity for individual conferencing around written assignments. Students must receive a grade of “C” or higher in order to pass this course.
ENG101 - Writing I
In this course, students gain understanding of and confidence in effective writing. Students write in several different genres such as narrative, analysis, digital writing, annotated bibliography, researched argument and/or collaborative writing. The course emphasizes writing as a process and focuses on the rhetorical choices writers make. Students who choose to take Writing I Workshop are provided with time during class to work on their writing while the instructor and a peer writing consultant are present to provide assistance.
ENG102 - Writing II
This course builds on and refines skills and techniques gained in Writing I. Readings in a variety of genres from across disciplines are included, and students write in multiple genres with a heavy emphasis on research writing. Prerequisite: ENG101 or ENG101 Workshop with a grade of C or better
ENG104 - Academic Reading & Writing
This elective writing course is designed for any student who recognizes the need for additional work on reading and/or writing following completion of ENG 101 and 102. The course focuses on close reading and academic writing in response to readings about American culture from across the academic disciplines. Students develop and reinforce their skills in using reading strategies and in selecting and integrating text from a reading, analyzing issues, and synthesizing ideas in a focused and coherent essay. Students may be placed into an ESL section of this course. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG107 - Oral Communication & Presentation Skills
This course is designed to help international students develop confidence in their oral English skills, so that they can participate freely in classroom discussions and present comfortably in the classroom context. Students work at their English listening and speaking skills in order to improve their English fluency and comprehensibility, benefiting from the regular practice and from instructor feedback; coursework focuses on pronunciation, vocabulary, and English usage conventions. Course activities include speaking opportunities, vocabulary building exercises, group discussions, and a series of presentations scheduled during the semester. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor
ENG201 - Eng Lit/Themes & Writers
This course offers a special thematic approach to the study of English literature. Various authors, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Shaw, and Yeats, are studied within such contexts as convention and revolt, the hero and the heroine, or evil and decadence. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG208 - The Structure of the English Language
This course focuses on essential elements of the structure of the English language: its phonology (sound structure), morphology (word structure), and syntax (sentence structure). Students draw on their own knowledge of language as they examine spoken English; they then study the relationship between spoken and written language. As students discuss issues pertinent to teachers and to writers, the relevance of linguistic analysis both to written language development and to writing practice is considered. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG209 - Intro to Literature & Literary Studies
This is a foundations course required for the major and the minor in English. The course provides an introduction to a variety of forms and styles in poetry, drama, short story, fiction, memoir, and essay; European, African, North American, Central and South American, and Asian literatures are considered. The focus is on interpreting texts; students are introduced to various schools of interpretation and to standards for supporting an interpretation. Students become familiar with the conventional elements of each genre and with the terminology of critical interpretation. The course introduces print and database tools for research on literature. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG210 - Survey of American Literature
This course surveys representative periods, authors, or genres in American literature from beginnings in Native American oral literatures through contemporary works. Individual sections organize study of classic and contemporary texts around particular themes, such as Queering American Literatures, American Migrations, Hemispheric American Literature, or Americans on the Edge: "Frontiers" in the American Imagination. Individual sections also trace twentieth- or twenty-first-century movements to their roots in or resistance to earlier movements or forms. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG211 - Modern Drama
This survey course introduces students to great modern works of drama, considering the late nineteenth century through the present. Plays are considered in terms of performance as well as in literary terms, with a focus on the ways in which the philosophies and sensibilities of modernism and postmodernism are reflected both on the page and on the stage. Readings include modern classics by such writers as Ibsen, O'Neill, Brecht, and Beckett, as well as more recent works. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG212 - Literature for Young Adults
This course surveys current literature for adolescent and teen readers. It prepares students to evaluate young adult books in terms of literary quality, reader interest, and social and political perspectives. Strategies for use in the classroom are explored; various genres are examined. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG214 - Special Topics in Literature
This course concentrates on an interdisciplinary approach to literature. The focus is on one theme, one author, one period, or one genre. Students are responsible for substantial written and oral work in analysis, criticism, and/or research. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG216 - The Mystery Novel
This course examines the history of one type of genre fiction, the mystery, beginning with texts from the late nineteenth century and ending with contemporary novels. Emphasis is on the development of the form, the social context of the texts including historical background, changes in popular taste, and analysis of the popularity of the genre. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG217 - Contemporary Literature (KP)
In this course, we consider contemporary literature in its global context. Viewing literature as the expression of individual national/cultural traditions and as a rendering of the universally human condition, we examine both national literatures and texts written for a global readership. Topics such as global citizenship, diaspora, postcolonial aesthetics, modernism, postmodernism, and cultural/literary redefinition may be addressed; sample texts include Tagore's King of the Dark Chamber, Kincaid's Among Flowers, Aidoo's No Sweetness Here, Kafka's The Metamorphosis, and Heaney's The Spirit Level. Prerequisite: ENG102
ENG218 - British Literature
This course surveys British writing in poetry, fiction, and drama, with a focus on key periods in the development of British literature. Emphasis is on representative writers in each period. Periods and movements surveyed include Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, Romanticism, Victorian, Modern, and Contemporary or Postmodern. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG219 - Creative Writing
In this course, students explore various types of creative writing including fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Students do a wide range of in-class and out-of-class writing assignments, and they have the opportunity to select one form for a major project. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG222 - Lyric Poetry
This course considers the lyric poem in global contexts, with attention to poetic voice, composition, sense, and sound. Form and content are examined in medieval to modern meditative and lyric poems. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG223 - Ethics & Morality in Literature
This course focuses on the role that ethics and morality play in a variety of literary texts. Emphasis is on analysis of characters' decisions and choices that relate to ethical issues as well as to the formation of their ethical codes. Characters' positions relating to ethical systems and the prevailing morality of their society are considered. Literature is selected from diverse genres and traditions. The focus of the course changes each semester. Possible topics include Literature of Human Rights, Prison Writing, Literature and the Environment, and Literature of War. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG224 - Film & Literature
In this course, the nature of narrative in literature and film is explored; focus is on analysis of literature that has been made into movies. Students consider the types of changes inolved in the transformation from one form to another, as well as the complex reasons for variations. Prerequisite: ENG102.
ENG225 - The Short Story
In this course, students study the development of the short story as a twentieth-century form; critical and creative approaches are offered. Selections are taken from such authors as Edith Wharton, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Joyce Carol Oates, Doris Lessing, and Alice Walker. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG235 - From Sounds to Sentences
This course considers the acquisition of human language as a biologically based and species-specific communication system. The interaction, from infancy through early and later childhood, between biological preparedness and environmental influence is studied, as is the development of phonology (sound system), lexicon (vocabulary), syntax (sentence structure), and pragmatics (language use). The developmental phases through which a young learner passes as the language systems develop are also studied in this course. Bilingualism, dialect, language disorder, and early written language development are considered. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
ENG237X - Becoming Ourselves in Society
How are we influenced by our group and our society? What attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs do we develop in our social contexts? These questions have been addressed through the lens of social psychology; in addition, creative writers have been moved to explore them. In this course, we consider the individual’s interface with social groups from psychological and literary perspectives. This is a four-credit interdisciplinary course. Prerequisites: ENG102, PSYC101 or SOC101.
ENG304 - Stories of Origin
This course considers both written and oral traditional texts. Texts originating in expressions of faith, devotion, cultural origin or expression, and ethnic identity are examined, with attention to narration, characterization, sacred mystery, moral /ethical content, and interpretation. Readings include selections from Ancient Greek and Roman literature, the Bible and/or the Qur’an, and world myths and folktales. Prerequisite: Any 200-level English course.
ENG307 - Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop
In this course, students study the literary genre of creative nonfiction by exploring a variety of personal essays and memoirs and by engaging in writing practice. Work by class members is read and discussed, as are textbook readings that illuminate the use of craft tools such as description, imagery, diction, syntax, text structure, and metaphor in the development of personal essays and memoirs. Reading assignments involve the close examination of essays and memoirs; written assignments involve in-class work, reflections on craft essays, annotations on creative reading, and one 10-page text of original creative nonfiction. Prerequisite: ENG219, COM209, or permission of instructor.
ENG308 - Fiction Writing Workshop
In this course, students write various types of fiction. They work on different types of short stories and may have the opportunity to work with longer forms such as the novella or the novel. Students will analyze the work of professional writers in order to understand a variety of writing strategies, including the uses of and approaches to plot, dialogue, point of view, and description. Students work on short and longer assignments to develop technique and also have the opportunity to structure some of their own assignments. Students' analysis of one another's writing is an extremely important component of the course. Prerequisite: ENG 219 or Permission of Instructor
ENG310 - Poetry Writing Workshop
In this course, we consider English verse by exploring lyric poetry and engaging in its practice. Work by class members is read and discussed, as are other example poems whose study illuminates the use of tools such as imagery, diction, sound device, structure, lineation, and figurative language in the construction of poetic meaning. Reading assignments involve the close examination of poems; written assignments include short poetry annotations and the creation of a portfolio of original poetry. Prerequisite: ENG 219 or ENG 222.
ENG312 - Literature of Postcolonial World
In this course, students consider issues, movements, or traditions in literatures that respond to a history of colonization and/or imperialism. Latin American, African, and Asian cultures or traditions are emphasized in English or in English translations; issues addressed might include matters of publication and criticism, myths about the "third world," nationalism, fundamentalism, human rights, technology, and cultural resistance. Example topics include The Novel in India, Caribbean Dub Poetry, Prison Writing, Major South African Writers, Magic Realism. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: Any 200-level English course.
ENG313 - American Multiethnic Literature
This course focuses on the history, variety, and aesthetic conventions of one or more racial-ethnic traditions in American writing. Individual courses might focus on key forms or authors; distinct traditions such as African-American, Latino, Asian-American, or Native American literature; or a survey across several traditions. Examples include Barack Obama and the African-American Tradition, Contemporary Latino Literatures, or Haiti and the US in Haitian-American Writing. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: Any 200-level English course.
ENG340 - Classics of World Literature
This course explores representative fiction, poetry, or drama by major figures in world literature, centering on topics such as love, tragedy, comedy, immortality, madness, wasteland, quest for knowledge, voyages, or exploration. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: Any 200-level English course.
ENG402 - Advanced Writing Workshop
This is the capstone course for creative writing majors and minors. Working with a faculty mentor, each student develops and completes a major writing project that focuses on the student’s writing interests. Review, critique, and drafting are crucial course components. The course includes reading assignments that relate to the writing projects. This one-semester course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: ENG307, ENG308, or ENG310.
ENV101 - Intro to Environmental Studies (KP)
This course uses case studies to explore global environmental challenges and engages students in considering sustainable solutions. Solutions that promote a healthy environment, social equality, and economic viability are discussed. Students explore steps individuals, organizations, and communities can take to reduce their ecological footprint and to slow global warming. Leaders from community organizations and local government agencies are invited to discuss issues with students.
ENV102 - Environmental Ethics & Society
This course explores issues and problems arising out of ethical considerations related to the general environment and specific ecosystems. Also considered are the moral aspects of population control and resource use. The foundations for beliefs and worldviews regarding nature and the human relationship to it are explored. In addition, the variety of philosophical perspectives and pragmatic choices and actions people take related to environmental ethics are studied.
ENV201 - Environmental Law & Policy
This course examines the role of law and politics in the management of natural resources and the environment. The course first reviews the major US environmental protection legislation and then explores the process of developing and establishing environmental policy related to water, air, energy, and land resources. Historical and contemporary circumstances that influence public policy decisions, the influence of science and technology, social and economic paradigms, and ethics and values are discussed. Even though the emphasis is on domestic U.S. policies and institutions, international issues are addressed, including how US domestic environmental policies influence and are influenced by global forces. This is a writing intensive course.
ENV204 - Environmental Economics
This course explores economic problems associated with environmental issues. The course introduces modeling and analytical tools used in the field. The course first examines the problem of market failure in the presence of externalities and public goods, and considers public policy responses to these market failures, including command-and-control regulations, tax and subsidy incentives, and marketable pollution permits. The course then addresses the methods to measure the costs and benefits of environmental improvements and how these types of analysis are used in public policy decisions. These decisions are analyzed in the context of problems such as air pollution, ozone depletion and global warming, threats to biodiversity, and development. This is a writing intensive course. Prerequisite: ECON101
ENV205 - Green Business
All businesses, from oil companies to computer manufacturers want to be "green." Being "green" is not only good for a business' marketing and publicity, but it also helps the bottom line. This course examines what it means to be a "green" business. Topics include the Triple Bottom Line, sourcing materials, energy management and recycling.
ENV206 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies
This course examines a particular area of environmental studies with the goal of allowing faculty and students to explore issues that meet special interests.
ENV207 - Chemistry for a Sustainable Future
This course will engage students in thinking about environmental problems through the context of chemistry. The relevance of chemistry to such topics as air pollution, climate change, and water management will be explored. Students will be challenged to consider the application of chemistry to help address many of these problems.
ENV211 - Environmental Science (KP)
During this course, students are introduced to the concept of environmental sustainability. Issues such as climate change, biodiversity, food and agriculture, water resources, and energy are explored. Students are challenged to consider the impact of Lasell College on the environment and will complete a greenhouse gas inventory. Students also examine the role of science and technology in the pursuit of environmental sustainability.
ENV220 - World Geography (KP)
This course surveys the earth's social, cultural and economic patterns and their relationship to the physical geography of the earth. A regional approach is taken to provide a foundation for more intensive systematic studies of important environmental/political issues.
ENV301 - Environmental Field Sampling
The environmental movement relies on monitoring data to make the case for cleaner air, water, etc. In this course, students learn how to conduct basic water quality, air quality, and other forms of environmental monitoring as well as discuss how to use the data that is collected.
ENV302 - Natural Resource Management/GIS
This course surveys natural resource issues from global to local scales through the use of geographic information systems (GIS). GIS, remotely sensed images, and global positioning systems are used as tools in managing community natural resources. Students map natural resources and community features to explore management strategies. Students work with town commissions, state agencies, and environmental organizations to obtain spatial data for analysis.
ENV303 - Environmental Justice
All people should have the right to live in and enjoy a clean and healthful environment. However, access to clean air and water, exposure to excessive noise, and access to natural areas is inequitable in our society. This course explores how racial, economic, and cultural backgrounds influence access to a clean and safe environment. Local, national, and international issues of the environment and social justice are explored. Students engage with local community organizations on projects promoting environmental justice.
ENV304 - Environmental Field Sampling
The environmental movement relies on monitoring data to make the case for cleaner air, water, etc. In this course, students learn how to conduct basic water quality, air quality, and other forms of environmental monitoring as well as discuss how to use the data that is collected.
ENV305 - Energy: Moving on from Fossil Fuel
Our economic prosperity relies on burning fossil fuels to power everything from our trucks to our office computers. As fossil fuels become more scarce, it is necessary to find other sources of energy. This course introduces students to our energy grid and to alternative sources of energy like wind, solar and geothermal. Prerequisites: ENV 101, ENV 211
ENV400 - Internship
This internship is scheduled to take place during the junior year and introduces students to challenges faced by companies, non-profit organizations, or government agencies. Placement is tailored to meet the student’s career goals and interests in the environmental field. Students work 150 hours over the course of the semester alongside professionals in the field. Written reflections are submitted during and at the conclusion of the internship as well as regular meetings with the internship supervisor. The internship supervisor monitors each student’s performance and visits each internship site as needed. Prerequisites: ENV 101, ENV 102, ENV 201, ENV 211.
ENV420 - Environmental Studies Senior Seminar
This course is a capstone course in Environmental Studies that focuses on current issues and trends in the environmental field. Students complete an applied thesis or practicum project in an area related to their particular interest and present it to the class and/or at symposium. Environmental career opportunities are discussed along with resume development, networking, interviewing techniques, and other career development skills. Prerequisites: ENV 400, Senior standing.
GLBS400 - Reading & Research in Global Studies
This course represents the first semester of a two-semester individualized global studies capstone sequence. The student works closely with a faculty mentor from one of the disciplines represented in this interdisciplinary major, meeting weekly with the mentor to define a topic for in-depth examination through reading, research, and writing. Reading and research will begin during GLB400 and will continue during the following semester in GLB401. Students must complete GLB400 before enrolling in GLB401. Prerequisite: Global Studies Major
GLBS401 - Capstone in Global Studies
In this individual tutorial, the student works with the faculty mentor who oversees the capstone project. Meeting weekly with the mentor to discuss readings, research methodology, study design, and essay drafts, the student completes a substantial capstone essay on well-defined topic in global studies. Prerequisite: GLBS400
HIST103 - World Civilization I
Beginning with prehistory, this course explores early civilizations and then follows developments in a global context, showing interconnections between Asia, Africa, and Europe. Emphasis is placed on cultural, social, economic, religious, and political developments.
HIST104 - World Civilization II (KP)
This Knowledge Perspective course will provide students with the opportunity to interpret and analyze the complex interrelationships and inequities in human societies in a global historical context. Emphasizing the interrelatedness and mutuality of influence between East and West, we examine questions of exclusiveness, intolerance, and cooperation. Prerequisite: ENG101.
HIST105 - History of Human Rights
This course surveys the complicated history of human rights from its origins to the modern era. Emphasis is on the historical forces, movements, and events, especially in the last three centuries, that have moved this concept from the realm of intellectual theory and conjecture to practical implementation and application. This course may also touch on some of the major philosophical, ethical, and moral questions intertwined with human rights.
HIST123 - American Civilization I
This course examines the chief political, social, and cultural features of American society as they have developed through the period of Reconstruction. Emphasis is on Colonial America, the War of Independence, the Constitution, and the emergence of the Republic through the Civil War.
HIST124 - American Civilization II
This course is a continuation of HIST 123 from the period of Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis is on reconstruction, industrialization, immigration, constitutional issues, and the emergence of American foreign policy. There is some examination of American political life in the nuclear age.
HIST203 - The History of Women in U.S.
This course explores the social history of women in the United States, beginning in the colonial period and ending with an examination of twentieth-century issues. Emphasis is on the image of women held during these periods, in contrast to actual conditions. Contributions of women to social change and the growth of women’s movements are also analyzed. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST204 - Recent American History
This course focuses on the presidencies from the Kennedy era to the present. Work is divided roughly into three areas: foreign affairs; domestic politics; and economic, social, and cultural needs. Topics range from the Vietnam War to the Iraq War, the weakening of Congress and the expansion of the presidency, the women's movement, changes in popular culture, and domestic economic developments. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST207 - African American History
This course explores the history of African Americans in the United States from their African beginnings to the present. It traces the lives and status of African Americans, enslaved and emancipated, as they confronted the barriers of legal, institutional, and cultural prejudices; it examines the socioeconomic and political experiences of blacks in America and investigates strategies of accommodation, resistance, and protest in the struggle of African Americans to gain human and first-class citizenship rights. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST208 - Sub-Saharan Africa after 1800
This survey of sub-Saharan African history explores the ongoing story of African political, social, and economic developments from the post-transatlantic slave trade period to the present. The course considers the impact of European merchants, missionaries, and adventurers on Africa from the time immediately preceding imperialism and colonialism up through the emergence of nationalism and the decolonization and liberation movements. The new nation-states, their postcolonial economies, and their developing systems of justice, education, and rule are investigated. Finally, topics such as soil erosion, disease, conservation, famine, and Africa’s relationships with the wider world are discussed. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST209 - China from 1600 to Present
This course is a survey of modern Chinese history from the founding of the Qing Dynasty in the seventeenth century to Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms of the 1990s. Special attention will be paid to modernization, Western and Japanese imperialism in China, and the rise of Communism under Mao Zedong. In addition to learning about important milestones in Chinese history, students will be introduced to aspects of Chinese art, culture, and women's issues through primary sources translated into English. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST210 - Latin Amer Colonial Period to Present
This survey looks at Latin American history from pre-Colombian to contemporary times. Emphasis is on native cultures, the “discovery” of the New World, European presence, colonialism, imperialism, the creation of the peasantry, wars of independence, the formation of nation-states, the role of the military, slavery and racism, development and underdevelopment, the Catholic Church, liberation theology, poverty, and revolution. Major emphasis in South America is on Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Venezuela, and the Portuguese-speaking nation of Brazil. The course also examines foreign intervention and inner instability in Mexico, including struggles for democracy, economic rights, and social justice. In the Hispanic Caribbean and Central America, especially with regard to Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama, land and labor systems, gender relations, race and ethnicity, and varied forms of rule are discussed. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST211 - Middle East & Islamic World Since 1800
This course looks at the Middle East and its relations with the wider world, from the appearance of Napoleon to the present. Topics include attempts at reform and modernization in the Ottoman Empire; the impact of Western imperialism on the region as a whole; and twentieth-century developments in the area, including nationalism, pan-Arabism, pan-Islamism, the cult of the personality, coup, revolution, Zionism, and the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation. The economic and social impact of oil, the influence of fundamentalism, and the Great Power rivalry down through the position of the United States toward the area are investigated. The efforts of Iran to gain acceptance in/by the contemporary world are examined, as is the shifting attitude of Egypt toward modernity. Finally, connections between the region and the rest of the Islamic world are explored. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST212 - Mod Japan: Culture & History
This course is a survey of Japan's modernization from the fall of the warring states period to the economic bubble of the 1980s. Special attention will be paid to the contributions of the early modern Tokugawa Shogunate, the Meiji period of cultural borrowing from the West, and the cultural nationalism of the Japanese empire until 1945. In addition to learning about important milestones in Japanese history, students will be introduced to aspects of Japanese art and culture through a variety of primary and secondary sources and film clips. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST218 - Global History of Childhood
This course introduces students to the ways in which cultural ideas about childhood and childrearing have changed over time. Using Western history as a departure point, the course will compare and contrast key topics of childhood, such as child labor and child rights, in various cultures. This is primarily a discussion seminar, in which students present and discuss a variety of academic readings. There is also a service-learning component. This is a presentation-intensive course. Prerequisite: HIST 103, HIST 104, HIST 123, HIST 124, or permission of instructor.
HIST223 - Special Topics in History
In this course, a single topic in history is explored for the entire semester. Possible topics include Islamic civilization, India in the twentieth century, nationalism and imperialism in the last two centuries, United States and the world in the twentieth century, and the African American in the development of the United States. This course may be repeated for credit, as different special topics are offered. Prerequisite: 100-level history course or ENG102 with a C or better
HIST228X - How Privileged are You?
Satisfy either your Historical (AI(H)) or Psychological and Societal (AI(PS)) Areas of Inquiry through this interdisciplinary team-taught course. As Ebola has popped up in the U.S., Americans have expressed concern and governmental agencies have reacted accordingly. Once again, as has happened in the past, people are increasingly demanding that more be done. Is this reaction a logical one to a potentially fatal illness or is this a manifestation of Western privilege objecting not to the illness, but to its presence at home? Using case studies of, for instance, the international reactions to epidemics in the past and present, students will explore the ways in which privilege has historically been constructed and the ways in which it impacts societal relations related to health issues. Students will take an inquiry-based approach to these case studies as they come to better understand the societal and psychological factors as well as the historical ones underlying power and privilege.
HIST231 - Revolutions & Revolutionary Thought
This course provides an analysis of many types, facets, and styles of revolution, including political, cultural, and scientific meanings of the concept. The readings are taken from literature as well as from history and the social sciences. Prerequisite: a 100-level history course or ENG 102.
HIST323 - Special Topics in History
In this course, a single topic in history is explored at a level appropriate for the serious and experienced history student. Possible topics in this advanced course include microhistory, gender in African history, and European intellectual history. This course may be repeated for credit, as different special topics are offered. Prerequisite: A 200-level history course or instructor permission.
HIST325 - The Intellectual Origins of Western Civ
This seminar traces the roots of modern Western thought from ancient Greece through the Enlightenment by discussing and analyzing selections from the writings of major European thinkers. The seminar focuses on dominant figures representative of an historical epoch and examines their ideas in light of existing and future political, social, economic, and intellectual developments. Prerequisite: a 200-level history course or permission of instructor.
HIST330 - Europe & The World/ Age of Expansion
This course examines political, economic, social, scientific, and religious developments that contributed to European desire for land and power, and also to fantasies and phobias directed by European conquerors toward those whom they subdued and subjected to Western rule. The reaction toward the white Westerners on the part of those exploited is also explored. The period covered is from the mid-fifteenth century through the eighteenth century. Prerequisite: a 200-level history course or permission of instructor.
HIST352 - Nature & Meaning of History
The first half of this course examines selective theories of history from Herodotus through Braudel. The second part investigates the historiography of a single topic according to student interest. Readings are selected to introduce the student to interpretive issues surrounding the selected topic. The perspectives of several practicing historians are considered. Students write a research paper. This course is intended for history majors and as a capstone course for history minors; it is open to others who have successfully completed at least three history courses and have the permission of the instructor. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisite: a 200-level history course and permission of instructor.
HIST400 - Individual Seminar in Reading & Research
This course will serve as the first semester of a two-semester individualized history capstone sequence. Students will work closely on an individual basis with a full-time faculty member, meeting weekly to define a topic for in-depth examination through reading, research, and writing. Reading and research will begin during HIST 400 and will continue during the following semester in HIST 401. Students must complete HIST 400 before enrolling in HIST 401. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing and HIST 352 (can be taken concurrently).
HIST401 - Tutorial in History
This capstone course focuses on research methodology and practice in history. The student must gain the written agreement of the faculty member who oversees the project. Each student defines a topic by the end of the first week of the semester. Subsequent weekly meetings address progress and problems encountered in research of the topic. The finished product is a substantial paper (ca. 30 pages) with full scholarly apparatus. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing, HIST 352, and HIST 400.
HUM103 - Invitation to the Humanities
This course invites students to consider what it means to be human from manifold scholarly perspectives. As such, students are introduced to the many disciplines included in the humanities. Arguably, there are eight: art, communication, history, language, literature, music, philosophy, and religion. Taking a thoroughly interdisciplinary approach, this course investigates how humanists employ these varied disciplines in studying and expressing humanness.
HUM203X - The New Testament
The Christian New Testament is one of the most widely read documents in the world, and one of the most widely misunderstood. In this course, we will read the New Testament and study it from several critical perspectives. This is not a “Bible study” reading of the New Testament; come prepared to have your assumptions challenged and your standard interpretations questioned. Historical criticism, source criticism, feminist criticism, and close textual analysis will contribute to a lively and refreshing look at this classic of Western literature. Critical thinking and an open mind are prerequisites to a successful learning experience. Prerequisite: ENG102
HUM207X - Mexico/U.S.: Poverty & Human Rights
In this course, we will study poverty from the perspective of poor people themselves. Examining the diverse cultures and peoples of Mexico, we consider the way in which people in one Mexican state help themselves. Their history and struggles will shed light on the dire poverty in which half the world’s population lives, as we work shoulder to shoulder with a farming community taking its future into its own hands. The course includes an immersion component in January, involving daily service and study in Mexico through the international nonprofit Niños de Veracruz. The course also includes fifteen hours of service to Niños de Veracruz in November. This course fulfills the Area of Inquiry – Multicultural [AI(MC)] and the Area of Inquiry – Moral/Ethical [AI(ME)] and supports the Human Rights Minor.
HUM399 - Humanities Internship Seminar
This seminar helps students to develop objectives and identify potential sites for the senior internship. Topics include the application of humanities course work to a professional career and the development of skills necessary to locate an internship. The final goal of this course is to locate an appropriate internship. Junior or senior standing is required; this course is designed for Humanities Department majors only.
HUM400 - Humanities Field Experience
This course provides individually arranged participation in a work setting related to students' majors. Students spend 150 hours at the internship site over the course of the semester. Primary responsibility rests with students in identifying and pursuing an area of interest in consultation with the instructor. Students participate in a one-hour seminar each week that focuses on reflective activities that enhance the internship experience. Students complete written exercises about and evaluations of the experience. Evaluation of the field experience is based on student performance as reviewed by the employer and instructor at the internship site, as well as participation in the seminar and written assignments. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing, approval of instructor, HUM 399. Humanities Department majors only.
HUM419 - Seminar in Hum: Readings & Research
This capstone course serves as the direct complement to HUM420. Whereas HUM420 is a writing-intensive course, this course is research and reading intensive; students work in a tutorial fashion (i.e., one on one) with the instructor to choose a research topic, read closely in pertinent sources, and report back through informative and exploratory writing assignments and conversations. Like HUM420, this course focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and the solution of problems; when taken together, these courses serve as a capstone experience. Prerequisite:Junior or Senior standing. Humanities Department and IDS majors only.
HUM420 - Seminar in Humanities
This capstone course focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and problem solving. The topic will change; however, the course emphasizes extensive research projects related to students' fields of interest. This is a writing-intensive course. Prerequisites: HUM419 and Junior or Senior standing. Humanities Department and IDS majors only.
PHIL101 - Introduction to Philosophy
This course is an introduction to the basic problems of philosophy, such as the sources of knowledge, the relationship between mind and body, freedom as opposed to determinism, and the nature of values.
PHIL106 - World Religions
This course provides an overview of the major religious traditions: Taoism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Central themes from these traditions are studied through selected scriptures and texts of each tradition.
PHIL110 - Ethics
This course is an introduction to analysis of conduct, moral reasoning, and the foundation of ethical values in a search for the ultimate meanings of human experience. The following specific problems are examined: life and death issues, human experimentation, sexuality, truth telling in medicine, honesty in business, cheating and lying, stealing and reparation, egoism, obligation, and capital punishment.
PHIL202 - Aesthetics
This course explores creativity, interpretation, expression, style, symbolism, evaluation, art, and society–all from the philosophical perspective. Students are exposed to a variety of approaches to the question “What is beauty?” The arts and everyday experiences are examined in an effort to answer the question about beauty, as well as the other questions such exploration raises. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
PHIL203 - Existentialism
This course examines such questions as “Who am I?” or “What relationship do I have with myself,with others, and with the universe?” Readings are taken from Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Buber, Jaspers, Sartre, and others. The influence of existentialism on psychology, society, art, religion, and politics is explored. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
PHIL204 - Philosophies of Love
This is an investigation of affectivity centering on different meanings of the emotion of love, including friendship, spirituality, ecstasy, and romance. The course is a philosophical inquiry into the person-as-sexed, freedom, choice, responsibility, object, subject, and authenticity. Readings are drawn from philosophy, history, psychology, and literature. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
PHIL205 - Political & Social Philosophy
This course introduces students to the primary understandings of social and political justice. Theory is related to practical and political problems. The notion of peace is also addressed. We shall wonder about the nature of the state and mutual obligations between governors and the governed. What makes a government legitimate? What freedoms and controls are needed to make modern society work? How do we choose to structure the ways in which we live together? In other words, what does it mean to be a participatory member of a particular society or a citizen of a particular country? Selected topics may include morality and human rights, status and treatment of women, hunger, poverty, and the environment. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
PHIL208 - Knowing & Reality
This course is a comparative analysis of Eastern and Western perceptions of reality in philosophy and literature, beginning with an historical overview of theories of knowledge and truth as well as the psychological factors in learning. Prerequisites: PHIL 101 and PSYC 101.
PHIL302 - Ethical Reasoning
This course will address the interaction between the lives we lead and the application of traditional (and some nontraditional) ethical theories and principles to important decision points in our lives. Students will take on real-life ethical problems and dilemmas for each class; each student will be responsible for presenting a number of issues, as well as for guiding the discussion of those issues in class. The problems we address will largely span a lifetime of experiences and concerns. Students will also write several papers that evaluate formal arguments, using standard tools of critical thinking and philosophy. The course is discussion based, so a willingness to read carefully, to think critically, and to engage in classroom presentations and discussions is essential. Prerequsite: Jr Standing & ENG102
POLS101 - American Government
This is an examination of the basic principles that form the foundation for the structure and practice of American government. The impact of the political system on the citizen is explored along with the central assumptions and concepts that serve as the basis for the field of political science.
POLS201 - State & Local Government
This course begins with the constitutional and legal basis for state and local government. The functions of the executive and legislative branches are examined. Governmental bureaucracy and budgetary processes are studied as well as political parties, interest groups, public opinion, and political reporting in the press.
POLS202 - Issues in Contemporary Political Thought
This course is an interdisciplinary introduction to selected contemporary American political issues. The course is designed to create a deeper understanding and interest in these issues and develop students' capacities as citizens who will challenge the present and enrich the future. Its topics change frequently to keep up with the latest developments in the field. Throughout the semester, the local impact of national issues are discussed.
POLS208 - Contemporary International Relations
Basic concepts and major contemporary problems of international relations are examined in this course. Topics include the Middle East, East-West relations, deterrence versus disarmament, human rights, and developing countries. Throughout the semester, the local impact of national issues are discussed.
POLS210 - Political Theory
In this course, central questions in political theory are addressed. What is justice? What is freedom? What is the state? What makes a government legitimate? Is there any general obligation to obey the state? The course also focuses on theories of modernity and communities, the evolution of liberalism and individualism, and the relationship between politics and economics. Readings range from the Greeks to modern thinkers. Prerequisite: ENG 102.
POLS211X - Politics & Culture of the Cold War
This course offers a comprehensive overview of the Cold War, from the end of World War II to the collapse of the Soviet Union. The course will focus primarily the Cold War’s effects on domestic policy and American society, especially in film and literature; as well as its effects on U.S. foreign policy in Europe, the Far East, and Central and South America
POLS302 - The Conspiracy in American Politics
This basis of this course will be an in- depth examination of various conspiracies in American Politics and Culture, beginning with the Salem Witch trials through the Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy, the Sacco & Vanzetti case and to the present day. More recent conspiracies include an examination of the JFK and RFK Assassinations, the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate Conspiracy, the Iran/Contra scandal, Whitewater, the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy," the World Trade Center bombing, the Oklahoma City Bombing, Bush/Gore 2000, Global Warming, and the 9/11 Investigation. The "Obama Birther" controversy will also be covered.
POLS303 - The American Presidency
This course examines the dynamics of public policy-making in the United States at the national, state, and local levels. The course explores the factors influencing policy formation in a variety of areas: health, education, welfare, and urban planning. An analysis of how policy outcomes are evaluated is also covered.
POLS320 - Policy Making & the Political Process
This course examines the dynamics of public policy-making in the United States at the national, state, and local levels. The course explores the factors influencing policy formation in a variety of areas: health, education, welfare, and urban planning. An analysis of how policy outcomes are evaluated is also covered.

Stephanie Athey
Professor of Cultural Studies, Director of the Honors Program
Office: Winslow

Dennis Frey Jr
Dean of Curricular Integration, Director of Rosemary B Fuss Teaching and Learning Center, Professor of History
Office: Winslow

Jose Guzman
Professor of Humanities, Coordinator of World Language Program
Office: Winslow

Lizbeth Piel
Chair of Humanities; Associate Professor of Humanities
Office: Winslow
- Graduate Catalog
Undergraduate Catalog
- Course Descriptions
- Academic Information
- Academic Policies
- Core Curriculum
Programs of Study
- Undergraduate Minors
- Accounting
- Applied Mathematics
- Arts Management
- Athletic Training
- Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Education
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- Event Management
- Exercise Science
- Fashion
- Finance
- Fitness Management
- Global Engagement
- Graphic Design
- History
- Hospitality Management
- Human Services
- Humanities
- Individualized Studies: IDS
- International Business
- Law and Public Affairs
- Legal Studies
- Management
- Marketing
- Pre-Law
- Psychology
- Resort and Casino Management
- Sociology
- Sport Management
- Undeclared Option
- Undergraduate Admission
- Past Catalogs